What's love got to do with it?
Not trying to beat a dead horse - but I find this love issue interesting to explore. I think everyone has different definitions of love - and I like everyone's analogy with TV/movies. I'm so guilty of making that comparison to my own life. I've had the opportunity (like many of you) to have known the A...
Upset with A's mother
Well, he didn't go to rehab. Apparently his mom drove to get him out of jail. Granted he is 37. She ask him if he would go to rehab. He said yeah if she wanted him too. Said also he thought it would look good in court- go figure. Told her he didn't think he really needed it- that he knew what to do he just di...
Disease or choice?
Now, i know that alcoholism is a disease. The medical community says so, everysone says so. but sometimes i get so mad at my A because most people when they are sick, get treatment. I still have so much to learn about this disease and want to stop being so mad at my A. There has to be some level of choice i...
The definition of courage is the ability to conquer fear or despair. In the past we may have been called courageous because we stayed in circumstances that were difficult or nearly unbearable. We may have felt that walking away from family, children, or friends was cowardly or displayed weakness. W...
new here
i have been reading this forum for the last couple of days and i am freaking shocked at the similarities of my situation and your's. i so lost my mind with the crazyness of it all. it never occured to me to look into alanon because we were "both" supposed to be in recovery. i have been sober many y...
Grateful to be sick!!! Are you kidding me!!!???
Hiya (((((Family))))) I am on day two of being home from work sick! I do NOT enjoy it. Would much rather be at work. Not sure what it is yet, achy head, sore throat and a little coughing..but no fever so far. This new year has started out sorta bumpy in some ways...didn't get a job I wanted, now sick..and...
victim knee jerk reactions
I have learned from therapy that my daughter (a couple years ago) didn't need to hear "why" things happened which is rationalization, she just needed her pain to be acknowledged that things happened. I could do that and then it made sense to apologize. I didn't really feel like it was ta...
Lunamoth - how are you doing?
Lunamoth have not seen you lately, and I am wondering how you are. Hoping you are well. Heartbroken
Lecture on Alcoholism
I went to a lecture on alcoholism and wrote down all the symptoms of living with an alcoholic or sick person. anxiety depression adapt to the abnormal no boundaries you're not good enough damage to self-esteem damage to self-confidence guilt anger frustration of not having needs met broken trust mi...
I am so terrified...
I have been lurking. I have read about being detached and how a lot of the things I'm doing to/for my AH are wrong or at least not helpful to him. I try to be his friend and guide him towrds doing what he has told me he wants. He wants to stop. He actually said it, I couldn't breathe, and he did it. For one day. Sti...
Thought for the Day
We are born in innocence. Corruption comes later. The first fear is a corruption, the first reaching for a something that defies us. The first nuance of difference, the first need to feel better than the different one, more loved, stronger, richer, more blessed--these are corruptions. --Laura Z. H...
Sometimes I wonder if it is all too late...
...that is for me. I have been on my own now for 18 years. My AH is no longer in my life, I did not have anything like this family for support, indeed I did not have any support during my 20 years with my A and all maternal and paternal family members shunned me and my children, mine telling me that I should hav...
Detachment and trust
I feel slightly lost in the whole concept of detachment. I understand that alcoholism is a disease. I also understand that I can't control it, and that it is not my fault, and there is absolutely nothing I can do to change it. I guess the point at which I feel lost is the point where I start thinking, what's...
more on got a queston
thanks for all your thoughts,i did make the appt,and yes it is up to him,to tell the dentists of his addictions not mine..but i know he wont..his appt is sat morning.i will update you on what happens
Just Confused!?
I am new to this Alanon and group chat thing. I guess Im just looking for a little advice on how to deal with everything. My husband has been an alcoholic and drug addict for about 10 years now. He just got out of rehab after he had a breakdown all on his own and decided to go. I thought I was happy about it, th...
This annoying thing he says
Ever since way back when he was still in recovery he used to say... "For an addict, thinking is doing. If the addict thinks about taking a hit, it's already done. It might be later that day, or years away" I used to think this was some sort of recovery philosophy. But I wonder now if there is any s...
First, let me say thanks for all who respond to my posts. I know I haven't been able to contribute much to you all while my personal laptop is STILL getting worked on! Yes, STILL! Anyway, wanted to write quickly to update you on current situation. A did get arrested in another county for DUI by consent...
quote on Fear (non conference approved)
"Fearlessness is about getting up one more time than we fall down. The more comfortable we are with the possibility of falling down, the less worried we are of what people will think if and when we do, the less judgmental of ourselves we are every time we make a mistake, the more fearless we will be,...
lightbulb moment on the choice thing
As I was reading Barisaxes post it hit me. There is NO WAY we as non addicts can relate to how an addict feels anymore thant an addict relating to a non addict. Our idea of choice is totalling different than an A. I hear alllll the time, the A saying,they want to be "normal." They see how non addi...
Phone number to call in sick?
David's post about the challenge to be grateful to be sick reminded me of my past wkend. I continue to be amazed that our mental, physical and emotional systems are so closely related - when one system is stressed, the others are affected. I've known this for a long time but I am either more aware...
Inevitable..a knife in heart
I just dropped my grandbaby off to his mother following our second Wednesday night visitation routine. Last week was awful; she didn't let me drop him due to boyfriend being at her house. Today she said I could drop him; obviously boyfriend not there tonight. Son came for visit. I had told him don't co...
why do I think like this?
It was good to finally put my thoughts down and receive all those heartfelt replies. Where would I be without Alanon. I can't wait for my next meeting. I told my AH the other day(trying to be honest) that I didn't like him anymore. I don't know if that is a wrong thing to say or what but he hasn't spoken to me s...
For All The Ladies
She lacks confidence, she craves admiration insatiably. She lives on the reflections of herself in the eyes of others. She does not dare to be herself. --Anais Nin How aptly these words describe the woman so many of us were. Many activities were not attempted, courses weren't taken, conversations w...
getting busy
I am really trying to use the tool of getting busy to get me through this time of transition. So far I have the following in hand: 1. On Saturday a class to go to on some things I need (its free) 2. Meeting a friend on the weekend (I am very very isolated) 3. meeting list for the weekend (I have promised myself I...
Over involved /under invovled
Two of my roommates are really over involved with each other. One of them is a person I rely on to get a ride now and again. Neverthless her total preoccupation with the other person is nauseating to say the least (I know this reminds me of me). If I don't seem interested she is annoyed because she is abs...
Advice on dealing with in laws...
I need some advice. As I have posted in a previous post, my husband's drinking has caused him to have some legal problems, being that we are in a small town, lots of people know so it's only a matter of time before MIL finds out. I know how this is going to go when she finds out, she will harp on him about his...
A blast from the past: "Emotional Incontinence"
One of my ex-best friends (an addict/alkie who relapsed and I had not heard from her in quite a while) just called and left me a very teary-eyed dramatic "I love you/I miss you" message on my VM (if there is one thing this program has taught me is to NOT ANSWER the phone when the A/Addicts call, l...
When is it controlling?
I am at work so just wanted to write quickly. I did take my personal laptop in for repair so hopefully I get back in soon. I am tempted to telling my A who is running from the police to turn himself in, to go ahead and face consequences, go to rehab, and give his child some opportunity to get to know him. Do yo...
Detach , detach, detach
I will detach, detach, detach. I will not call him. I will not email him. He's a grown man and can take care of himself. We are legally separated, and I am not responsible for him.... When he didn't call me on Tuesday (I had said I would take him shopping), I did a little research and found he'd been arr...
Contrasting As
This post is a spin off something I just read in another thread which asked why some alcoholics are functioning, working, productive and others get close to, or actually get to skid row. I've been thinking about this a lot lately in regard to the A's in my life. My ah - Very covert in his use. So m...
((((((((((((((((((Guys))))))))))))))))))))) Thought I would share with you, as you know, I have had Alcoholics in my life. One I had a "kind of relationship" with. For twenty two years he has been in my life as a "neighbour", "friend", "big brother",...
I Can Do Attitude
It is just as easy to think, "I can" as it is to think, "I can't." Both attitudes are habitual orientations to life that can become automatic with practice. Neither attitude has as much to do with the task at hand as it does with the inner spirit of the person facing the task. In eith...
Divorce and Decisions
I received divorce papers last week. I knew they were coming. We went to a counseling appt with the kids this afternoon to talk about it and it broke my heart. My 14 yr old son cried openly and my 10 yr old daughter sat silent, but cried herself to sleep tonight. It was suppposed to be an open communicati...
Question for those with kids who left?
I am planning on filing for divorce. My AH is not an out of control drunk, but the years of drug abuse, drinking, in addition to his own personal baggage have contributed to his mental instability. Plus I don't need to stay around to see how bad it could get. I have a meeting with an attorney in a we...
got a question
as many of you know,my SAH has been in recovery since feb 13 07...{besides drinking he was a drug addict}my SAH has a toothache and he wants me call and get an appt to have it removed,i know the dentist will give him something for the pain,i asked him lastnite,if he thinks it is a good thing to take narcotic...
I just thought a bit of an update might be nice. My AH and I had one of those days today. You know the ones that blow the lid off the pressure cooker. The one that the other shoe doesn't just drop, it slams to the floor like a CA earthquake. It was one of those days that no matter what either of us did, nothing wen...
I need help
I never know if what I do is right. My son is 26 has suffered from severe depression, crashed his car into a tree. It burst into flames. He was able to get out to go to jail. We didn't get him for 4 days and they had him on suicide watch. He moved home and started going to AA. He did well for about 6 months, He h...
Can someone explain to me how to detach!?
I am tired of all the lies. AH tells me things b/c he knows it's what i want to hear. They are all lies. THen when I do confront him about something, he seems to forget what he told me and comes up with a whole new story. I am trying so hard to just ignore him, like a member of my al-anon group suggested, but i...
desperate for help
Narcotics Anonymous?
My husband has recently started attending NA. Is this the right place for me?
Listening vs Suggesting vs Advice Giving
We often say in Alanon that we shouldn't give advice, or tell anyone what to do - just share our experience, strength, and hope. Of course that means we give advice/suggestions all the time. Sometimes more benignly than others, but... we do it. We're not perfect. I think it's partly a Mars/Venus thi...
I know this song is about "the other woman" but it describes how I feel about my AH right now. I substitute "beer" and "drinking" for any references to "her" or "she". Stay: by Sugarland I've been sitting here staring at the clock on the wall And...
Just heard a friend has died...feel as tho the stuffing has been knocked out of me...
What a difference a hour can make. Just heard a dear friend has died suddenly and I feel like the stuffing has been knocked out of me... Just bursting with grieve and shock. She was only 41, and so full of life and love. Cannot get my head around this. Doesn't help because I have no one here to talk to. I rea...
I had this email in my inbox this morning...
Wed Jan 9, 1:18 AM ET DES MOINES, Iowa - Jane Hambleton has dubbed herself the 'meanest mom on the planet.' After finding alcohol in her son's car, she decided to sell the car and share her 19-year-old's misdeed with everyone by placing an ad in the local newspaper. The ad reads: 'OLDS 1999 Intrigue. To...
Should I tell?
i was wondering, should i tell my A that I have found this site and begun reaching out for my own help? I feel a little guilty keeping a secret from him. I have even save it in my favorite places under a fake name so he won't find it. Should i share this info or do you guys think it would be better to keep this j...
What I wish....
....Is that WE WERE ALL close enough to one another to just jump in our cars , walk or run...and all meet somewhere right now, this very minute! I have been trying and ACTING like I'm so strong since I left my husband, and I don't know why...but lately...these past weeks leading up to the first anniversar...
time crunch
I am in this dilemma. The job I am in is ending in a few weeks. I will have to go out and interview. They are not clear on my job when it is exactly ending. I imagine that it will go over a week or so if I wanted it too. The issue is I am totally burned out with working long hours and communting. I'd really rather s...
will there ever be a chance
The more I read about everyone's experiences the less I see my life will ever go back on track. My ex abf is in a treatment center, my life has been turned upside down over the past two years with him and now he is finally getting the help I pleaded with him to get (after our relationship ended.) I don't know...
Abusing the animals (a new low)
A few years ago the A wanted one of his friends to be able to come and practically live at our house. He wanted his friend to have access to the house 24/7 and use the driveway that is totally block the driveway and my access to it 24/7 for 6 months. At the time I virulently objected to it. When I was objectin...
humor mix posting -- and brownie cake recipe ...
Hi boys and girls of my al anon family, I hope y'all r well and hopefully all is well here also! Now, by request ( perhaps following the week of happy chatroom chats ) the following then is posted.. at the close of the awards is a favorite brownie cake recipe: A brownie cake recipe:To begin, this recipe cal...
Hi this is my first post. I have been a member for a year. Alanon has helped me to see things more clearly and the fellowship and understanding is wonderful. I am praying for courage as I never thought that I was afraid. God showed me recently that I am very afraid. I have been hanging on to something for fea...
hi all.i had my biopsy sat,my arm hurts,and i have 6 stitches..SAH HAD THE WEEKEND OFF WORK,{acually he has every weekend off}but he didnt want to take me,so i called a friend and she went with me to drive me back home, i got on the computer sat nite for few min and now i know why he didnt go he wanted to look at...
denial...him and me
I'm new here. I have this sort of ex-boyfriend, who keeps coming back, when he's the one that ended it. He was a non drinking alcoholic (or whatever you call it) when we were together. Recently he has started drinking again, and leaning on me. He just spent a week with me after asking if he could come h...
interview got cancelled
My interview was cancelled they want me to be available to start work tomorrow. I guess there is always a catch 22. When I was unemployed I couldn't get a job to save my life. Now I am employed no one wants me to give notice! I am keeping on keeping on. I sent in the fee for my dog license today. Both dogs are co...
I Am Going to Scream
Well, the silent treatment continues here. He went to work yesterday, it was just for a couple of hours, but he didn't call or come home from 8am, until 5pm, so I had made plans to go out with my friend who will soon be moving to Nashville. We have been friends thru thick and thin....25 years or so. As I w...
Sponsee of 7 yrs died, it hurts...
Hi Everyone, I'm really feeling bad tonight. A sponsee of 7 years that I truly got to know, befriend and cherish died about 2 weeks ago, after a really short bout with cancer. He died clean and sober. He was a true friend in recovery. We worked steps together, did 12 Step calls together, went to AA and NA so...
We Got Us a Birthday Girl
((((((((((((((((((((Carolinagirl)))))))))))))))))))))))))) Wishing you all the best on your birthday tomorrow! Go Capricorns !!!
working it or letting go
I keep wondering about lots of things and maybe you have too. Looking for esh as my head hurts from turning things over and over again. One thing I wonder is how do you know when to quit trying to figure things out and letting go, letting HP. Maybe just stopping the wondering is good and give it all up to HP...
pride, ego and vanity
Not posted for a while, but feeling really mixed up at the moment I think its to do with resentments, ego and my pride and still some unhealthy thinking patterns. My aboyf now ex! decided to behave in an unbearable manner which caused a lot of upsets and rows almost as though he was trying to get me to kick h...
(((((((Family))))), A very good morning and Happy Sunday to you all. After reading some posts, I thought this might help us all. It was yesterday's meditation from: The Promise of a New Day by Karen Casey & Martha Vanceburg (Hazelden 1991) This is an abbreviated version. Freedom means choos...
another interview tomorrow
I am going on another interview tomorrow. Its in a University which should be exempt from the recession thats looming. I am thinking the recession may help me in some ways. Apartments are coming available, the rent is dropping, pretty soon I will find a place that will let me in with the dogs, bad cre...