The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Boy, I've just read some of the posts here and I have to say, coming to al-anon is like coming home -- to a more functional, loving home... a safe home, a comforting home... like running into your grandma's arms -- where you know it's all gonna be ok.
I've been in and out of the rooms for about 15 years. First as an ACOA, then got involved with an addict/alcoholic and married him, despite seeing the red flags. Been through some really rough times over the years; been married 10 years to this guy. On the outside, things look ok; pretty good actually. We just moved to a nice big home in the country; have a young toddler who is a delightful handful (like Tigger) and a precocious 7 year old son who is just a wonderful kid. I have a very good job in special ed, though it's frustrating at times (the co-workers, not the kids!).
Right now, my AH is sober...and somewhat clean. He's been clean and sober for almost 3 years... worked a good program for a year after he got clean and sober --this saved the marriage from divorce. My AH just had surgery Monday and is taking pain med's... his drug of choice. He's allowed me to dispense the drugs as per his sponsor's and our previous marriage counselor's advice. He's also taking the lowest dosage and wants to get off the med as soon as he can tolerate the pain. I'm still really worried about him as he hasn't called his sponsor in over 4 months; hasn't gotten a new local sponsor since we moved here; hasn't been to meetings consistently for months; and isn't working the program. The effects of this are that he's sarcastic, forgets I'm his belovedwife and that he's supposed to be nice to me -- at least as nice as he would be to a co-worker -- wouldn't you think? He barks at the kids and me... and I have to tell him that we don't deserve to be treated the way he treats us... like we're pains in his butt.
For me, I stopped working my program and meetings when I was pregnant with this last baby (almost 3 years ago); having two kids is alot more than having one and at my age (44) it's harder than when I was 37 with the first. Plus working full time. I know that's an excuse, but it's all I got.
I'm tired... tired of kicking his butt...tired of asking to be treated kindly and politely, tired of his being nice when he needs me/us -- when he feels sentimental, tired of being THE parent. I have to coach him on how to talk to the children; on his decisions/judgment in their care. I'm tired of being considered the nag.
I've grown a huge callous thick wall around me over the years to help me not get hurt anymore... now, I get angry and resentful. I don't know if I love him anymore. Those feelings seem so far away; foreign to me. I feel badly shouting in front of the kids. But, I'm not gonna be talked to like he talks to me anymore. And I will stand up for my sons; they deserve to be treated with care!
I had to say a huge prayer to help me be even sympathetic toward him since he was depending on me to get through this surgery. I do think God performed some miraculous surgery in my heart, excising some of the resentment so I could be kind to him. And I was kind and caring. Funny thing though, the kindness feels so foreign (from me to him and from him to me) even though I think it's genuine caring and niceness. But it's certainly not familiar and easy. No, the back biting, the sarcasm, the blaming back and forth -- that's what comes so easily and is so familiar. Isn't that sad and sick? We're so co-dependent and I hate it. It doesn't feel like a loving relationship/marriage -- it feels like using each other to get the basic needs met. Not the emotional or physical needs though... just paying the bills, feeding the kids, doing whatever we have to to run a family. It's more like a job than a marriage. There's no hand holding, there's no cuddling, there's minimal interest in each other's interests/concerns/thoughts/ hopes, etc.
The drinking and using aren't there, but the behaviors and attitudes are. You can definitel;y tell when the Alcoholic is here and when the Real hubbie is here. Sometimes, I think he's really trying -- but I think he tries b/c I kick him in the butt and b/c I think he's afraid he'll lose us if he keeps us this bad behavior. It feels like external work, not internal work and I don't trust it. I wish he'd call his sponsor and I wish he'd start back with his meetings and step work. When he was going to 3-4 meetings a week, meeting with his sponsor, doing the work, he was a totally different person. Someone I could forgive and work with toward something. When he started giving up, I started giving up right along with him.
Before the surgery, I was feeling so mad at him and so tired that I just wanted to give in. Figure out a way to get divorced... but, I'm feeling trapped financially b/c my AH quit his job to finish his degree. So, I'm working and we need the health insurance.
I feel like the soul of me has been sucked right out of me and feel so empty at times... he takes alot, the kids of course need alot from me, my job takes alot. It's hard to take care of myself. Going through the motions every day. I feel like I'm just surviving, barely keeping my head above water. Feeling like I'm losing myself, my needs, who I am more and more.
For now, I don't think divorce is the answer. But, something's gotta give. I hate this and I know it isn't healthy for the children, esp. as our 7 year old is like a little sponge. I know from experience that great things happen when we work our respective programs and when we pray. I know I haven't been doing my part.
I know I need to be here. It was such a relief to read some of the responses to posts and hear the wisdom and feel the genuine care, concern, and love from you veterns and senior members. So, thank you for being here and thank you for letting me get some of this off my chest. And thank you for letting this ol' girl in the rooms again. I needed a place to be tonight --in a safe place that I know is warm and all will be ok. Thank you al-anon for opening the doors and for the welcome home.
I know I need to go to a f2f mtg... and will try to get to one this week, OK? For right now and in between the f2f mtgs, this place is where I need to be.
Welcome Home and Welcome to MIP. I am so glad that you are here. The ESH you shared was precisely what I needed to hear RIGHT now. I sat down at the computer and thought to myself, "things are going pretty well right now, how easy it would be to get lazy with my program" and then I read your post and WHAM, my HP said, "ok, and do you see what will happen?" So, thank you.
I can absolutely relate to the feelings of being the nag, carrying the whole load, and parenting the other parent on how to parent. It is tiring. My children are older than yours, 13 and 10. So for the place I am in today it is a bit different. I am able to step back, aply my program and realize that the relationship my AH has with them is theirs to have. It does not have to be like mine is with them and I cannot change that as much as I'd like to. But they will make their own judgements and choices, another thing that I cannot change. When it comes to matters of safety, sure I'll jump in, but whether or not he tucks them in at night, calls home when he is at work, tries to get to their ball games, comes to church with us etc...well... I cannot control any of that, and when I do, I am manipulating the parent that he really is, trying to make him into something that I think he should be. Not my choice. For me it is also a type of enabling, I am enabling him to mask these things when I jump in there, the effects of this disease run so deep, the behaviors are everwhere and he needs to learn to deal with them on his own. No, I do not like to see my sons disappointed, but I am not disappointing them and I am all that I can control.
I hope that you continue to come here, reach out and share. Your post was written with such strength and integrity. We are blessed that our HP has brought you to us.
I think for me in my esh what is behind the nagging is a profound sense of no trust. I don't trust much the A says about anything. He has lied so many times. His friends come first, his mother comes first (she did nothing for him when he was sick not one jar of a grocery did she give him but hey if she comes/calls/whatever he drops everything).
I made some progress with the A. I made a lot of progress on my own behavior and that is what keeps me sane and keeps me out of screaming, fighting, getting totally exhausted and eventually falling into desperate depressions.
At the same time I don't know how I can live with no trust at all. The A surrounds us with people who are dysfunctional. He has people who work for him all of whom need need need need and need some more. I used to feed them (some) and put up with them. I am at a point where I can't anymore. Sooner or later the A begins to become resentful of this Eventually he starts to party with them and he calls that work. The thing is that money is like one of the core issues. We never have any money. I can definitely understand feeling trapped by the money.
When I first met the A I was riding the highest I ever have money wise. I could have walked away in a second. I had my moments the red flags were right up there. I stayed and stayed and stayed. And then we started to get all this stuff together, cars, (which he crashed) trucks (which he crashed), posessions (which he broke), animals (which I paid for and still pay for).
Those things the lifestyle we have, the life we have became a bond. In the last 6 months I have gone way the other way with the A. I stopped indulging him, I stopped buying his affection, I stopped buying full stop. I cut back a great deal. I focused on me. I put time into me. I put time into building a support group. This group, this place was and is a huge part of that. I also got a therapist (low cost) who helps me a great deal (I never speak about the A to her) I focus only on me, my issues, my concerns with her. I do not bring up the relationship for a minute. I had a therapist before this one and pretty soon after I disclosed about the A all she talked about was that I should should should should leave and when was I going to do that. And if I didn't do that I was wasting my time in therapy. I was pretty fed up by that I must say. So I decided to focus totally on me with this therapist. I no longer obsess about the A and I don't even speak to my sponsor about him that much (she noticed that).
I can definitely understand not having time for the program. 3 months ago I found a job, not a job i like, not a joke I really want to stay in for long but a job when before because I was so incredibly depressed, angry, fed up and preoccupied by the A I could find nothing. I have stuck this job out and it has been difficult. The A throws curve balls my way all the time with his crises although I have to say they have been less lately. I no longer scream, rage or remonstrate with him. I am nevertheless furious at him a lot of the time and I can anticipate his cycles now. He goes "off" certain friends to then turn around and find a new one to idolize. I can't say how much talking to people in this room about the A's abandonment to friends has hurt me has helped. It really freed me from remonstrating and obsessing. And now I can watch with detachment. Do I like it, nope, do I welcome it, nope. Do I resent it anymore, nope.
I cut my resentments in ribbons. I know that you can do that. The resentments for me at least were some of the biggest part of the depression. I got so so depressed I was almost paralyzed with rage. I could do nothing. I achieved very little all day. I watched a lot of soap operas. Each day was never ending and I got no where. Now I have plans, albeit very very small, I set goals, I share a lot about what is going on for me (but nothing like I could when I was in chat a lot and had more time). I am so so glad that I found this room.
Here are some things that have helped me since in the program.
Go face to face meeting & online meeting.
post on the board here on the site. I have gotten a lot of good feed back.
· In this program u learn that u have choices. In Alanon we don’t give advice but only suggestions.
· Set support system. people do not judge. You need someone who can go for coffee on a bad day, or pick up a phone and call when in trouble. The support is what is important when you first this program.
Have a sponsor. Someone work one on one with you.
You don’t have to do this the minute u come to the program but I suggest that u do it when u can. It help.
Meeting schedule: meetings are in here and run approximately 90 minutes from: Monday-Friday, 9 am and 9 pm EST, Saturday: 10 am and 9 pm EST, Sunday: 10 am and 7 pm EST. Topics are selected by participants at meeting time. UK +5 hours, central -1 hour, mountain -2 hours, pacific -3 hours. Open chat all other times.
Hey everyone watch me grow. I go thru good & bad times. each day i am getting stronger.
Thank you for your encouraging words. Posting didn't feel like integrity and strength...and I cetainly didn't see my complaining as a blessing... but, I'm glad God used it to remind you not to ease up! :) I'm glad I'm here too... thanks for the wisdom of your words re: parenting. I'll be keeping that enabling thing and masking thing in mind...good points.