The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Breaking Free mentioned in her post today that she realizes that life will bring daily struggles. This reminded me of how much better I am handling the struggles that are inevitable. (I like to refer to them as challenges; it sounds more feasible to me.)
I have taken on a major project in our home. I need hubby's help now and then to accomplish it. When little challenges come up, I handle them pretty well, even though hubby is turning the air blue and spewing out negative comments. I see him fighting "what is." It is as though there is a invisible shield around me these days. I just do not let what is, nor his reactions to it, grab ahold of me and hold me hostage.
These little challenges I see as opportunities to practice my newfound tools over and over again, building postive emotional muscles. They help me pave out a smooth-running day. Moreover, they prepare me for the tidal waves (major challenges) that might crop up.
I suppose that is what is meant by the saying: Life on Life's terms.
I feel a bit PollyAnnish She used to "get me" in the wrong kind of way.
Have a good day!
You have to go through the darkness to truly know the light. Lama Surya Das
Resentment is like taking poison & waiting for the other person to die. Malachy McCourt
I used to be more negative Nancy, so I think PollAnnish is an upgrade for me ;). Yeah my exAH and I doing a project together just meant me having a melt down, so good for you letting go. I am sending you love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."