Today is a new day!
I wrote this post yesterday, but somehow it did not get posted! LOL! So it was 1 year ago today, that I grabbed my dog, clothes and my son and moved out of the marital home. I gave my spouse "notice" on August 4 to either get into rehab and work a program, or leave. He refused both. So I had to pack things up and...
The important things we hear, see and do, in Alanon...
Hi y'all... step 11 reflections... Some of the ideas came out of the Alanon books, especially the readers. Other ideas came directly out of members ESH. Some I might have put to one side- picking up the message: take what you like and leave the rest. Some of the things I put to one side, I picked up...
Interesting read about: _UNsafe People
In their book, Safe People, Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend outline the personality and behavioural traits of both safe and unsafe people. Knowing the difference between them means that you can enter into relationships with people who are good for you and avoid those that arent. Without this k...
Getting Close to the Edge
Hi everybody, it's been way too long since I've been active on here, or anywhere really. Two months ago, I had a really nasty fall at home which caused my left leg/ankle to be broken in 2 places, and my right foot was fractured as well. I was confined to bed rest, only getting up for the restroom or to go to a...
Paloma Negra
The things Alanon has taught me
I have an older brother who abused me in many ways, but causing me fear was his specialty from childhood into teen years. No one protected me and in many ways I feel similar to ACOA's. He is in the hospital having two heart valves repaired, one for the second time and the other one for the first time. He is...
Courage to Change August 29
Good morning, MIP! In today's reading from Courage to Change, the author speaks about nagging guilt about moments when they said or did something that brought another pain that had plagued them since childhood. Step Eight offered the opportunity to release the author from this unrelenting guilt...
I hope you all can get something out of this
ODAT Reading 8-28
The ODAT reading for August 28 speaks of loosing our temper as a form of "Forgetting our Best Selves. It points out that by loosing our temper, judging and critiquing others and engaging n such negative activities we loose our "True selves".. The reading suggests that we embrace "who we want to b...
Each day a new beginning_08/27
Each day a new beginning, today's entry YELLED at me to READ: Acceptance is not submission; it is acknowledgment of the facts of a situation. Then deciding what you're going to do about it. --Kathleen Casey Theisen Recovery offers us courage to make choices about the events of our lives. Passive comp...
In consideration
I may be "missing in action" for a while as I have issues in my life which need deep attention daily. One of course is the ongoing affect of my disease of enabling and co-dependency and the other the affect of a life long illegal relationship since birth. I won't explain that other than it has always b...
Just saying thank you and , yea, some reflections!!!
To ALL the travelers who post the daily readings, I just want to say "thank you" for your service and I hope to contribute here and there, and I am gonna make sure I post on EVERYONE of them as I have done of late because this sorta "gently forces" me to stay program oriented...I've been going through so man...
a Whirlwind of a Week...
Good Moring Family.... This week has been Something Else to say the Least... HP has Had me Paying attention & Paying it Forward and I'm about Whooped... But Even Still My Blessings thru it all, have Carried me... Monday Seemed the Easiest day with work, and I went and Watched my Great Nephew Play h...
C2C, 8/27
Not my will....:The writing talks about how difficult it was to admit powerlessness and needing help from HP. After all, they came to fix the alcoholic. They learned that the first three steps were not easy, and it was important to accept, Not my will but Your will. They now strive for progress not p...
Courage to Change 8/17
This reading discusses how we view our defects of character. Some defects can be traits we once needed to survive in an alcoholic situation -- like denial, control, or secrecy -- but now we find those traits do more harm than good. They are former assets that have become deficits. Some defects may be...
Hope for Today Aug 19
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is about the amount of time many of us have spent focusing on others (attempting to control, wondering why, trying to change or influence behaviors) rather than self care and focus on our own selves. Although I have realized many times that I was putting the foc...
odat 8/25
. The ODAT reading for 8/ 25th speaks about ourr tendency to react on impulse. By reacting in this manner, and saying the first thing that comes into our minds, we defeat the purpose, The reading suggests we consider the slogan" easy does it "and taking the time to stop and think. if our respon...
Hope for Today August 26
Good morning Everyone- Todays reading compares the work of step four with gardening, and the necessity of removing old growth, roots and tangles before anything new can grow healthfully. The writer describes hitting a very stubborn tangled root while trying to clear the earth for gardening. He/...
Alanon Concept 3...
Concept 3... The right of decision makes effective leadership possible. I was told this relates to all levels of leadership in Alanon. This means that a GR can go to an assembly, S/he can take the group conscience along with them... but if the circumstances changes they are entitled to change their m...
The gift of recovery...
Hi y'all, I still have 'burning questions' to ask. I still have a childish nature sometimes... but more with a whimsical grin than before. I am not doing a 'reading share' here, exactly... ...is there some organisation within this group that allocates times etc for a reading of our CAL daily readers!...
C2C 8/24
The writer was normally an easy-going person but when angry would suddenly fly into a rage. One day when her anger flared because her dog accidentally broke a vase, she noticed that her dog looked hurt and bewildered. By seeing the effect of her actions on her dog, she realized the effect she must be ha...
replacing alcohol with depression?
Hi. I'm not sure if this is a question for this group, but I have no one to ask. I've moved and am no longer in touch with the AlAnon F2F group I had like before. I believe my spouse is in a major depressive episode. For weeks now (well it's been building up for awhile but now its acute) he cries every day, he ca...
Courage to Change 8/23/19
The reading for tomorrow is about being imperfect, making mistakes and owning them. The writer had a tremendous fear of making mistakes, and went the extra mile to cover every possible outcome for fear of accusations and/or abuse from the A and self. This 'perfection' approach led to low self este...
Illogical expectations?
My ah and I talked last night. He was drinking again and I tried to be neutral and avoid the nastys. He explained to me that he thinks we have different expectations in this marriage when it comes to drinking. I have a low tolerance to his drunken behaviour and he has a higher tolerance of drunken behavio...
A nother
Well things just get more interesting around here daily. My husband works at an arena and after his 3 week vacation he kept getting asked to take another week unpaid, 3 times to be exact. So he finally went back to work this week and not a moment too soon. That's when the electric company shut off their pow...
The Fear Has Past, but the Love Remains... UPDATE...
Hey Family, Just wanted to Give a Bit of an Update about my Friend I've been Worried about: His Surgery was last Thurs. and the Docs feel they have removed the Cancer, and they didn't find any in his Lymph's (Praise God) but we are still waiting on test results to say what else they may have found... Pra...
Blueprints for Progress - limitations
Hi all. I've been working my fourth step in Blueprints for Progress. On p. 16 under Self-Worth: My Own Standards, the question asks, What are my limitations and do I accept them? What is meant by limitations in this case? What is your interpretation? I was thinking character defects such as being i...
Courage to Change August 22 2018
Hello MIP! Today's reading in courage to change is about becoming aware of what motivates our choices. The author shares that they were appalled that fear motivated their choices and ruled their life! The author shares that many Alanon friends used the second step to combat fear. The author also s...
Drinking with someone with a drink problem??
Hi, so I am struggling with this one and could do with your experience. Prior to all my rubbish with ah, we would usually share a bottle of wine on a Friday night (normally the only time I drink). Since I came home from my awful holiday I haven't had a drink at all because I haven't wanted to. My husband has b...
A nother
Higher Power as a "He"....
For me that doesn't work anymore and I'll tell you why. When I got into Al-Anon there was me with my stinking thinking attitude and major EGO smart ass attitude and my loud commanding act out and plain old "dumb as a stick" presence. I didn't know and didn't know anything; not even the basics or anyt...
Prayers needed
If you find yourself with the time, a friend in the program's daughter is in critical condition in the hospital with a head injury - sounding like it could have been a fall or domestic violence where alcohol was involved. Her daughter's name is Sairee. Thank you so much.
C2C, 8/20
Self-acceptance: The writer talks about their change from black and white thinking, to realizing that they don't have to do better or differently and they are not necessarily wrong! They are learning that their best is good enough, and they do not have to struggle to constantly fix themself. Toda...
Please check out the new Board
Transition To New MIP Admin/Webmaster - Reply OnlyThis subforum is for the discussion and consideration of the service position of admin/webmaster. All interested MIP members may participate in the discussions. Please check the posting from Tanin at this new Board. Please see the thread...
Struggling to get over the trauma and fully forgive
Hi all, I have dipped in and out of this forum, and read more posts than I've written myself, but am struggling to come to terms with past events that my AH has put me through. To give some background, I have 2 children (now 4 and 2) and from about the time of my first son's birth, my husband's stress levels s...
I could sure use the prayers this next week.
The onslaught continues and I keep reminding myself that my attitude makes the difference in how I feel throughout this period, how well I learn from it and how I impact those around me. But boy-oh-boy does it just seem like are the stressors just piling up. Just as a sample my father and my ExAW's brothe...
ODAT,,August 18.
The ODAT reading for August 18 speaks about ourr tendency to review the past and remember the worst possible things that someone has done. We do this so we can polish our own halos in this process. That sentence made me smile as I can readily identify with" polishing my Halo" The reading suggest...
Problem child update
1 2
Well, I got my daughter out of the dangerous inner city/hood location where she was homeless so I guess that is the only good part to this update. I got her an Airbnb for the night before she could take the train out of town. The Airbnb agreed to a third party reservation but BOY were they mad after daughter...
Blessed....Just Blessed
Picked my Al-Anon wife up at the airport last evening. She had been gone for 3 months and left me to the care of our MIP family and the rest of life as life is. I not only missed her looks and missed the sound of her voice and her mannerisms which caused me to smile and say "Sheeeees back" as parts of who she i...
well the older one is FOUND!!!!!! what a RELIEF!!!!
my brother "R" called me....WHAT a story he had for me!!! He is a marine engineer and goes out on these big boats doing sea trials, etc., testing out new radar, communication and other equipment he installs on them..Its nothing for NOAA to fly him out to their big weather boats to "fix something" Even t...
Giving Alanon my best shot...
Hi y'all, asking for feedback from group shares. I am having a crack at re-starting a group in my home town. I believe that I an a natural victim- of the disease- but I do not have to be a martyr. All I have to do is to give it my best shot. The city south of here has four meetings. The biggest one had 15 o...
Down side of staying with my A
Today I am going to a work reunion, seeing people I haven't seen in 30 yrs. Many folks are bringing their spouses. Because (so far) I have chosen to stay with a dry drunk, I didn't even invite her. Although she has good attributes and is not acting alcoholic all of the time, she is also passive aggressi...
Darkly Amusing ..
So I had a good laugh at myself today some things are FINALLY getting straightened out at work .. I realize I am not the easiest person all of the time however again .. I get super tired of BS and the older I get the less patience I have for it .. pretty much I call people out where I see it and ask if my perception...
Courage to Change 8/16/19
The reading for tomorrow is about First things First, self care and choosing wisely. There does not seem to be enough time in a day during stressful times. We might be tempted to miss a meal, push ourselves to exhaustion and just generally ignore our basic needs. In reality, it's during these tryin...
Why am I going round in circles??!
He's gone to the pub again. I've been working so hard to get better at this, I fully accept that I am powerless over alcohol. I'm acting as if it's fine that he's gone to the pub on his own again, but I'm sooo anxious! I've written my diary, gone through the questions in step 1. But now he is on the grog again I'...
A nother
On NOT fixing myself or others
We just recently went through a death of a close young loved one. I feel sad. This sadness is also bringing up some other losses and impending losses (went to visit my last living aunt yesterday and she has some major health issues and it is hard to see her looking so fragile---the fragility and uncertai...
Courage to Change August 15, 2018
Hello MIP! Today's reading in Courage to Change is about the slogan "How important is it?" The author shares that, after living with the chaos of an alcoholic relationship, it can be hard to tell if something is a minor inconvenience or a major crisis. Asking "How important is it?" helps the author d...
He gets so angry and then gets drunk and tells me he loves me and is sorry
My boyfriend had agreed to stop drinking around me. He did this and I appreciated it a lot. But I knew he was drinking when not around me. I didnt worry too much about that: I went to alanon and he respected my boundaries. But i think that his not drinking around me while not being ready to actually quit caus...
One day at a time
This was the subject of the meeting I went to yesterday. I haven't been focusing on one day at a time, but after listening to others in the group yesterday I think I get it. I get so angry about past ''wrongs", and so overwhelmed about what I have coming (selling the house, telling the children we are sepa...
A nother
ODAT reading 8-14
The ODAT reading for today, 8-14 speaks about the alcoholic finally hitting hiss bottom and reaching for recovery. This reading points out that in the beginning it is extremely important to embrace the fact that both partners in the marriage have been affected by this disease and need a program o...
Stuck in Fear... Of that I Can't Control...
I have been in this Program long enough to know that Swimming in Fear is Never a Good thing, but Here I am... Some Know the first 18 years of my life, I Grew up in a Small One Horse town in Eastern US, Well when you live in such a small area, your family grows ten fold by the Time you hit 18, I have a Friend that I hav...
in a lot of pain...
I will make this short because I am in a lot of pain. I have been struggling w an autoimmune condition for years. It has been so difficult but I don't think I mentioned it on here. It makes it hard to live one day at a time. I have been hanging out trying to keep my sanity. I know there are many others who are in wo...
Hoot Nanny
Behavioral Health Counseling
I thought I had posted about this over the years and then all of my prior post have been eliminated as if I never existed...what a wish heh? I use to work as a BHT, Behavioral Health Therapist in a Recovery Program that gave service to individual addicts and alcoholics and their families; group and on...
My 7 year old has more insight than me!
Ah is at the second wedding today. Whilst picking flowers in the garden my 7 year old paused and said, '' I hope daddy doesn't get drunk today, but I wouldn't be surprised if he does'. My heart stopped and there was a pause and then she said, ''but if he does I won't tell him off. He can't help it.' then she wan...
A nother
Living in silence is killing me!
I know we've talked about this before but I'm still really struggling to be around ah. I can't think of a thing to say. I asked him how the wedding was, but as he told me I felt that familiar anger welling up inside. So far today we have talked at length about the weather, about the food shopping and about wha...
A nother
Boundaries being ignored ..
The past week has been beyond stressful with my oldest and OMGOSH I'm extremely over it. My oldest is being incredibly disrespectful and ignoring what I have asked which is DO NOT CALL ME ABOUT THIS AT WORK .. I have a job .. and if I don't have a job you will not have a place to live. This is not just about yo...
BOTH of my Brothers are missing for over 2 weeks now
Hes on a biggie, this being over two weeks... I call and leave VM but now his cell is full and cannot take calls. so I just test him a "prayers rising" text and keep my distance with love I can't seem to get his enabling friends to back off and let him hit bottom..Each time this happens, he finally surfaces, ...
C2C, 8/12
Leaning on HP-The author discusses the importance of Step 3: turning our will and life over to God's care. They learned that with good intentions, their suggestions for others may not be helpful. They also learned that fear may be an underlying factor. They realized that they don't always know w...
Feel Betrayed - Anxiety and sadness through the roof right now
Hi all. Forgive my all over the place post here. I come here to read quite often but I admittedly don't get to many meetings. Husband got drunk at a party the other night and it was embarrassing for me. He gets loud and extemely animated - I think it is social anxiety mostly. Brief back story. I quit drink...
Hope for Today Aug 12
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is about how the Al-Anon program is a way to learn and show respect for one another. The writer mentions that in his/her family of origin this wasnt taught, but once in Alanon, the protocols such as taking turns to share by speaking, thanking one another for speak...
Why ??
am I ending up at a internet pharmacy when I click on to Miracles in Progress??? Is my Higher Power telling me I should try some new drug??? LOL I get parked at the Pharmacy while the address says Miracles in Progress. Anyone else getting this form of service? ((()))
Roller coaster ride.
As I'm taking baby steps toward moving into an apt,I still haven't made it official,I do know what I got to do. 1st things 1st right? ok I gave my bro several time frames in which to move out,not complying or cooperating, he has been very hard to live with still love him to pieces despite all this, he has pla...