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Thought I'd share a wonderful email I got from a friend.
>>Two Horses >> >>Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it. From a >>distance, each looks like every other horse. But if you stop your car, or >>are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing. Looking into the >>eyes of one horse will >> >> >>disclose that he is blind. His owner has chosen not to have him put down, >>but has made a good home for him. This alone is amazing. >> >>If nearby and listening, you will hear the sound of a bell. Looking >>around >>for the source of the sound, you will see that it comes from the smaller >>horse in the field. Attached to her halter is a small bell. It lets her >>blind friend know where she is, so he can follow her. >> >>As you stand and watch these two friends, you will see how she is always >> >> >>checking on him, and that he will listen for her bell and then slowly >>walk >>to where she is, trusting that she will not lead him astray. When she >>returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, she stops occasionally >>and >>looks back, making sure her friend isn't too far behind to hear the bell. >> >>Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just >>because >>we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges. He watches >>over us and even brings others into our lives to help us when we are in >>need. Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringer >>bell of those who God places in our lives. Other times we are the guide >>horse, helping others see. >> >>Good friends are like this . you don't always see them, but you know >>they are always there. >> >>Please listen for my bell and I'll listen for yours. >> >>BE KINDER THAN NECESSARY, FOR EVERYONE YOU MEET IS FIGHTING SOME KIND OF >>A >>BATTLE.
(((Irish)))) how beautiful! This describes just exactly how I feel about HP and my family here in Al-Anon. I have a feeling I'm going to keep this post in my mind as I go about my business today, and I hope I never forget it. I have goose bumps reading it, too! Wow!
Thank-you so much for sharing that with us, it is beautiful!
You are sooo right, it truly IS Alanon!
I have a big horse who is a gentle giant. Many who don't know him are afraid of him because of his size, but when they see the donkey take hay right out of his mouth, they relax, lol! I feed them with round bales, and when I first put them out, she can't reach the really yummy part in the middle, so she just stands by him, and when he brings his head out of the yummy middle, she takes it right out of the side of his mouth!
Methinks HE is an Alanoner, or would you lable him as being a co-dependent?? LOL! Love, TLC