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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I thank God everyday for sending my guardian angel as a comforting angel as well. See he (my angel) was there for me when I had to deal with my mothers drinking. When I had to deal with being estranged cause she wants to spend her life drinking. He helped me to realize that God is there for me and that this is my mothers problem (i am still struggling at time..but I am getting better). I know that for years ESPECAILLY when I lived at home, I felt as if this was me that she wanted NOTHING to do with me, BUT ONLY just her BOOOZE!!!! But my guardian angel opened my eyes some to that... IT DOES STILL HURT that mother wants NOTHING to do with me, yes BUT my angel TELLS me to focus ON GOD!!!! I am getting better bout it!!! AGAIN I am soooo grateful for my dear angel for that and MANY MANY of other reasons!!!!!
Do you have a guardian/companion angel that talks to you and helps you out though this?
I was told that my HP (God as I understand God) can and will use whatever is available to help me gain and maintain my peace of mind and soul and serenity. Angels can come in so many different ways and forms and my HP has touched me in ways I use to never imagine. Of course today my imagination is limitless. My HP used an alcoholic/addict to get me into Al-Anon. How's that for an angel? May be your Mom is one also?