Mahalo Thomas A`Kempis
for this. Reading this morning from out literature to calm my spirit and then my mind and emotions and then my body follows with relaxation. I can continue my day now in a more balanced rhythm and pace. This is what Thomas told me. "Why are thou troubled because things do not succeed with th...
Jerry F
Gotta work a program!
I always find that sharing with you all helps me to clarify my thoughts and I always feel better afterwards. My mind is reeling again. I had moved to my own place, have found a happy life for myself, its only been a few months. I still love my AH, very much. He has asked me to come see him, and I did. It was good....
New Member
Hello all, I am happy to find the Alanon Family Groups boards, thanks to a friend of mine who is goes to the narcanon forums. I wanted to introduce myself and look forward to joining your community. I am retired and have been married for 23 years. I have two step kids who are both grown and (also have...
Heartbreaking left my alcoholic boyfriend
I know what i did was right but having a rough time. Why is it that i feel like i did something wrong? And why do i keep thinking he will get better? Its insane i know. He makes me think i am crazy. i feel like i have lost myself. Do they even realize the part they played in destroying the relationship? So confu...
Holding on
Things I'm grateful for
I'm grateful 1st and foremost for a loveing Heavenly Father that's blessed me with 2 beautiful kids that are both successful in life,I'm also grateful for this board that I can always come here to vent or tell whatever's on my mind this board is like a diary to me I've aired everything I can think of,I'm g...
All talk no action
Hi everyone. I know i keep playing the same sad song, but it helps me to verbalize my pain I am in. I continue to sit back in amazement really. My AH continues to sit in our house and not pay the mortgage. I have to pay rent so I cant pay the mortgage either. He says he will get a job. He hasnt worked in 8 months. I a...
Newlife girl
Feeling like I am crazy
I've been reading every bodies posts on here and seems to lean mostly toward the a and relationship issues today,I'm currently Still with my abf as most knows,I'm so waiting on my FTf meetings which I get to begin next mon.i so need my meetings and to find me a sponsor to help me with my step work ever si...
Riding the emotional roller coaster
Hi all aplologies that this post is not strictly al annon related, but with an AH at home, don't know who else to share with. AH been much better lately, has some control of his drinking (tho I am aware that probably won't last) & we have been enjoying each others company & I've been working my pro...
PP and Tired tonight...
Thank you both for posts to me, both of which were inspired, hit the mark exactly, and gave me reason to reassess. Not only these two, I appreciate ALL your replies. Thank you thank you all for understanding, patience, and love. Diva
Went to check on ex AH
Went to lunch with my two wonderful dingy long time friends. Then the said ok we are going to see if R is still alive. Found the apt. not home, but this wonderful gal neighbor was only too happy to fill us in. Sadly the older lady he lived with died. So he has been alone there since last october. He must have go...
Thought I'd be nice, so….
I brought him a meal when I went out to lunch as I do every day. I could smell it the moment I entered his apartment. Diarrhea all over the carpets, and a mostly finished large bottle of Listerine mouth wash. Why do I torture myself that way? Now I feel just a bit guilty because I have no intention of call...
In tribute to my father - Product of a strong mother and an alcoholic father
As my Dad's 86th birthday approaches, I remember him as a man in his 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s. I remember that his father who died at 46, left my grandmother to raise 5 kids during the depression while he lived with his mother and impregnated another woman and took care only of their son. They we...
Explosion of monumental proportions
Tonight there has been an epic explosion. My A went onto facebook to show me something and somehow he or I clicked on a profile of someone else who he became paranoid could see him which is ridiculous, it was just a suggested friend. Well he got up crazily and said he could not trust me, then pack a bag and le...
Number 5
is named Liam...some of you ladies love that name I've seen and this one is just two hour old right now...2800 miles away and still in our hearts as we have been waiting. He is our 5th great grand-child!! and I've already put in my request that he escape this family disease. Asking for pictures caus...
Jerry F
New frontier
I agreed to a date this past Saturday night. I was skeptical abt the whole thing but I went for the experience. We had a good time and I laughed a lot. We have been texting everyday and he makes me laugh so much. I never laughed with my ex...never. I was always in a horrible mood. My worst characteristics cam...
After being near death twice lately from alcohol poisoning...
and having been air lifted to Philadelphia in order to survive last time, I found him drinking listerine mouth wash. It is a pitiful situation, and, of course it's all my fault, even though he was a drinker long, long before I met him. I didn't know this; and had I known, I'd have run fast in the opposite...
The Step Work Board
will not let me log in. I thought I had registered for that board a few days ago, but when I try to log in it won't let me. Well, then I tried to reset my password for that board, and it let me do that, but still will not let me log in. Well, I thought maybe I hadn't registered for that board, so I tried to registere...
I believe that we are just as sick as the alcoholic when we have or still live with alcoholism. Many of the symptoms are the same and if thats true then im burling drunk right now, or the equivelent. Ive gotten complacent I think. Ive lost touch with my sponsor, my hp, ive not picked up the phone in a while an...
I just wish ..
the STBAX would go away. We had another awful interchange actually I was out of it .. this was between him and our daughter. That kid is so her mother's daughter and he brought it on himself. She did REALLY well considering. Now he's managed to alienate the kids completely and they don't want to go on...
Making progress slowly
My abf is back in town again. He works in camp as an electrician. He works 2 weeks in and one week out. I have known him 4 months now and had moved some of my belongs into his house and I have left the remainder of my belongs in my apartment that I have not given up. To make a long story short, he has gone through 3 j...
Divorce Is In The Works
My papers were served, he had 3 weeks to respond and did, even though he doesn't want to divorce. He did get his slip after a year of sobriety stopped and is back on track and for that I'm happy but it was enough to make my decision that I was done putting my life on hold and playing a waiting game. I have been on...
Resentments & need online sponsor
Today me and my AH got into a heated argument. Like usual the first thing I did was tell him to go to his "friends" (people he drinks/uses with). Then I proceeded to tell him that I throw the stuff he's done in his face because it's what he always does. He is a binge drinker and is currently sober a...
Step 2
Participate in your own recovery as well as the recovery of others, by being active on this board as we go through the 12 Steps of recovery togetherhttp://stepwork.activeboard.com/t58427338/alanon-step-2/
I have made the decision to file for divorce from my AH. It has been a very long journey to this point, but I know it is time. My dilemma lies in the execution. We have been together for 22 years and married for 15. We have been separated for the past 7 months and due to the fact that I was SAHM, I have remain...
Tossed Salad
Resentment versus Opinion versus Confusion
Hi everyone! Hope all is well...I went to my AH's rehab center Saturday for the annual renewal day and had a nice time. Good to see my friends from my initial introduction to group family therapy a year ago! So my family counselor from there always says I have resentments over the 1/2 way house. So, I gave...
And the manipulation begins...
So following the drama a couple of days ago, H had one drink yesterday and one today so far. People are drinking less too and not offering to get him any drinks - a part from his dad who tried twice. Anyway, he was bit by a small insect today and OMG, he is in so much pain you know? He actually told his mum he i...
“Let me think, I need help”
My way trough he double hockey stick began somewhere in February last. My husband and me are living abroad. We are expats, and we have been married for almost 20 years. My husband started experiencing problems with allocutions all of a sudden one day in February. He was offered advancement at his...
My AH's sister is one who parties all the time and smokes weed all the time but thinks she's a responsible mature adult. She tries to play the victim every chance she gets. My H and her mother died last yr and the estate lawyer has mailed emailed and called her to finish the estate and she has ignored him. Sh...
I detached, he left
So over the past few weeks I have kept away from my A as in I haven't seen him, but we have message'd from time to time. Usually with him messaging me things about how he has a new sponsor or how he's going to meetings on a daily basis and how he has counselling sessions arranged. To all of them I simply reply sa...
I am feeling so much right now!!!!
I have my biopsy on Wednesday and my sponsor comes back tomorrow from his 2 week vacation. I have been using my tools, but I am so wide open right now. My cars new transmission is over $2000, my broken right arm has been hurting worse with my new job, because I'm over using it, but I love the job! I have been w...
I've written a couple of tortured posts here. Part 1: Part 2: and I thank everyone for their loving, keepin'-it-real advice. A week ago, shortly after my second post, I had a good talk with my ABF and told him how I was increasingly obsessing over him doing the "right thing", and it was maki...
Facebook and my possible mistake
So I think I did something dumb. I changed my last name on FB back to my maiden name. I was pissed when I did it...I admit it. I just wanted to really detach from AH. Now I am regretting what I did. I thought people would just figure out why I did it without actually asking me about it. No such luck. Coworkers an...
Newlife girl
Al-Anon Meetings Dwindling
I've been involved with Al-Anon for about 5-6 years now. I haven't been with my alcoholic ex-boyfriend in about 4+ years now. However, I'm a true co-dependent & realize that I fit the description of co-dependent in so many ways. I feel the need to fix things I cannot fix. Some days are better th...
1 2 3
I don't know about you, but there was a time in recovery when although my gut instinct told me somebody was lying or manipulating or telling half truths, I'd ignore that and try to "help" or "support" them. I wasted a whole lot of time and energy doing that and I wound up not being...
Getting Through The Withdrawal & Back To Drinking
I know not to have any expectations on my ABF and especially when it comes to his drinking. It is really strange though and it might take an alcoholic to answer this but, he goes through these weird phases as of late. He will actually withdrawal (stay sober for 4 days) and when he's in the clear of the bad wi...
Wanting to hear from those of you who experienced foreclosure on a house
It's a high possibility my house will be foreclosed within a few months. Long story. Basically my AH lives in the house. I moved out in March. I couldn't afford the mortgage anyway because he lost his job in March. I moved out mostly due to his drinking. He has fallen almost 3 months behind on payments. He...
Newlife girl
So Many Emotions Tonight
I celebrated fourteen years in the Alanon program tonight with my sponsor. She said, "I remembered!" She's so hard on herself lol. I think she forgot my anniversary only a few times in nine years. This time, I forgot and when she got out of her chair before the meeting began, I told her she...
OMG, and then lol and then probably some more OMG
This isn't going to have an amusing ending but just for right now it's making me giggle. ABF has become upset by me sticking to my boundaries and maintaining that "we don't have to break up but we are moving into separate places until we have both gotten our lives sorted out" (this to me seems a...
My first night completely alone for...wow, 10 years!!!
That realisation really freaked me out. I haven't been alone in a place overnight for more than 10 years. I left half of the house illuminated, slept with the dog next to me and stuff piled in front of my door....lol, not the bravest girl in the world, me! ABF's exit became less funny after night fell and n...
I'm new
Hi 2 every1!! I'm so sorry if I am taking away from some1 else's dicussion,really I am!!!! Just wondering if some1 can help? I'm moving away from my husband of 7yrs married & 11yrs 2gether. I've never loved so much until I met him,really! Since I'm lving,any1 mayquestion that??!!! I get it though...
need help
just don't know
sharing here and on my fb to get this out. son is off somewhere. Yesterday I found my healthy very loved oldest animal of my family had died. He fell off the deck, only a foot but could not get up. that morn I had been very sick the night before. end of month ate something wrong I guess. so I was up all night then...
Constantly worrying
Hello all, I am new to the I group, my husband has been in recovery for 3 1/2 months. I am so proud of him and I try to be as supportive as I can be. I just don't know what to do with myself. I am always I worrying that something will go wrong. If things are okay, I create problems in my head. I worry that he will re...
fish out of water
Hi All, I am still working really hard to abstain from contacting my Active \abf after he slipped 3 weeks ago and have been doing really well. I can not engage with this disease like I did in the past I became really ill and nearly went down with him last time I have to love and protect myself. So I have been go...
Ok. My Husband Took The First step And admitted he Was powerless Over Alcohol. Today is His Day One sober. My Question Is. Is It Normal For Someone Trying To Quit Drinking To Detach From Their partner And Not say I Love You Back Or feel Annoyed By Them? I Dont Know what to Do Or How To Support him Im lost Plea...
My mother is succumbing to her alcoholism.
I'm having a really rough time right now. My mother is an alcoholic, and trust me, we've all tried to stop her from being one but there's really only so much you can do. I'm also finding it hard to find people to talk to at the moment, which is why I went and found this board. My Mom was first hospitalized in 20...
haillton area discussion groups???????
does neone know of a Hamilton area discussion group for alanon members? im currently attending alanon meetings, but am looking for something a little more geared to where im at and more open discussion based.....not ur traditional alanon\aa meetings. just wondering if theres something like thi...
Need some feed back please
Hi all. I have been on mip boards since nearly 4years ago. Was a big poster on acoa and even hosted a meeting for a while then my partner found out and didnt like it...huge rows so I stopped. Ironically he is now on the acoa boards! I am a recovered alcoholic 12years. He on the other hand slipped continuou...
never get past day 3 of detox
after drinking daily for god knows how many years now, he can't not drink. he gets the shakes, even after 4-6 hourd of no alcohol. detoxing days lead us to great binges, where all kinds of bad go on. i am drained. done. he's sucking the life out of me, i can feel it. i have already lost a sister to alcohol ind...
We walk alone
I have come to terms with everything. I've done my work, continue to do my work, live my life. Enjoy myself when times are good, and work to change and grow when times are bad. One thing I never expected was how lonely all of this was. While I greatly value AlAnon and it's support, and I have my own friend...
Hello everyone, I'm new here.
Yes, I'm a newcomer to the online chatroom. I started attending regular meetings the end of May and except for a few out of town occasions I've been going every week. Since separating from my husband two weeks ago I am in a new area and finding my way. I feel pretty good and AlAnon has really helped me a gre...
When we control..................
When we try to control, we become controlled; When we release, we become free. Bryant McGill This was sent to me through Facebook and it really rings true. I have attached the photo, but I am not sure if it will all come through. After reading this a few things I felt like such a relief leaving my should...
looking for online support for pre-teen
My daughter's therapist suggested I try to find some type of on-line support for my pre-teen daughter whose father (my ex) is an A. Can anyone on this forum give me some suggestions of what that might look like? Links, etc to explore? She doesn't want the "face to face" of meetings but I be...
Earthquake in San Francisco/Any members affected?
Is anyone on our board from San Francisco or have family members or friends there? There appears to be some really scary stuff going on according to my internet update. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts being sent their way.
Hop in that wheelbarrow
At a meeting last night we read from As We Understood (it's an 11th step meeting so the group reads from that gem every week). The passage had a wonderful analogy of a tight-rope walker asking his audience if they had faith if he could make it across - they cheered him on and then he came up with a wheelbarro...
Dry drunk? Sociopath?
I met him, felt an immediate connection (turns out he's very much like my father) and married him after a few short months. Didn't take long to see that alcohol was a problem, and I tried to reason with him about controlling himself. That turned into lies and fights and loss of trust (as newlyweds). A fe...
How important is it?!!
That question just screamed itself at me while being here and reading and participating in all of your other lives. Why haven't I mentioned it here and not often on the outside either. Why is it that my wife did a broadcast and I didn't. Why don't I celebrate good stuff and just take them for gran...
Jerry F
Fed up and need advice.
Hi there....I am new to this site and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice. My husband is an alcoholic. We have been married for 11 years now and he has got worse and worse. His recent trip to hospital for nearly a month ended with him buying a bottle of Gin on the way home! He has told me that he ha...
Yesterday, I attended The. Most. Awkward baby shower ever, and came home to find my husband drunk. I said nothing. He still attempted to find a way to be angry at me and blame me for this failing disaster of a marriage, and proceeded to storm off to bed at 8pm. Normally, I would be dumping bottles, or ru...
I've been in this new city for almost a month and have been hit on three times...loll my low self-esteem always had me thinking I was an ugly duckling. I did exchange numbers with one guy. So far we have just texted a few times. He asked me out on a date. It took me abt 5 hrs to text back I had to call my alanon fri...
Question on entering rooms
I notice that I can't enter the Step room, chat room or any other room other than this one. Is anyone else experiencing that? The error message is that the page can't be displayed from the web?