Thursdays - ODAT
Hi Everyone, My schedule has suddenly got crazy busy. Is anyone willing to take over Thursdays One Day At a Time posts?
Courage to Change October 13
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares that Al-Anon meeting opened their eyes to something they had not considered before: shouting and slamming doors might not be the best way to handle an already difficult situation. Loud and angry actions demonstrated the author's frustration and p...
October 9 Hope for Today - Facing the Past
Today's Hope for Today falls under the topic "Facing the Past," in our reader. The reading speaks about fear of confrontation. It talks about the before recovery experiences of an Alanon member who was raised in a home with alcoholism. It then tells of the positive changes the member made as a result f...
10/12/21 C2C Wear Sunscreen so I Don’t Get Sunburned
Today's contributor discussed the negative impact of 'needing' a partner to change in order to find contentment. This and other concepts became part of the unlearning that is a valuable part of Alanon recovery.Willingness and ability to adapt to what is while sourcing our contentment from an inne...
ODAT in alanon, 10/11, managing others
The reading for Monday speaks to the times when we wish to manage others: directing, admonishing, dont wear that, time for church, dont take the car, and on and on. This kind of attitude deprives others from their freedom of choice and dignity. Under the guise of doing good, we can act like a mother t...
Hope for Today Oct 10
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is about step one; its about recognizing and accepting powerlessness and about recognizing when life has become unmanageable. The writer describes step one by acknowledging that sometimes it is helpful to try and see the unmanageable part before acceptin...
Oct 9th C2C - Powerlessness and letting go
Today's author talks about originally viewing God as their adversary and engaging in a battle of wills, which rapidly led them to an emotional rock bottom. They came to Al-Anon but were reluctant to admit they were powerless. Eventually, with Al-Anon's help they learned how to surrender and final...
It has been a year(september 30th)
It has been a whole year since my mom died. I am feeling the after effects of visiting my mom's grave twice in one week. I am not particularly sad at the moment. I am just tired. I guess that is par for the course after dealing so much w/ grief. I am so glad that I can honor her once a year. Our service for my siste...
Hoot Nanny
October 8 - C2C - Miracles
Today's writer shares that they are aware of miracles happening in their life -- and it is gratitude that makes it possible to see those miracles. Being guided to Al-Anon when they felt hopeless was a miracle, and they found healing among people who had been in the same situation. Anything from havin...
Visiting the Power Of the Serenity Prayer again.
Thank You Paul for your sharing, I always look at God's Timing, and it is once again "spot on" for me. As I was only thinking to myself the other day, after I was talking to my God, with my Prayer List,[ which is becoming longer and longer], especially the my Family members, and the other people who I care ab...
Oct. 7, ODAT - Let there be light
Before Al-Anon, life was like stumbling around in a dark room. Al-Anon gave me the power to turn the light on and to see clearly the difficulties and the good. ------------ Today's reading was short, though not as short as I have suggested above. I am currently in the grips of a family crisis and I cannot...
October 2nd Hope for Today From Fear of Failure to Courage
Today's Hope for Today reading tells the story of an Alanon member's growing up years with an alcoholic parent. The parent spoke directly to them through their alcoholism making what the alcoholic believed to be negative statements about the child and the child's future. The Alanon member wanted...
10/5/21 ODAT – Power of the Serenity Prayer
Words can become familiar and routine to us rather than significant and meaningful, even the Serenity Prayer, one of the most powerful Alanon tools.This writer suggests giving attention and thought to the words as we say them to increase our understanding and ability recognize the difference and...
C2C, Monday, 10/4, I am not alone
(Sorry for such an early posting for tomorrow.) The writer of this passage says we should try to concentrate on our similarities, not our differences. If we realize why we are all here, we need never feel alone. Many came to the rooms feeling we were set apart by our circumstances, leading to fear, sh...
And then there is literature...
I am reminded this morning of the many tools I have from our program as my wife hands me the current FORUM monthly magazine. I am amazed and grateful for this tool when I sit down avoiding what might be distracting me and getting to the shares in this little monthly. I am not finished with this issue bec...
Hope for Today Oct 3
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is about accepting that we cannot force solutions or make changes to anyone other than ourselves. The writer describes what it looks like when a young child is trying to do a puzzle; if the piece doesnt fit they try to force it anyway, pushing with all their might...
Happy Birthday DM
Happy Birthday Debb! Wishing you a beautiful day filled with things that give you happiness. Grateful you're a part of our MIP recovery family. (((hugs)) T T
Sharing Good News
Well... I guess I have a job. I have had to go through a lot of hoops to secure this contract. I still don't have "official" word that I have the position. But this afternoon FedEx brought two boxes of computer equipment to my door so I'm going to take that as official word. The job is through an outside recr...
2nd Oct 2021, C2C - the importance of service
Today's reader talks about the importance of service and how it brings them into contact with newcomers. The author shares that they can get caught up in the trivial problems of everyday life and lose perspective, but talking with newcomers brings them back to reality. When they set out literature,...
Sept. 30, ODAT - Story Time
Today we are given a story; one we have heard many times. A man marries a woman who is an alcoholic and his life descends into misery because he cannot change her. When he discovers Al-Anon, he realizes that the only way forward is to change himself. For whatever reason, perhaps because the wife no longe...
October 1 - C2C - Reaching Out
Today's writer shares that when they have racing thoughts and feel they are in chaos, sometimes serenity is just a phone call away. Having someone else acknowledge what is happening, immediately diminishes its effect. The mind becomes more orderly, and the writer is able to decide to set their tro...
Call for service: Co-share the Webhelper role.
Greetings MIP family. I am looking for a co-helper to assist with the Webhelper position. Self nominations and a vote will take place on the business board. Hopefully we will get some volunteers. If you are interested, the link is available below. Please check the business board here: https://mi...
Courage to Change Sept. 29
Hello MIP! Today's reading speaks about physical violence. Some alcoholics become abusive, especially when they drink. The author shares that Al-Anon gives no advice regarding relationships. It is up to each Al-Anon member to decide for themselves when to continue a relationship and when to en...
9/28/21 ODAT – What Do We Learn About Alcoholism in AlAnon?
Just enough, says today's author; we learn that alcoholism: * Is devastating to health, spirituality, and happiness· * Has no cure, but can be arrested when the alcoholic is ready· * Is associated with, but is not the cause of, our own irrational behavior and decline. * And fina...
C2C, 9/27, if only
For Monday, 9/27, the writer reflects upon if only they could know whats to come, have infinite wisdom, and the knowledge of how to spend each moment.But in meetings they are reminded we can only work with what we have today. And perhaps it is better off not knowing, because our focus would be trying to o...
September 25th Hope for Today - Control
Today's reading is about an Alanon member who is obsessing about a visit from their parents. They are concerned about their parents judgement of their live, their way of living. They recall an obsessive battle to perfect their life, home and yard and that this struggle caused them to feel distanced f...
Hope for Today Sept 26
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is especially helpful to those of us who are adult children of alcoholics. The writer describes her attempts to create a perfect family when she got married at age 20. Her parents had divorced, and she was determined to have a marriage that thrived. As problems c...
"asking for a friend" - really . . . (separating finances)
My up and down and sometimes sideways situation with my adult son (alcohol, drugs, and mental health issues) about which I've received a lot of very helpful ESH from you wonderful folks, is going OK - for today - tomorrow will be here soon enough, but for today, things seem to be going OK - LOL, I was relax...
texas yankee
Sept 25th C2C Step 3
Today's author talks about taking Step Three over and over again. They reflect that they often wait until a problem becomes overwhelming before finally giving in and turning it over to their Higher Power. However they also reflect that the awareness they have gained in Al-Anon lets them know that...
September 24 - C2C - True Perspective
Today's reading is by someone who viewed their experiences with alcoholism as a technicolor extravaganza on a big screen, with their name in lights. It seemed like a big, splashy story. They told it again and again, until they realized it had become smaller, like a home movie. Now, instead of being...
Sept. 23, ODAT - Delusions
We suffer from delusions that we "run the show." Despite lots of evidence that this is not so, we keep trying to run things. We must detach and look inward. TODAY'S REMINDER: I will try not to outmaneuver anyone else, but will proceed quietly to live my life so I will have less reason for self-reproach. I...
Courage to Change September 22
Hello MIP! Today's reading is about the 5th step: admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. (I like to re-write this one: admitted to our Higher Power...") This sharing is very intimate, and many have found the experience of sharing to be freeing. For th...
If you keep an open mind....
Practice, practice, practice. Just got back from viewing a mobile home that was gifted to us by my brother-in-law. Open mindedness?? When you turn and leave outcomes up to Higher Power and also remain ready to be generous and caring with and to others special things come to pass and for me it is not...
9/21/21 ODAT - It Can't Be Me...Can It?
Today's page looks at an early tendency to think we are exceptions, that perhaps the steps don't apply to us. I'm not truly powerless, my life is not unmanageable, no need for me to return to sanity...right?As we begin to understand the meaning of the steps and are able to be more honest, however, we se...
Being Human and needing a Higher Power
Yep I know "needing a Higher Power". I thought that I had some powerful stuff going for me based upon my past, my history. Early program was an incredible adventure for me and my life as I experience miracles and had a tight relationship with our program and Higher Power. I have had progressive mira...
Honored to share 9/19 with Jerry
MIP family - thank you for your support and prayers as I am trying to be of maximum service to my parents. It's been a significant challenge and I am feeling very overwhelmed. I'll spend time when I have time sharing more but, for today, my mother has been placed in assisted living and my father is reluc...
ODAT in alanon, 9/20, accepting reality and my A
In the reading for Monday, 9/20, the member suggests if we have an attitude of contempt for our alcoholic, we need to seriously examine ourselves. The member reminds us that As have an illness which includes being confused and guilt-ridden human beings with a badly battered ego. They do not need to...
Hope for Today Sept 19
Good morning everyone- Todays reading is about letting go of resentments and bitterness, and learning to forgive. The writer describes having grown up in an alcoholic family, and experiencing many forms of mistreatment. The result included feeling like an extremely angry and resentful victim...
September 18 Hope for Today - Personal Recovery
Today's reading speaks about a newcomer to Al-anon who noted that many Al-anon readings referenced a higher power. The newcomer wasn't certain they wanted to have a relationship with a higher power or what they would even do with one if they had it. They were relieved to learn that members of the fello...
September 17 - Intimacy Book - Boundaries
Chapter Four of Intimacy in Alcoholic Relationships, "Negotiating Boundaries," makes the point that knowing what is good for us and what is not good for us is a foundation for setting healthy limits (boundaries) for ourselves, in relationships and other parts of life. Boundaries are for our ow...
18th Sept C2C progress
Today's reader talks about the progress the author has made and that when they are troubled about what lies ahead, they can look back at where they have been. Time offers evidence that the Al-Anon program works - they see growth in their lives and the longer they live by these principles, the more evide...
Patience and Humility
My former sponsor, DON,T!! taught me a lot which I came to accept as very very valid because of how it changed my life. One of the most important, if not the most important is that Humility is "Being teachable" which has always worked when I work it. Patience is always good for my heart and spirit and the...
Sept. 16, ODAT - Look Again
Today we are asked to consider the validity of the points we get stuck on. If others are not responding the way we expect, perhaps we need to adjust our own thinking, or perhaps our sense of timing. We are asked to consider others' right to a different point of view. TODAY'S REMINDER: An open mind is a hand...
I'm writing a memoir about domestic violence
-- Edited by Youknowme on Thursday 16th of September 2021 11:31:36 AM
Courage to Change September 15
Hello MIP! In today's reading, the author shares about their challenges sleeping. They tried everything from hot milk to seeing the doctor, and yet still could not sleep. The author was too exhausted to pay much attention to anything outside of their own needs. One day at an Al-Anon meeting, anoth...
Sept 4 Hope for Today - Expectations
Today's reading focuses on the topic of expectations. It uses an example of an Alanon member who has badly injured their foot. They are in severe pain and unable to get to their in person Alanon meetings. The member admits that though they see themselves as an independent person with good creative pro...
9/14/21 Unaffiliated, Spiritual Program; Not Religious
Both AA and Alanon emphasize that their programs are of a spiritual, not religious nature. This focus allows each member to use Alanon steps and principles in line with their personal religious (or non) perspective, without the unpleasant awkwardness of another member insisting on branding the p...
C2C, 9/13, improving one’s life
For Monday, 9/13, the member talks about time as a special kind of checking account: there are 24 hours to spend, and they are precious. You can make a positive change and enrich your life by using the 12 Steps, HP, alanon meetings, people, calls, and literature. You can spend your time to grow, enjo...
Hope for Today Sept 12
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is about acknowledging and feeling our feelings rather than stamping them down. The writer describes having grown up in an alcoholic home where the lesson was dont feel. The writer grew up distrusting feelings and in effect distrusting him/her-self. The wr...
September 11 Hope for Today - Higher Power
Today's reading describes recovery as a triangle with higher power at the top and the Alanon program, tools and life at the other areas of the triangle. The reading goes on to say, "As long as I keep everything in that order, with my higher power as my sole focus, everything in my life works serenely, eve...
September 10 - Intimacy Book - Communicating
Chapter 3 of Intimacy in Alcoholic Relationships, "Communicating Clearly," explains that in alcoholic relationships, some of us learned to hide and bottle up our feelings, and some of us became "compulsive truth-tellers," unburdening ourselves on the nearest person, whether they wanted t...
Sept 11th, C2C, Step 4
In today's reader the author talks about having a nagging suspicion that they weren't doing their Step 4 inventory right. With their HPs help, they finally realised that it wasn't that they had done their Fourth Step wrong, but rather that they had the same sense of inadequacy about their whole life...
I Do Feel Better, but .....
I think I blew it last night because I allowed myself to get to a burning point concerning the constant control that AH exerts on just about everything I do. The constant, holy than thou opinions and put downs sometimes just gets to me and I think this time it is because I have been trying to recover from so...
Courage to Change September 8
In today's reading, the author asks about anything that might be standing in the way of trusting our Higher Power. In the author's case, it was a desire for a guarantee. The author resisted turning their will and life to their HP because they felt that if they held out, they would themselves come up wit...
Sept 9, ODAT - My Potential
Today's reading calls us to action, asks us to open our eyes and our minds to what we have and who we are. What are we going to do with that? How are we going to engage our potential? "What am I going to do with what Ive got?" If we concentrate our efforts on gratitude and on our own unlimited resources, they wi...
9/7/21 ODAT – Alanon: Helps Change How We See Problems
Today's contributor reminds us that the purpose of Alanon is not validation of self-pity, caustic rants, or vindictive counterattacks, but to gently nudge us toward a more spiritual view and course of action. We undoubtedly will read or hear the suggestion that it is our own view or actions that are...
Cunning and baffling; clearing my mind.
I was sailing along,progressing nicely and then why hello, here I am again, the isms of chaos and manipulation and self sacrifice. Now to be sure, today these are matters which represent bumps in the road as opposed to road closures but nonetheless very unpleasant. My alcoholic aging parent is...
ODAT in alanon, 9/6, tendency to control
The reading for Monday, 9/6, speaks about feeling the right and obligation to control others. Somehow we thought we should set the standards for the A, for the family, etc. However, if we are trying to follow the alanon program, then we need to overcome the ideas of directing, scheming, and manipul...
Hope for Today Sept 5
Good morning everyone: Todays reading is a focus on the slogan Just for Today. The writer describes finding it impossible to stay in the present. Instead thoughts were always focused on the next day, week or month. It got to the point that thoughts of the future overtook the present day. The writer...
C2C Sept 4th - moving from crisis to calm
Today's reading talks about that as we let go of obsession, worry and focusing on everyone but ourselves, many are bewildered by the increasing calmness of their minds. We know how to live in a state of crisis, but is can take a bit of adjustment to become comfortable with stillness and the time we now ha...