You guys are not going to believe this!!!!
I got a call today (not collect) from my husband saying that he had been released. I told him that he has a charmed life and I guess he better go try again since they won't seem to keep him for anything. His crime had a minimum sentence of several years. He said that the PD was going into private practice a...
AH wants to stay active
He had a couple beers (so did I) on Sunday, when a friend wanted us to drink his home brew. Maybe if I refrained he would have also, but honestly I doubt it. To the best of my knowledge, that was the last time he drank untill today, when I found a bottle cap in the garbage. I went straight to my daughter's coin p...
Contradicting alanon
This was a bit of a digression in the other post, so I thought it might be useful and interesting to discuss it here. I brought up the point that this is an alanon board, and that we should keep the focus on the program. One response to this was: "So what if someone says something which directly contra...
Help Keep Me Honest
I'm posting this mostly to keep myself on track - if it is here in black and white, I can't pretend I don't need to do it..... As many of you know, my husband is very sick and is not expected to live much longer. I'm not very happy with his doctor - he doesn't really have that much experience, I don't think, wi...
Book Suggestions?
Hi again. I am going to try to make it to some meetings, but not sure how that is going to fit in with my busy schedule. There are no meetings near my house at a time that would work very good. There is one about 15 mins from work, so i might try to hit a lunch meeting. Anyway, I thought maybe starting with a book...
(((((Roomies)))))))))))) Am back from a very short but much needed vacation. Didn't go far (Toronto). I had a marvelous time tramping from one end of the city to the other, eating all kinds of yummy stuff (caribbean, thai, vietnamese, east indian) and visiting with people I love and whom adore me. I...
Memorial Day
(((((Family))))), As we approach this Memorial Day here in the US, please let us take a moment to remember what it is really for. It is not the unofficial start to the summer season. It is not about the sales. It is not about the picnics, barbques and what not. It is about remembering those who have...
mind games
I hate regrets. I wish I had started educating myself on the disease of ahism, its effects on me, and the al-anon principles way before my AH entered rehab, however, I was in denial until the day he entered. When he came out, I shouldn't have let him move back in right away. I let him put me in the position...
Autobiography in five short chapters
This poem spoke to me: Autobiography in Five Short Chapters I walk, down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am Lost... I am hopeless. It isn't my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. I walk down the same street There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don't see it. I fal...
I am NEW 4 hours in searching for someone to talk to...
I hope I came to the right place. It is long but I shortened it. I am sad and try to stay strong but inside I am weakening. Any advice please email me. Thanks in advance. Hi, I am a bit stressed and know I do need help. Yes I was the fighter in the family the one who helped mom. My father is a recovering alcoholic...
Either turn up the volume or clean out their ears!!
Picture me in front of a microphone - tapping "tap, tap . . can you hear me . . . is this thing on?" That is how I have felt all week. So I have come to the conclusion that either my volume should be turned up or someone should clean out their ears! Ok, I'm breathing and repeating I'm powerles...
Rita G
Changing Servers may be gone for a while....
I'm switching servers and that's always a pain. I 'm going back to my original one, so hopefully it won't take that long. I also am having some computer problems that I may have to take it in for, so If you miss me, that's why, but I'll be back soon. Java, (a.k.a. Overcome in chat)
Do you miss anything about me?
(((((Everyone)))))) Had a good weekend full of sports with our son. My wife came along and enjoyed herself, but was drinking when we left and drank each night we were gone. At least she was in a good mood for the trip. As has happened in the past, our good weekends are like a sugar high... it gets you all u...
((((((MIP FAMILY)))))) I have just realized that I have posted over 300 times in a year. Didn't realize I talked so much. Why didn't any of ya'll tell me to zip it?????????? Now I am off to dreamland and will behave myself. lilms
Has anyone ever....
found that they purposely dated people they knew they wouldn't be interested in having a relationship with and avoided ones they potentially would?
cindy, debilyn, tea2 and John
((((((((mods))))))))) WOW!!!! Go on vacation for a couple of days and you miss all kinds of stuff. Seriously, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude and thanks for all of the work you all do for the benefit of this forum. I see that there are over 3000 registered users. Unfortunately, amongs...
things are getting better
hi all.havent posted in awhile,so i thought it was time to post.AH is doing very well,he is in treatment and has been for almost 4 months now.he just found out that he was and never was bi-polar{mistake of upstate ny}but he does have anger issue the same thing his dad had.and he is now on meds to control i...
When will I learn?
At times I find myself over-reacting to the things that happen with my addict/ alcoholic husband. The things he says or doesn't say, the things he does, or doesn't do. When will I learn to "Let go and Let God" ? Last night at my home group Al-Anon meeting the topic was detatchment and I lear...
Do you treat yourself well physically, mentally and spiritually?
Living with an addict/alcoholic seriously affects our feelings of self worth. We constantly have guilt from thinking somehow, someway we are responsible for anothers addiction. This can lead us into thinking we dont have the ability to do anything right, and can develope into a real sense of sel...
Problems with A Hubby and his A daughter
Hello friends, I have not been on for awhile but have been reading a few post to try and figure out what my A's (hubby, and Stepdaughter) are doing. In May of 2006 my stepdaughter who has a drinking problem came to live with my hubby and myself with her little boy due to physical abuse she was getting from he...
latest update
Last night I spoke to the Uncle that the A is supposed to be moving up to live near by.
Apparently the A lies to everyone. He has pained this picture that he has everything under control and it is all a-ok. I told the Uncle the truth. He said that the A could of course stay up there but he hadn't asked and he...
Things happen for a reason...
Well, the first day of school went well, although a class I really needed was cancelled and I'm trying to pick it up online at any other community colege in the state at the moment so my timeline stays on track. Otherwise I feel confident I will do well in my other two classes and one of them opted to only me...
(((Everyone))) Yesterday my f2f meeting was about courage, where do we get it and how do we "fill up" when we seem on empty. It was a great meeting. One person said it only cost them a dollar to fill up (our meeting contribution) which I thought was a really cool response. Alanon has given m...
Groundhog Day
I've been rolling a post around in my mind for a few hours . . . I'm talking about the movie Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. I am terrible at remembering entire plots but I remember the premise of the movie . . . the guy wakes up to the same day over and over and over again, at first fighting against it, trying...
Continued Silent Treatment
My alcoholic husband goes through periods of the silent treatment. He does not touch me or talk to me. He spends most of his time when he is home in front of the TV. I try to give him a kiss when he leaves for work or when I get home for week and I always ask how his day went but it is really hard to be nice to him...
I messed up - now what?
I let my A make me so mad that I threatened to move out, and now he is telling me to just get my stuff and leave now. Almost everything in the house is mine and would take a lot of people and a lot of work to move it all out. He says I have to get it all at once, because he won't let me back in the house. All was said w...
I am screaming inside- can you hear me ?
I feel like I am screaming inside... This past weekend was so emotional. My son graduated and I was so proud. I went nearly 2 weeks without seeing my husband and only speaking with him a couple of times only brief conversations. Then BAM- the graduation and he sat right next to me. I cried and cried mo...
First day back to school
So I decided I'm going to go for this master's program to make more money for the kids, a total change in careers and I have to take about a year of prerequisites to even apply. I started classes today on the prereqs. I haven't been to college in about 8 years and it's weird but already I have met new peop...
Making Deals?
Hi Everyone, I am new here and have only attended one al-anon meeting about 11 years ago. I have been doing some reading on the three C's and am going to try to attend a meeting sometime this week. Anyway, I have been married to an alcoholic for 9 and a half years and my mother is an alcoholic who just got out o...
How I know I will be OK... Better than ok even
((((((Everyone)))))) So this morning I am sitting on my back poarch drinking some juice... (I don't do coffee) and I hear a squirel on the roof running around. That is not unusual because I have oak trees and they love the accorns. They like to hide them everywhere.... in my car, in the bar-b-que pit,...
Healing Time
((((Roomies))) I posted this initially in response to Java's post on Wasted Time, but wanted to repost it here for thoughts, reflections, and responses. I shared last night at my F2F about fear and I have since felt some healing in this area for me. Here's the jist of my spiritual learning... Recently...
How to be a sponsor..
I have someone who has offered to be my sponsor. Her AH became sober 17 yrs ago and never looked back. Thus, she hasn't been to Al-anon in a long time and is not sure how to sponsor, and I'm not sure how to work the program. Are there any "directions" so we can figure this out together? Thanks, L...
((((((((((((((((((GUYS)))))))))))))))))))) I'm learning to detach, and omg, Im doing it...lol It's really weird, everyday I am seeing another defect the Recovering A in my life has...He is NOT perfect....This has taken me a long number of years to get here....I have detached from him, phsicall...
Farmlady kim?????
Where are you? What happened with your goats? How are you and kids and A? I miss hearing from you. Please do not disappear. I am hoping you are ok. love,debilyn
more news
The A is staill saying with the brother. He is at wits end over his behavior. He said he kicked him out but I thnk he has doen that in the past and the A still went back.
I have no idea how or where he is living in the day. I can only imagine he is staying in the brother's room totally depressed and desperate a...
Every once in awhile....
I want to ask everyone to post and update us! We are a HUGE family. I don't want anyone to feel they have fallen thru the cracks and think we don't care. It is hard when we cannot see each other. I wonder if we have a list of members nics... well that should be a question someone asks ME...oops... have to chec...
wishing I had answers for him.....
but...I don't. It is all out of my control. I was just talking to A son on the phone. He expressed that "if this is what life is all about I hope I don't live too many more years". Working in a career that he does not want to be in anymore (chef) but knows nothing else. Paying more child support tha...
teenage boy
I'm not even sure where to begin, or how, so much has happend... My husband is an alcoholic, he has been sober for 5 months. (this is the longest time ever in the last 22 years) When the kids were younger I thought I could handle it. I could do it all, cover things up, make things ok. I actually remember thin...
latest catastrophe
he is now living in the truck with the two dogs. He has no money and no place to stay.
When I heard this last night I just about collapsed.
I had the feeling last time I saw him that the dogs were spending a lot of time in the truck. I had no idea they were staying there.
What this means is (a) I can...
Experience, Strength and Hope
This was a meeting topic today at my ftf. What a great topic it was. What is esh? Why do we share only esh and not give advice? I was reminded of how I felt before I had children, that I felt when you had children acting up in a public place you should get them under control or leave. LOL the first time we we...
Alcohol smell mystery
Hi, I know I should not be getting caught up in the whole 'has he been drinking' thing. But last weekend my ex came and picked me up in the morning and as we got out of the car I caught a waft, a familiar sort of fruity alcohol smell. I thought he had stopped and he said he had. Of course I know that it's very po...
Learning to let go and be free to be me....ESH requested
Hello everyone! (((((((((MIP)))))))))) I haven't been posting for a while. I have been going thru so much, learning to be me again. and do what I want without having to answer to my A living with me. It is hard, and I hurt inside, but I have hope I will get thru this. I am sure you all realize that my A and I ar...
having a hard time
My husband has hep c, which has caused him to not be interested in me sexual. It is very hard to deal with that. I have a started to talk to another guy and give him interst by flirting with him, but not have sex with him. I like the attention the guy is giving me. My husband has told me that it is not me or my weigh...
Finances and the A
A week ago Friday my AH opened his own checking account with the deal that he would get $50 per week for gas and extraneous expenses. We did this so he would stop taking $15-20 per day from our bill paying account. So we put $50 in the account the day we opened it (Friday), then Monday he said he would prefer t...
I messed up - now what?
I let my A make me so mad that I threatened to move out, and now he is telling me to just get my stuff and leave now. Almost everything in the house is mine and would take a lot of people and a lot of work to move it all out. He says I have to get it all at once, because he won't let me back in the house. All was said w...
Wasted Time
"There is no such thing as wasted time. It's just what we went through to get to where we are. Sometimes I look down the road at where I 've been and where I want to go. There is so much ahead for you and me. I ended up just where I was meant to be. Don't regret what's left behind. There are chances we must...
Alanon hopes
Our MIP alanon message board depends on our focus to be on alanon principles. If we feel hurt or don't agree with each other, the best thing to do is to pm and talk in an adult manner. Being open to talk it out. We all may be understood, or say something unintentionally. We are human. However, We do not attac...
dealing with the A's mess
for 7 years I have been dealing with the A;s messes. I knew if I was ever to break away from him it would be an unholy mess. There is no quesition it is. I had to take off yesterday from my part time job to process documents. Now I have to do the same tonight. It costs me a fortune to fax, send stuff by courier an...
Learning to meet my own needs without resentment
(((MIP Friends))) Hope you all had a pleasant weekend. I was able to get some good work done in the condo and have some mommy time to myself. Today, got my back molar pulled, had to go to oral surgeon to get put under, apparently it was very nasty. Lately I'm just realizing that I'm meeting my needs by fu...
How do you...
How do you cut yourself some slack? How do you give youself a break? How do you show yourself love? I don't think it's news--at least not to me, it isn't, that I'm awfully unnecesarily hard on myself. So how do you? Or, do you, at all?
Another Pleasant Valley Sunday
Happy Sunday ((((family)))) Down here in Texas it is a beautiful day indeed! I have the windows opened up and can hear the lovely sounds of the doves cooing and the other birdies chirping. My friend Norbert the cat and I were just hanging out on my front porch enjoying the day. Me in my chair, him in my lap....
dealing with loss
Dealing with loss has been in my life lately. I have lost my alcoholic husband of 22 years to this terrible disease, I have lost a very good friend with a misunderstanding and now Im forced to deal with the death of my baby brother in law. While loosing my husband to this disease is a difficult thing to dea...
metaphorically speaking
I thought of all the issues I keep struggling with, mostly financial, mostly related to Aism. I felt like I kept trying to block problems before they became huge but that that I was never going to be able to do it. This image came into my mind. I'm the Scrat, the acorn is my good thing. The water is all the pro...
Relapse, boundaries, & father's day
I have a question about boundaries. After holding an intervention in the fall of 2005, my father went through an inpatient treatment program. He was doing pretty well, although he did not believe it necessary to follow up with an after-care program (AA). In any event, he has relapsed (no big su...
Signs of the Fears Alcoholism Left With me
Hi Guys, I divorced my a husband almost a year ago. We weren't married very long and I haven't posted to this board in a little while, although I do read it. I have been pretty much alone this past year healing from the mental, verbal and physical abuse heaped on me by my a. Every so often a man will ask me ou...
Broke down and went for it...
Well, I broke down and did it. I spent the weekend with my ex A b/f. After much hesitation, I agreed to this because I needed closure once and for all. After all, thats all I've been wanting for months now. I went into the weekend with my guard up, at attention, more thank its ever been before!! The only '...
Being apart from the A
When I lived with the A I was mostly numb and overwhelmed. That is how I dealt with it. I was also of course immensely depressed and sad and angry. I was always fighting with him over somethng. The other thing I was always doing of course was begging him, remonstrating and asking him to behave. He did t...
Got at letter from the jailhouse...
I had a birthday party for my middle child Saturday (nobody showed up) and got a letter from my A in jail. I read it and while waiting for non-existent guests I wrote back the perfect letter. I was so angry after reading his letter which was full of whining and blaming and just plain bs. I was compelled t...
Horrible day . . .
Well, days. Several goats got into the chicken scratch and pigged out. My best milker (in my avatar) was dead this morning with an orphaned baby. Two others need constant care, there is goat diarrhea everywhere. Of course my A is off on a binge, not that he could have been helpful other than to run in...
Hard to believe
(((((Family))))), Hard to believe it was a year ago that hubby was still drinking. A year ago I sent him packing because I could no longer live with an active alcoholic. It wasn't easy. I love my husband so much. But I was determined not to let him back until he had at least 90 days recovery under his be...