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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I just can't seem to keep the focus on me as often as I want and know I should. I thought I'd been doing fairly well but yesterday I fell into a major slump. Everything that's been going on in the last couple of months just seemed to fall on A and I fighting, his moving into a motel room, my kids being gone, my daughter's problems, my youg son's coming fatherhood. I sensed it was bound to happen but something tripped it off. My own fault for letting my mind go to places it shouldn't. I am aware now that my A calls an old girlfriend of his which bothers me (he doesn't know I know). Nice girl but it bothers me because I think she gets treated better than me (she doesn't have to live with him) and because I just don't think it's a good idea as I get the feeling my A wouldn't mind hooking up with her again. Maybe it's my own insecurity but I wasn't secure about alot of things, emotionally or financially, when he drank. He didn't hide anything about it (calling her and visiting) before as he apparently figured there was no reason to and that may be true. I just didn't appreciate that he, being such a good guy (yeah), decided to share a wholesale card with her, let her know she could call him for whatever, call her now and then to say hi or stop by to see how she & family are. They're nice but not MY friends. When I told him that I too wanted to be that close to an old guy friend of mine, my A did not like it one bit! So his way of dealing with this was to just not let me know that he would continue.I just don't know if my insecurities are getting to me. I don't know if I should not be so jealous. And then, I am hypocritical because I do have an old friend that I call once in a blue moon but he is NOT an old boyfriend. He and his ex-wife were my old college friends and we've always stayed in touch if only during Christmas. And he ends our few phone conversations with " I love you" but he means as a dear old friend. It's the kind of thing where we could not speak for over a year yet pick up right where we left off. My A knows of him, met him once, and knows I've spoken to him now and then. But in my mind I know, he's just my friend. But it's also in my mind that my A may want to be more than just friends with his ex-girlfriend given the way he decided to hide that he continues to call her. Maybe he doesn't. He always been Mr. Good Guy especially after he knew he made a fool of himself drunk. And since he's been sober for a while now which his old friend and family can't believe, maybe he wants her to see what he's like sober since he never was when they were together 28 years ago. I found that he calls her a lot though doesn't stay on the phone long at all ( it's on the cell phone bill). Still....That is one of the things that just led me into being down in the dumps yesterday. I went to work and he stopped by to see me but I was in a bad mood so he left. And I left work after 2 hours because there was a lump in my throat and I was on the verge of tears, not just for one thing in particular but for everything in general. So I came home and plopped down on the couch, feeling so depressed. My mom came by to visit with and comfort me which I needed and so appreciated. She left and my A walked in. He noticed my car gone from work so he came over to see if I was alright. I was not feeling very good towards him and after small talk about his jobs, I asked if he still had work at "her" house. He said no he'd been done there for a while and when I asked if they were firends he said, 'yeah. why?' but he was defensive. He doesn't know I know he calls her. He left right after that saying he just came to see if I was alright. And after he left, I just cried and cried. I felt so unhappy. And I guess I've been kidding myself about being able to handle stuff. Can't seem to take my own advice. Well, after a while I thought about what I wanted to do. First, my kids and grandkids are my priorities. I love them unconditionally and they will be part of my life forever. Then I really wanted to know how to think about my A and I. Yes, we need our space and intend to have for a while. But I think of where I just read here (I think it was here) about why buy the cow when you can just have the milk (something like that). That's what it was starting to feel like with my A. So tonight I called him and after a while I asked him where do we go from here. Not that we should be together here at home again right now but if the purpose of separating is for each of to work on ourselves in Al-Anon and AA and consider the possibility of fixing this marriage. (We just had this conversation so why I was dumb enough to bring it up again says something about me) WHAT DID I SAY THAT FOR???? I know better. He said he's surviving, he's okay, he's doing fine, don't worry about what goes on in his head, and "don't push me into a corner". I wanted to come right out and say I know you call her which would've pissed him off even more so I said nothing. He said you still carry anger, that's why you get depressed. ( I wanted to say 'yeah but you call her!). He was mad. But it's like the things that he and I both are learning in program just don't come into play when we deal with each other. I can't shake all the lying he did when he was drunk, all the other stuff, and how to trust him when to him it's okay to lie if something may cause trouble. I think all A's are professional liars - it comes with the territory. And just when I think I'm learning how to rise above it and to forgive, I come plunging down. It's like I can't forgive and forget. Not with him. And being here in the house alone now, sometimes my thoughts close in on me and the memories of awful drunken times, horribly stressfull times, just come rushing into my brain. A small thing can loom large. And instead of just leaving it all alone tonight, I got on the damned phone and called him. I think the worst. Suppose he wants to see if he can get anywhere with 'her' first before he decides to work it out with me (he does call her and has no idea I know. I can't get that out of my mind). All my old behavior just took me over these last 24 hrs. What kind of fool am I? Everytime I said something, he'd say "Go ahead. Pull another one out of the hat". " This is nonsense". I finally just said, I won't worry about you and you needn't worry about me. I could kick myself! I keep reading passages from Courage to Change and when times are calm, those words are so enlightening and encouraging, but when I am having a hard time, they are hard to hang onto. I think about my life as an adult child, as the ex-wife of an A, present wife of an A, sister, cousin, grandaughter,niece,friend of A's and how much I have learned about it all over the years. But at this moment, I want to die. I know I will pull myself together, dust myself off but I feel so unhappy and can't stop crying. I lost my grip but I hope tomorrow will be better.....jaja
Don't be hard on yourself. One thing kept being posted to me when I started here... over and over. It took a long time for our lives (emotions, thoughts and behaviors) to get this unmanageable, it will take some time and effort to change it back. You are right where you need to be in your recovery, just do the next right thing.
Keep working it and you will find peace even in situations where chaos reigned before. I really didn't think it was possible, but I supprise myself daily.
Hang in there and give yourself a break. You deserve it.
Take care of you!
"Good judgement comes from experience... experience comes from bad judgement" - unknown
Thank you for your responding, rTexas and I do appreciate what you said. I am feeling a whole lot better today and getting myself back on track. I've been thinking about it all day and what I've decided to do is just let him know in a brief time, in a calm and decent tone,(which I probably didn't really have last night), that I am sorry about the exchange we had, that I was depressed and upset and that I will not be bugging him again. It doesn't matter how he reacts. I just want it off my head, out of my mind. I do NOT want a conversation. What I want is to just get on with my own healing. He can deal with own if he wants. Whatever. I just want out of this mess of negative feelings. Thanks again, rTexas. You always post something helpful!.......... jaja
I have been so incredibly jealous of the A and his friends and associates. Everyone is more important to him than me. I have let it spill out so much and it is very very hard to come to terms with. The A does not have women around but who knows. I sometimes look at his recent calls and goodness knows who he is calling. But for me its been years of it. He had a friend who practically moved in with us for a long time (2 years). I did not know how to set limits on it. Now I do set limits does it stop the jealousy not really. I think personally the A I am with goes out of his way to make me feel insecure.
Personally I have had to go totally elsewhere for my emotional needs the A meets none of them. I have to go to program, friends everything.
I've stopped looking for the A to reassure me. I think he goes out of his way to make me feel insecure and put off. He also goes out of his way for others and really works on having as little as possible for me. Its all part of his need to control and make me feel less than. He suceeds but far less than he used to. My secret weapon is having friends who care for me (that is so so key) and having a program and also having a plan. I will not be treated like this again.
Thanks so much, marsie! You know something, I do think my A feels in control when he's aware of how bad I feel about something I think he's doing or things he doesn't do for me. But he also accuses me of trying to control him. I have done that alot since this dysfunctional relationship began 22 years ago and by now, I don't even recognize when I'm controlling. Obviously,we both need a lot of work on ourselves..... I didn't sleep more than 4 hours last night cuz my nerves got the best of me. So I called my wonderful older sister really early this morning and vented on her. She's so good about that and understanding and comforting. I also cruised the web a little to alcoholism sites, read a little, and set off to work feeling lots better. I thought about that phone call I made last night to my A and what I said, and I decided I just wanted to call him tonight,say what I had to say, and get it off my mind. It just felt like to me like I should so I did. I told him I was sorry about the exchange (which meant I wasn't taking full blame for all the negative comments) and that I would not be bugging him anymore. He may not know it but I am not initiating any calls again. When he answered my call tonight, his tone was friendly (that helped) and after I briefly stated what I had to say, you know what he said? He said "Oh,yeah. O.K. I'm making lasagna.What are having for dinner?" !!!!!!!!!!! It seems lately that when I get calss from him or the kids, I end up standing with the phone in my hand and my mouth hanging open. "I'm making lasagna" ????????????? For crying out loud!!!........So now I am feeling good again and more clear headed, what I hope to do is just put on a happy face. He can do whatever the hell he wants - call the girl, make lasagna. whatever. - but I want to keep marching on toward my own recovery. I don't need him to do anything ( I'm outta luck if I do) and can't look to him for reassurance,either. And he can try to make me feel insecure and put off, but I don't want to give him the satisfaction of accomplishing it. Thanks maresie. You hit a few nails on the head!.........jaja