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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG??????????????? That is what I want to say when anyone asks " How are you?"
I have been on interview after interview for a full time job.
I have been told, your're underqualified, overqualified, sorry company requires a two year degree or 60 credits.
I have just had it.
Bills up the gazoo from hubbys "recovery"(he is still drinking, I say nothing)
Two kids in college$$$.
I get one week off a year. Period. No other PTO because I am part time(30hrs wk).No benefits.I am burnt. If one more person suggests to me to get another job I am not going to be able to ****ing fake it. I am trying to get a better job, but the truth is you need a college education or at least a two year degree.
And yes let's tackle the "go back to school" advice from all the same people who advise me to get a better job.
Cannot leave 10yr old with AH for evening classes. Looked into sitters, again limited because I cannot have a teenager here with AH, and their parents don't want someone elses kid in their house 2-3 nights a week. And I cannot take him with me,I asked.There is no child care available.
I went back two years ago for basic computer courses. Got an entry level job to get experience to move into a full time job and now it's like the finish line has been moved, again.
Now let me get back to my faking it til I make it, because I know if I dare to show anyone what is going on inside it will be construed as me feeling sorry for myself.
I know about the child thing have you checked into online classes? One day at a time. You will know what to do when the time is right have faith in that.
Your post sounds as if I could have written it! I have applied to 337 jobs and have had interviews for about 30 of them. I've gotten loads of rejection letters telling me the same thing as you've received.
Here in Ohio, where I live, there are loads of jobs open, but even more people out-of-work. This means employers can choose people with the exact qualifications that they want for the position they have open. That leaves me with a part-time job.
I looked onto on-line programs. Some don't take very long to complete and can be achieved without a large expense. Example: going to a community or state college, costs run approximately $50/credit hour. Then an Associaties Degree is about 90 credit hours. So it can get quite expensive (if you don't qualify for financial aid).
One of the on-line programs I considered (since there are so many openings in this field) was Pharmacy Technician. They pay "decent" wages. The program costs (depending on the online school) were between $300 - $600 for the entire program. I just did a search on Google for online programs to see what type of programs are offered and their cost.
I don't know if this information helps - but I thought I'd share what I learned in my search.
Don't think it would be called feeling sorry for yourself, me personally would call it seeing reality....or maybe your eyes have finally opened to the life of hell when living with additcion.......
Whatever the cause, take it and move forward dear friend.....just reach deep do what you have to do and take care of you and your kids.....
I can understand completely, about "faking it til you make it"! I think I could have been a contender for an academy award for my acting abilities, to remain somewhat normal while my stomach was in turmoil, and my mind was in total chaos. I remember going to work with 2 hours sleep, eyes red and swollen from crying all night. Told them it was allergies when asked. HA! I do understand how the system works and you can be over qualified or under qualified. I was always a stay at home mom, only took on menial jobs here and there part time, not a real career persay. However when my husband of 30 years decided to persue his career in drinking (as I call it), I needed to take drastic measures to insure that I too could move on and live. The job I was currently at and still am, I kept pushing for full time. I weighed all the options,,,medical, dental, close to home etc, and it seemed that even though I dont make the greatest of an hourly wage these 3 things in itself out weighs making more of an hourly wage and not recieving benefits and spending more on gas,,,so I stayed. Keep looking something will come along,,and dont be afraid to brag about yourself to employer prospects, and lay it all on the table on who you are and what you can do!............Good Luck...................gardengal
In my humble opinion, fake it till you make it is an unfortunate slogan. It didn't originate within the 12-step program(s), but somehow has been incorporated into a lot of the language. It really only has meaning in hindsight, so I think it's a lousy thing to say to a newcomer. But the program does work if you work it - whether you believe or not! And it will make a believer out of you if you let it. It's ok to want to believe. I am just not comfortable with feigning belief... it ramps up expectations (premeditated resentments) and activates the "liar! liar!" alarm in my head. Better to just walk the walk until you make it. Nothing fake about that.
Whatever idiot suggested you "fake it till you make it" really wasn't listening to your story sweetie.
What I bet they were trying to do is, out of discomfort for lack of a solution, said something stupid vs saying nothing at all. And doing that, to me, is akin to watering the garden with cyanide. It leaves a lasting sore on the soul.
What you're really in is a rock/hard place (but you knew that). There's no magic formula there. There's no magic formula to get out of the place where everywhere you look there's drama, crises, calamity, screw ups and Oh Holy God, What Now? problems. But, having lived in this place for a few 24 hours--and having watched it get slowly worse over the past 6 months--the best thing I have found to do is 1) stay with the program (not that you were going to quit obviously)--these people have literally been my life preserver; 2) stay with your sponsor/councelor, whatever--she has helped me at least in the sense of "now I've laid my cards on the table...I can't kill anyone anymore."; 3) ask, ask, ask--I know that in many of my college classes the prof doesn't care if the kid comes if they're quiet and still. The worst you can hear is no.
Maybe check into some online classes? Some will start ya off with an affordable down payment then reasonable monthly payments. I will be doing this come spring time, it's my best option since I have 3 small children and hubby's job can change his shift at any given time, so I cannot depend on him being here for the kids. Things will find a way to work out. Maybe the job meant for you just isn't ready yet and if ya get a different one you'll miss the good one? And I don't think you are feeling sorry for yourself, sometimes reality just walks up and says "hey" and we aren't ready for it, lol. Hnag in there, it will get better.