Help me out!
Hi! I'm new to this forum and al-anon. My boyfriend is struggling with an addiction to cocaine, alcohol, and painkillers that he has hidden from me for almost a year (I found out in September). Right now he's in an inpatient rehab program, and I'm stuck with the internal conflict about whether I am good...
off topic
this job hunting is really getting old. I feel blue tonite. Overeating,looking for new projects. Trying with all my might not to make my new guy my project and get into bad old behavior. My ex escaped death by booze by hours again. his sister took him to the ER last week. So sad,what a waste he made of his li...
Weepy today
I can't get to a meeting today due to my work schedule, but man do I need one. I found out that one of my children committed a crime against someone in our community that I admire and respect. He used my car to commit the crime with his friends. I'm feeling devastated. The victim is willing to forgive him if h...
Alcoholic Father Dying
I'm a 43 year old female and all my life my father has drunk..I never ever knew my extended family growing up (who are very close knit) due to my fathers drinking habits he decided to cut everyone of his siblings and his parents out of his life never seeing that he was punishing me for his own failings. My m...
Brother's Power of Attorney says he's terminal with cirrhosis
I can't take it anymore. I worked so hard to get away from these people. Then in one week Brother's kids call me to fix all this. I cut off the nephews and niece. One nephew is in with a bad crowd, the other keeps losing jobs and wrecking cars. The niece was stealing from my brother while he was drunk. Ni...
Double winners
After a lot of reflection, I have decided I want to approach my own drinking as well. Coming from a family of alcoholics, drinking is so normalized in every situation. Every event, every emotion - theres a drink or a drug for that. When I came here I was focused on healing the hurts in my heart from my fami...
Identical twin addicts.
New here, but not new to alcoholism. ;) I am an ACOA, as is my husband. Weve been attending ala non recently (been to 5-6 meetings) Not sure how we got away without having issues with alcohlic drinking (maybe it skips a generation? I'm aware that we have psychological scars from our parents) , but now our...
Prayers needed
To make a long story short, my mother has been an alcoholic 28 years of my 30 years of life. My father raised me and raised me the best he could as a single dad. My mother exposed me to her alcoholism at an early age and throughout my life it has been a roller coaster of good times and very bad times. I have save...
my first program call
hello, out there. so i made my first program call about a week ago or so and the woman just called me back today. and it was GOOD. really good. i am so grateful. she was so sensible, smart, and helpful. i started meetings at the end of 2014 but feel like this time is a new beginning with a new level of seri...
Please help me
[Moderator pasted in from Megan's Bio] Hi, My name is Megan. I am 26 years old and I need your help. Years ago after my oldest son passed away I became addicted to methamphetamine, cocaine and alcohol. I've been sober from methamphetamine and cocaine for 6 years. I met my fiance 2 years ago. He had gotte...
This was new
My AH came back...again...wanting to get sober and be part of our family. He really did things right this time. He's working his program and trying new things. I try not to be hopeful but it happens on a subconscious level though I try to just be. Monday night he just doesn't come home. The issue was he had...
I wish it did not hurt so much
My ex ABF and I broke up almost 2 weeks ago. It ended badly with a big fight about a week later he text me about some money a friend gave me to give to him and I said I had sent it with another friend to give to him. I then text him back that I felt sick about how we ended things and that I wanted to talk but only when he...
Seeking guidance and support
I'm sure my story is not new. While I'm familiar with the 12-steps, I am at a complete loss re how to apply them to my current situation and how to deal with what is happening in my life. My husband is an alcoholic. He quit drinking 'for me' (he says -- because he doesn't believe he has a problem) a couple of...
Courage to Change (C2C) 10/27/16
Today's quote - "I can learn to avail myself of the immense, inexhaustible power of God, if I am willing to be continually conscious of God's nearness." --- from One Day at a Time in Al-Anon Today's Reminder - "I may not have everything I want, but today I have everything I need. I will look for evidenc...
Im sorry to those of you who have felt I have been harsh with my words. I do seem to get like this from time to time. I become narrow minded in my recovery and expect others to get what Im talking about or to be able to hear my point of view. Due to my own sickness I also become triggered by certain issues, (the Mo...
He was a day away from 30 days sober..
He has been going to AA every evening. He has been super proud and maybe thinking easier than he thought.. he was so inspired by others stories, and even started talking to others. Tomorrow would have been his 30 days..his green chip. And today I come home and he had been drinking. AND he went to a meeting...
10-26-16 One Day at a Time in AlAnon
Today's reading notes that some experience the greatest difficulty when working Step 1: "admitted we were powerless". For others, Step 2 is more difficult as we admit that our own behavior may not always be sane. An example is given of behavior that is irrational and self-defeating: taking issue wi...
Almost divorced...one final thing I need help with
Glad I found this site. Thanks for sharing. I have been married 37 years and recently filed for divorce. I have it somewhat on hold, holding out for hope. Hubby has been in treatment 3 times in the last year, and each time he gets outs, he wastes no time buying a bottle of booze. Anyway, last night he got a D...
cunning and baffling?
New here. Feel like i was hit by a train by my alcolohlic ex. Been reading through alot about alcoholism, have learned more than i ever cared to know in the past. One question though. I read alot of posting stating that alcoloism is cunning and baffling? Why is that?
hate/scared of alcohol
So my mom is now sober for three years, my uncle is on and off sober, my grandfather is sober, most of the addicts in my life have recovered but I haven't. I still HATE alcohol. When I was a little kid I didn't even wanna touch the bottles my mom asked me to bring her. It's been years since I've seen anything se...
Gut feelings, overthinking and all the other things on my brain
Finding the inner strength to identify if what I'm feeling in my gut is instinctual or over thinking that now has turned into unnecessary worry.
Why do we overthink? Assume the worst vs hope for the best? Is it engrained in us based on our history with the alcoholics in our life OR is it something we are...
Feeling hopeless
I am engaged to a 10 year recovered alcoholic. We have been together for a year and a half. I also have a 4 year old daughter from a previous relationship. We moved things rather quickly and he moved in and we got engaged all in a matter of 4 months. Something I now regret since I didn't understand his diseas...
Reaching out....
Hi all,
I am new to this. I guess I'm stupid, but I didn't realize my AH was an alcoholic until just recently. I knew he was having a drink or two after work but apparently he was hiding just how much vodka he was drinking. We are nurses and both work the night shift, but opposite rotations. I'm at work, he's...
The strangest things have been happening
I am not one of those people that believes in the great beyond. I can usually explain away just about anything with science or fact. Typical Al Anon, I know everything :) Anyway.Defining HP for me was difficult, but I was able to come to an understanding that I was comfortable with. In recent weeks since...
Alcoholic won't talk to me or answer his phone
My brother called an ambulance for himself about 10 days ago. He was in hospital and then they sent him to convalescence home. He's awaiting a room in a better place. He has been told that his liver is shot and it's very very serious. Brother has a Power of Attorney who is a friend of his. POA told me he...
I need to leave my husband
I have been with my husband for 10 years. We have lived together 5 years and have been married for less than 2. I have been living in a deep hole of denial for a very long time - to the point where I isolated myself, pushed others away and was unable to feel anything at all - just empty. Very heavy drinker, v...
C2C reading 10-25
The C2C reading for October 25 speaks about a defect of character that of" making choices passively and not making decisions. " One of the ways we can make amends for this defect is to stop practicing the defect. In every area of our lives we can ask ourselves am I taking responsibility for my self tod...
Hope for Today Oct 25
Hi Everybody- i am finally moving into a new (smaller) house with my kids tomorrow. I have some last minute cleaning to do at the house I am selling, then two closings-- so I will plan on writing again next week... Nov 1st! Hope you all have a great week :) Mary
Overwhelmig Grief ..
I can't remember if I posted this or not .. I did not put this on my recent update because it's so much more than that .. My beautiful sponsor lost her battle with cancer at the end of September and I have been dealing with a tremendous amount of grief. I am SO glad I got to see her this summer. It meant the wor...
recent event
I found out last week my husband of 35 years has fallen off the wagon. 28 years sober, gone. I suspected for several months. I tried to talk to him and he shuts me out. We have been in marriage counseling for the last 5 or 6 months too! My father was a alcoholic, it killed him. My problem is how to leave....
Annie Oakly
New member intro
Hi everyone, I'm 34, married and with two kids aged 3 and 7, and I come from Eastern Europe. I am a total mess and I was so happy to find this site! I am a codependent. My husband is an alcoholic. There are some local Al-Anon meetings here but they take place at somewhere 6-7 pm local time (which does not suit m...
Courage to Change (C2C) 10/24/16 Recovery Like a Birch Tree
Today's reading likens recovery in AlAnon to a Birch tree, rather than an an onion, because it sheds its bark on its own after a period of growth: the bark serves a valuable purpose but then fall away as the tree grows and new protective bark takes its place.If a protective layer of bark is removed too ear...
newbie with ongoing crisis
hi, everyone. new here. been attending meetings on and off for over a year. recently re-committed because my life has been in turmoil over the past few weeks. (months? years?) i think i'm hitting my own bottom, where i need to seriously get in touch with what I (me, me, me) need and want. my fiancé is an...
Anger with my ABF
I've been with my bf for 6 years and we have a family together. He has been an alcoholic since he was 14, 21 years. When we first met we had fun. Going out for dinner and drinks, etc. I never paid attention to his drinking at that time because it wasn't causing trouble for our relationship. There have b...
Police 2x in 2 hours.
I don't know where to start. Just before bed dh and I commented on what a nice , "normal" day we had. Twins hadn't been severely intoxicated in our presence in 2-3 weeks. We were *just* starting to let our guard down a teeny tiny bit. We went to bed at 11pm. At 1am I was awoken by the dog barking. The twins were...
Alcoholic boyfriend
Hi guys,
I'm new on here. I've been dating my alcoholic boyfriend for 5 months. There were some red flags but I had no idea how bad things were until recently.
I noticed that my port barrel was near empty and realised he's been stealing my alcohol. I've asked him many times to stop but have still notic...
Good morning, all lovely Al-anon friends. By the grace of our program, in the last few days I have become aware of more of my layer of denial falling away. A sense of seeing the world from a more realistic stand point. I feel a little nervous about it but very pleased. Dealing with people, places and thing...
Calm Lady
My brother's addiction problem is spreading to my family
I had to distance myself from my brother and his toxic family. He's now got cirrhosis, his friend(POA) is overseeing his care. The kids(nephews and nieces) kept calling so I gave them resources and cut them off. They don't want help, they just want money and me to fix everything. They are lying to m...
Courage to Change reading 10-23
The C2C reading for October 23 speaks about the fact that once sobriety is attained in the home. it points out that we believe that the nightmares will be over. However, we discover that alcohol had a tranquilizing effect and now without this the alcoholic is quite difficult to live with.and...
Struggling - lost ***very long post***
Hello All, Recent I have been really struggling with a myriad of things and I am seeking....something...I'm not certain I even know what. Perhaps support or perhaps peace...I'm not really sure. My RAH is over 18 months sober and doing wonderfull in his program. I try to follow the AlAnon principle...
My mother
My mother is very adamant about her feelings regarding alcoholics. She hates them. Her father, her two brothers, and my father were all alcoholics. Her one brother has achieved sobriety of over 20 years. My father and her other brother died from the disease. Her father, my grandfather, wa...
Trying not to be crazy
I've been lurking here for awhile. Started attending face to face meetings in August but started reading CAL last year. I want recovery so bad but it's so hard and so slow going sometimes. Just when I'm doing good something will happen and I feel like I take 2 steps backwards.
Background: AH was 5 year...
Responding instead of reacting
Reacting to all my sit. Has always been my behavior ways ,never worked like pouring fuel to the sit. Today I'm trying to learn a whole new way of behaving with using responding instead of reacting ,a new tool I'm just finding that I really need help with along with examples of how do I stop reacting( never...
How do you do this with a toddler???
I was doing so well last week. I was focusing on me and my happiness. I let my recovering alcoholic have his moods and I didn't judge or get caught up with them.
BUT I snapped on Saturday. Our theee year old was being three, and I'm pregnant and I'm just TIRED of being alone and having no joy in our house! I w...
First contact with my alcoholic since I started Al Anon.
I am proud of myself, but I have realized that I have a loooooong way to go. I haven't had a long conversation with my mom (one of the qualifiers in my life) in about two weeks. This might not seem like long, but we were so intertwined that most days we would only go an hour or two without speaking or being toge...
Husband in detox, trying to figure out what's next
I had to travel for 5 days for work across the country. The night before I left I came home to my husband passed out drunk. I went to Seattle and whenever I called to see how things were going he was drunk. He missed a job interview and then proceeded to lie about going.
When I returned home, he was drunk aga...
Prayers needed please !
hi everybody,my best family on earth today,today I am needing prayers for myself ( I'm ok) just that I'm sorta in a bad predicament that I can only work hard and I mean hard at staying ,keeping detached from,and much needed prayers for my Freind please,he is in a very bad situation.much needed prayers f...
Somebody please help!!!
I am the black sheep of my family. Growing up I could do no right. I was beaten down and suicidal. I went to a psychologist and recovered. I am married and have two teen kids. I take care of my 90 year old mom. I don't take any drugs, I got off all psychiatric drugs about 5 years ago. I had to distance mysel...
Can love exist alongside fear?
Just thinking out loud. When i think of love before alanon and since alanon i can see a huge difference. I thought love was someone needing you, an alcoholic ticks that box. I thought it was becoming one with another, lifes so enmeshed i lost my individuality, i thought it meant making them happy at any...
MIP Owner
John has indicated, on his Face Book page, that he has been recently been hospitalized for his COPD and is recovering slowly. Please include him in your prayers.
Courage to Change 22/10
Today's c2c notes that some of us begin our al-anon journey sharing only light-hearted or amusing stories about the problems of living with or loving an alcoholic and avoid sharing any real, raw or painful truths. The reading suggests that this is because we don't trust anyone with our truth and it o...
Comfort Zone
My qualifier is gone, I am single and I now can make positive choices for my life. Easier said than done. I'll be darn if I am having a hard time stepping out of my comfort zone. Why not just stay home! It's easier on my budget, no traffic, it's cold, my own brewed coffee is cheaper, it's too late to go for a sho...
Expectations and defensiveness
Please share with the board how you handle expectations especially in romantic relationships. I am dealing with my own inner demons of trying to determine what is a valid expectation and reasonable or what is just ME trying to satisfy my own ego or my own 'hole in my soul' through someone's behaviors,...
There is no end to my dis-ease.
Having reactions (hate that word) from within my relationship with my wife sooooo am trying to reach my sponsor as I was taught. He is a sponsor not a marriage counselor so the focus is on me. That part of the disease where I was discounted and not willingly supported even on a minor issue. My react...
Jerry F
Does anyone have any insights on the following? My addict daughter has always fantasised about a life based on opulence, and in the past I have engaged with her, and even helped her with her big ideas about becoming a coffee representative for a supplier in Vietnam resulting in financial loss because...
Al-Anon lingo questions
hi, all. so i've been attending mtgs on and off for a while but now i'm feeling that i'm hitting my own bottom and need help. need some specific guidance/ advice/ feedback on placing myself back at the center of my life and figuring out what's best for me, what i need... so i'm looking for a sponsor and atte...
Proud of Myself
So, he texted me today- said " I am so sorry I am a piece of s**t, I know I love you very very much. Maybe I will call you after while. I am so sorry" This is almost identical to the text I got yesterday around this same time. Oh, maybe you will call me after while? How kind of you. I responded in this way: ""N...
Courage to Change (C2C) 10/21/16
Today's reading discusses faith in a higher power, especially for those who struggle with the concept. Wise Al-Anon members may suggest that we surrender our lack of faith to a Higher Power, and ask for faith. When we feel frightened, helpless or hopeless, we have the choice to surrender those fee...
Yet another question for those of you who have been at this longer than I - Have you noticed that you are attracting more solid, steady people into your life as you progress in your program? I laugh every time I see someone talk about the broken picker-outer. It's so very true! Almost all of the relation...
Road Trip - Need ESH or Prayers!
Hey there MIP family. Tomorrow, I am headed out of town for a day trip to visit my friend with cancer. She's currently in treatment and because she was no responding to chemo, they've changed up the cocktail and still battling. She's a spiritual person as well as religious and has been very upbeat th...