We are not Alone, thanks for the Love
Hello Dear Friends,
I would just like to make a few comments on some of the posts I have been reading....
I have noticed alot of people feeling alone lately....well, in my opinion we are not alone we have the wonderful support of this terriffic program and the lovely people in...
missed my chance
A's sister called me and told me where he is. He is staying at this old scrum womans apt.
I was not concerned he was cheating. On the way there I talked to hp. I thought well maybe his sis was lying. Maybe he won't be there.
I was not anxious or mad or anything. No expectations. I did not know an apt. number...
Things are getting better
I just wanted to keep y'all posted. I am loathe to admit it, but yes...you were right. God showed up on time. In style. And every detail was attended too.
I went to the Woman's Center today and talked to them some more about the situation. The conversation consisted of the followi...
New, Blue, Confused
New, blue, confused, that's me. My husband is a hardcore drinker and has been for many years. He can't stay off the sauce for more than 90 days or so. He went to treatment on the 19th of July because his long time friend and I confronted him with his out of control behavior. He wa...
Gramma Pat
Moments of peace in the midst of turmoil
I went to bed last night and as I was sinking down in the covers I was thinking about my present situation. My AH, whom I have been separated from the last 6 months, just sent me divorce paperwork last week. The agreement is completely one-sided (his side) and I've had to contact lawyers, et...
u roomies r great
I need to express my graditude
Wed. nite my hubby (an A)dissappease. Once again I think he is on a binge (and I was wrong)
Couldn't bare the pain again and found this web site. You pulled me through a very hard time, gave me information to help myself, and it worked.Was what u were doing before worked c...
chat room
i really want to talk in the chat room tonight but i can't get in. i try the link and it's the right one the page came up but the place the room should come up is just and empty black box. can anyone help
Gotta Love 2am phone calls.
Hi roomies,
Last night was an odd night.
Kids and I got home and as soon as I walked in I knew my "A" was high like meth high. Why is that odd? He wasn't even home. I just felt it. I have learned to trust certain instincts of mine, because over the years I have learned to know the difference between my sickn...
The addict and the codependent
Goes hand in hand. Its a dance that seems to get old after a while and I find myself wishing to get off the dance floor sometimes. Coming to Alanon is like getting off the dance floor for me. Getting real with myself and my wants and desires. It feels weird to let the A dance by him...
No heart or soul left
I have read posts here for weeks and have posted a few myself. To be honest, I don't think anyone of you out there, regardless of your experiences, can really help anyone else. Oh, we can give our hugs and our support, but when the chips are truly down, you just have to go it alone. That is me. Alone. Most of y...
Weekend roundup and AHsober went with...
Hi Alanoners,
We had a weekend round-up here in the northeast corner of Arizona. Many people come from afar every year. My AHsober was around because we had taken our son to the airport to fly back to start his second year of college. I asked my H to go with me to the roundup. The main reason is that there i...
Depending on the Promise
We went to my brother’s wedding last weekend. My new sister in law’s stepmother was the pariah of the whole group – so controlling, didn’t “let” her ancient husband do what he wanted, etc. You guessed it – her husband is a very active alcoholic and she’s his keeper. I thank this program and you all for hel...
Need help
Is anyone near cape cod massachusets? spelled wrong I am sure.
I don't need much. I am attempting to help someone who's mom died now she is homeless.
thanks debilyn
New. Not sure where to start
I just found your site last night and have been reading some posts. I have shared my problems with friends on another board (pet board) and the advice was to go to Al-Anon. It's not feasible in my life to attend meetings. I am not good in groups, I don't want to go, and don't have the tim...
Is AA the "only" way to sobriety?
Hi group.... I get nervous, really nervous, when I see so many posts about alternative ways for people to gain sobriety... Yes, there are other ways, and yes, there are small percentages of people who are living testaments to those other ways.... Here is something I cut and paste...
I'm tired of being the victim, I want a life
I woke up EARLY this morning and couldn't get this stuff outta my head, so here I am! Let me start by saying that I need to get this down, I know this is a safe place. So I choose to do it here. These are my opinions only and this is what is working in my life. Doxie's therapy 101 to herself I guess.
new and fed up
Hi all. I have been trying to log onto the online chats but for some reason it won't work for me. So I figured I would try this. I have been with my boyfriend (an A) for 5 1/2 years now. We met at college and He has drank all of our relationship. I don't know really where to start. My A is very mean when he drinks. H...
the A crashed my truck again !
On the weekend the A crashed my truck again. The whole side is all dented. He has no remorse nothing. He is like a psychopath. All he can say is "Me Me Me Me and some more me's".
I know I can no longer live this life of his crazy chaos, lies and psychoapathism.
I have been working on plan B for...
New Beginning - ODAT
I woke up this morning almost relieved and refreshed.
Start of day two living my life for my HP and me!
I realized some more about myself. I know I love myself enough now. So I have started making future plans for myself personal goals that I want to ...
Just to clairfy things
I just wanted to clairfy something.
We seem to have 2 shadow's now. I have been getting alot of private messages in chat room, on the message board and email asking me, if the other shadow's posts are mine. They are not. Shadow1 on the message bo...
I think I used my Alanon tools last nite...(kinda long)
I don't know which Alanon tool I used last nite, but I'm sure I used one, LOL!
My 18 year old daughter (eaten up by anger towards her dad, my ex) did her usual nightly routine last nite. Bear with me now...
We live in this old house that we are remodeling, and the upstairs is se...
Did I take a step?
Hello All, first of all I want to say that finding MIP, is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. All of the post, have brought to light, so many things that I have been sweeping under the rug for so long now.
Yesterday, my A, who for once was not drinking, so I took this opportuni...
So many excuses
Wow, how quickly we can slip back into our old ways...it happens in a matter of seconds. I then question why am I doing this.....I am sure with all the focus on my mother and caring for her in her final days I haven't worked my program. I am finding myself an emotional mess and listening to my A...
the only thing i'm not is hungry. not in the food sense anyway. almost all my life i have had a sleep disorder. the only times i haven't have been when i was content in a relationship or feeling secure in my grandparents home. so more often than not i just can't sleep. i have tried it all. massage worked but m...
Scared to go home tonight
I have to go home tonight to visit my mom, bro and A-dad. It was my b-day on Sunday and my bro is having surgery today, so I really have to go. I never know what to expect when I go home and I get physically ill before I go home. I guess my A-dad is on anti-depresents now, which is good, but I h...
Big Slip....
Hi everyone:
Well, I slipped big time. I was feeling so sure of myself and calm and everything seemed to be okay. AH called around 9:30, said he would be home soon. I have learned not to expect much, so I didn't really. I fell asleep. I wake up and look outside, worried...
Are you living just for today? Or are you living in the past worrying about the future?
I find myself daily worrying about things I have no control over. I find myself time to time dwelling in the past with feelings of guilt. Guilt for what? Guilt because I didnt do everything I could, or the I should have's , when the A was still here. Or guilt for things I did when the A was here?. My reactions...
A good week
Hi all
Thought I have bent your collective ears so much the last couple of weeks with my "woe is me" attitude that I would post a more upbeat message to the forums.
It has been a good week. To put it in context, ten years ago I would have said that it has been a pretty nondescript week. Today though that is...
short thoughts
I woke this morn. thinking that I had done enough.
Then I had an email from a great alanon sis, TT who basically thru me a rope to grab as I was falling into the pit.
I have done all the footwork I am willing to do. The rest is out of my hands.
I feel ok about if he is found, they know to contact me. If he is ok,...
What Does This Mean?
Hello, All........
I am very much confused by myself today; hoping you guys could help me decipher my feelings a bit.
This weekend has completely thrown me into a tailspin. My A has been active for at least eight years. In the last two years, I slowly began to notice that I wasn't feeli...
Let WHAT begin with me?????
Let judging, criticizing, trying to figure out, manipulating events, 'circling the wagons' with my fellow alanons in the face of my own selfish desires of what I want for my alcoholic?
Looking at other alcoholics who are not even a direct portion of my life and allowing them to rent space in my head a...
My A has relapsed...I'm sad and scared
It has been a while since I have posted anything. Just working my program and staying extremely busy with work and family. Things were sailing along just fine with my A until Friday night. He went out to a bar with some friends to listen to a band and when he came hom...
How to open up?
I have trouble opening up with people. I have a sponsor who I talk to on a regular basis, as well as good friends and even family. But I just don't know how to talk about how I'm doing. I always end up talking about superficial things, or what my husband is doing or how my kids are....
He's just quit - I should be happy - what's wrong with me?
My A husband recently decided to quit drinking and go to AA meetings. He went to a doctor and got Lirium to help him. He started taking that on Friday night (last drink was Thursday night), and has been to two AA meetings a day since. I was so happy that he'd come to this decision by himself (he ran int...
He's the one that drank, but I'm the one he's mad at???
Does this sound familar to anyone? It seems to be a pattern that I have seen since my AH started drinking again. So many times I am the one he is mad at the next day. He gives me the cold shoulder because I might have said something about his drinking that offended him. Well...
So anyway more on my soap opera of a life (long & somewhat boring)
So we lost power last nite till around 6am. I could not sleep & was burning up. It was in the 80's here. I opened a window & it did not help not a breeze one. My A slept like a snoring baby. I took my new sleep pills & I think it has the opposite effect on me. I could not shut my bra...
Your eccentric alanon sister
Ok here is the next step in my footwork.
If my A is not found, and I am well enough, I am packing up my horse, Chief, and we are heading to town.
Actually I will have someone trailor him over there. We are going to hit the streets and cause attention so maybe people will really take me seriou...
face to face meetings???
HI all. I wrote my first post yesterday and I REALLY appreciate the responses. I can't believe how much a few responses helps and gets me thinking. My question tonight is what are face to face meetings like? For some reason I am so nervous about attending one. Can I get...
Disgusted and venting
Last night my A who started as a drug addict and to overcome that he started drinking, you know you can’t break a habit you only replace it with another one. He chose A. My A went to the gym and worked out for 3 hours than came home. When I got home from work we got into an argument and he than prece...
Hi folks,
I haven't posted for a long time but I thought I'd update you all. I was having issues with my husband's drinking a couple of months ago and gave him an ultimatum...alcohol or me. Happily, he chose me. We did a lot of talking and it turns out that somehow he'd gotten into th...
New here - Does the selfishness get better?
Hi everyone.
I've spent the last few hours lurking and reading. I think I've found a wonderful place. I have an a boyfriend. He's been in AA and sober for nearly 5 months. I'm so very proud of him. The issue that we're both dealing with is that we thought him getting so...
So - I am in recovery - who knew
I am new here - although I have been in need of this place for so very long. I really never understood that I also had a problem. I lived with an abusive alcoholic for 12 years, but I was strong enough to not deal with it. I avoided the heart of the issue so many times - deciding that...
He's draining the life out of me.
Constant fault finding and criticism......says he doesn't want to argue! He wants to tell me all my faults at great length...and then for me to apologise...and realise how wrong I am...and then I won't be causing all these arguments!!!!
He just won't leave me a...
Today is a *much* better day
I want to thank all of you for your prayers, thoughts, and fantastic suggestions. I've called in some scripts to the pharmacy, and I see my councelor today. I also have my home group BBQ. *Is Very Excited! *
Dad called Mom this morning to tat...
I'm crazed!!!
I can't believe I'm doing, what I'm doing...I promised myself I would take it differently this time. I kept telling myself over and over again tonight.'remember the three c's". I prayed, but I keep calling his cell phone. Of course he's not answering it. I now also think there is serious gambling invo...
Have no idea for a good title but need y'all anyway
I really need to be in class right now, but I also know that if I don't tell SOMEONE what's going on, I'm gonna lose it in class. I mean, I'm at the point where I want to yell at each driver in the road to take the road test again, obviously you don't know how to drive; I want to tell the lady in the neighboring cub...
HP comes thru again :)
HI ((friends)))
I've been so blessed lately and I'm so grateful. Things, odd things just keep happening, although they are becoming more normal then odd.
Well, I guess they aren't odd if you have faith..
Among the many blessings this family has recieved lately (big huge ones) in sequence...
Mtg w/ExABF tonight
Hey Everyone,
I will get right to the point, my ex bf went to rehab 4 months ago, spent 30 days in rehab and has been very active in AA since. Ok, so, he doesnt contact me once he gets back from rehab, his sponsor says its best we stay away from each other, work our own program, I agree.
He lived with...
Looking for help and advice
Okay let me get started....I grew up in an alcoholic family. My dad drank and so did both of my brothers. My brothers are now deceased (died in drunk driving accidents) and I am now the only child. I feel a lot of pressure from that! I feel a lot of guilt when I can't always...
Quote for Today
When People have pet peeves, you'd be surprised how many times they pet them.
YAY!!!! I'm a Granny at last!!!
Hello lovely people....... Well,as some of you know,I returned to the UK to await the birth of my first Grandbaby who was expected to make an appearance on the 15th July. It's been a long wait but in the wee small hours of Saturday morning,I heard my daughter in law shuffling around and knew that l...
Reflecting on things/venting
This weekened the girls got me out of the house again. They kept calling until I went out with them. At first it frustrated me. But then after I got out I realized that it is just what I needed. I took sometime after going out with them to think about things. I am a people watcher always have been. I love to see...
quick update
I am afraid I am heading for pnemonia. I called my son to get me to the hospital.
I am ok, not life threatening at this point. Though it feels like it.
I filed a missing person report with the deputy sheriff, and now I am waiting for the police to call me.
I hope to God he is not dead. There would be no way f...
nmike n all
Hello nmike, I thought about what you said. Not sure as my head and lungs are all clogged up. ug
I have given it to hp big time. If I hadn't I would be curled up in a ball in a corner. really would.
What I am doing is the footwork, hp will give the outcome. My friend who married us, neat older man is a judge. He...
Last ditch effort
I have not been on much, been sick and sicker and sickest...
ON meds but they are making me even sickierest.
Plus my mother in law is dieing. I went to see her and she says, "what are you doing here?" nice eh? dieing a B, how horrible. I told her I did not care if she was mad at me or not, I car...
hope v faith
After my meditation and conversation with my soul today it finally clicked with me that the difference between hope and faith is momentum. A friend shared in a meeting the other day that faith is an activity. That really struck me this morning as I was aligning my heart with...
Here I am again
My mind is forever busy, with all the emotional stuff from losing mom and wondering why I don't miss seeing my A. Once again however he has hurt my feelings and I wonder if I even love him anymore. He told me Wednesday that he would be with me today, maybe we would go get something to eat or go ou...
Six Months!! Woohoo
Hello ((friends))
Hubby has made it to the 6 month mark! ((gotta love him))
I'm so proud of him :)
He's in Alaska working and today sent son and I tickets to come for a visit. He's taken care of everything, which is a complete turn around. He found and chose the flights, paid for them and did all arr...
Finally Taking Care of Myself
Since January 1, when I became a part of this Alanon community, I have slowly progressed from a mass of nerves, my heart was broken and bleeding. I wanted to die. I wanted to hurt myself. My A and I had been thru so much, including violence in our home, the law was involved. My A w...
Another way to look at it.
I wish I could take credit for the following quote; alas, I cannot. Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald writes in his column this morning;
"An excess of alcohol does not change a personality so much as magnify it. Booze makes you more of what you already are, brings to the fore demons ordinarily kept u...