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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Dear (((Temple)))) you are some kind of lovely soul...Wish there was more like you on the planet...I absolutely feel "light" energy when i read you, whether you are sharing on me or another...Your love shines through
Can't find Junior tonight, either...i am getting his crate ready to hide in for winter....Hope he is ok and just out courting like you say...There is a giant possum hovering around..Hope "J" is out of reach
I just had a PANIC moment!!! I let the girls out to use restroom, and it was a bit b4 I called them in....the 2 big ones came in, all smiley and everything WITHOUT the puppy!!!! And puppy is always eager to come back in and play with her toys.. I called for Sofie, and no answer....I panicked...did she get out??? where do i start looking??....I had to BREATHE as I grabbed the flashlight to first look in yard that I "puppy proofed" where a teeny critter can't get out as tight as I closed any openings....
so i go out in the yard, hoping Mr. Possum is not on neighbor's fence, and I am looking and THERE the puppy is, doing a reeeeeel slooooooooow #2 and the look on her face was priceless!!!! It was like "haven't you seen a puppy doing a leisurely dooo doooo????
I was so relieved, I hope I did not interrupt and she got it all done...guess I'll find out when it is dark and I am in my socks and I step in the wrong place in her area......
Panic city.. She may tend to follow her own drum. Sophie How did I get Softy out of that Principessa Sofia. I just know this doggie is Italian..
I laughed at your post that mentioned discs. Are you speaking to me in Sanskrit? The only way I know to type and print something is to put it in an email addressed to nobody and click on the little type icon over to the right. I hear or read "documents" and I freeze. Husband cleans my laptop. His second career was in IT. I'm not allowed to click on buttons/don't want the responsibility.
When he tries to tell me how to do something--telling me or doing it himself--how do my fingers know how to repeat that? I tell him--I know all I need to know. I can email and I can Google "Sasquatch" and "Alien Autopsies."
That's a joke we have--I go down a lot of rabbit holes on the Innernets and he always scolds me for picking up bad ju-ju. So I like to give him a turn now and then.
Oh--oh--I'd send you a link, but you have no idea how hard it is for me to do a link except in an email and even then....but there's a YouTube of a bulldog giving his mommy heck because he wants to go to the doggy park. It has captions and you can hear her dressing him down as she might an adolescent for being disrespectful and it is hysterical. I think I've watched it 40 times. Some might say I'm easily entertained. No, this is just the best thing out there.
And--husband could tell you I am the worst person in the world and everything is my fault and if he didn't keep me controlled there is no limit to the mayhem I would commit. So...he. Last night he was screaming at me and I screamed back I was not raised to scream at people. It is beneath me. I know better. And somehow I didn't feel bad later, as I do when he screams and I don't scream back. On second thought I wasn't screaming--just told him where he could hear me that if he ever lays hands on me again I will call the police.
When I grow up I want to be one of those serene creatures who is so evolved that nobody, ever, not even a psych ward inmate would ever scream at them I know they exist. They are among us. I'm learning not to care and last night I didn't vibrate when it was over. Which is real progress. I felt fine--just as he does after he discharges. I don't intend to live there. It is unbecoming. But I'm learning. And practicing radical acceptance of myself. And forgive me if any of that triggers you. I really don't want to do that. I am safe. He's a bully and also a coward--which are two sides of the same coin, aren't they?
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Oh noooo. Im not triggered. Im honored you shared this. And I, too want to grow up and be serene and balanced in all or most stressful challenges.
I hear you and relate. When anyone would go off on me, I would shut down. Dissociate. But Im getting more able to stand my ground and FEEL the ground under me as I call them out on their behavior and let them know that aggressive behavior and yelling and swearing is not acceptable anymore
I can set a boundary and stand to it without doubting myself
I think missus puppy is gonna help me calm down more. She is so mellow, nothing bothers her
LMAO LMAO......OMG....I played it THREE times, to laugh some more........that was WAY too funny.....thank you for that great laugh..............hahahaha........I downloaded it to disk......
I want to thank everybody for their kind and funny, humerus interest in my little puppy. I think she was treated roughly in the beginning because she gets a bit worried when I have to gently take a hold of her fur and chastise her for wrong doings
She gets braver by the day. She will soon realize that here, there is never any abuse. Shes grown even in just a week. Coming out of her shell which wasnt so ingrained to begin with. Shes about 13 weeks old or so and becoming more of a curious and open. Willing. Less wary little puppy. Life can be so brutal as many of us can attest to. Man can be horrid. And I make no excuses for my preference for dogs/pets over most people. Having my now 3 loving doggies to come to and to play and relax with helps me make life more happy and livable
Shes asleep in her crate. Older puppy is feeling left out so as I get ready for gym, she and older girl are enjoying my undivided attention
You all have a good weekend. We got a cold front here
Beautiful fur babies rose,I have one only one fur baby ,he is getting old 12 yrs of joy still as energetic today as he was as a puppy,
i dought I'll get another fur baby after mine has to go,
I'm grateful for people like you that do rescues,my son is a rescuer to of 6 pets.,,,,,,,hugs LU
Hey ((((((LU))))))) I totally understand not wanting to get another pet when one is lost and the grief is so raw..devastating...I've even said it..."thats more pain" but the JOY I get so outweighs the pain I go through, that I do to the shelters and rescue again and again, until I am gone, myself, I guess because I have a passion to help the critters...always had pets all my life..and they were my only joy, my only source of happiness, they made my life bearable when I was in their company....I raised , trained, broke, showed horses in pleasure classes, I had dogs, cats, rescued a crow with a broken wing and when I set him free, he hung out near me for a long time..then found a mate and he was gone, LOL..
.I found an injured squirrel in our wood shed off the basement and nursed her back to health, a skunk was my best friend for a few years, even showed me her babies in their nest that she so lovingly made...(In the back part of our huge barn that was perfect "den" material) until she disappeared and never returned...I heard later there were feral dogs roaming near where our farm was and I know "skunky" wold never leave me voluntarily...she was my best time a bully boy wanted to steal my horse's bridal...skunky flipped her tail and nailed him right in the face an chest....he stunk to high heavens...I laughed till I couldn't stand up anymore...his mom (they lived down the street) had to bath him in tomato juice to get the stink off..I heard she burried his clothes?? LOL....they were good friends and Mrs "L" told "D" who really was a friend even tho he would try the "Alpha male" thingy on me , that he got what he deserved....he later became a drug addict..It broke my heart to hear that....
anyway, my pets were my only mates that I could reeeely trust, save for a boy and 2 girls I was best mates with...
Now that my home is to "capacity" I'll help the ones at the shelters find fosters and homes by taking their pics, and posting on social media in our has helped...Your fur baby is very very lucky to have you....
missus puppy is not very pleased that her tether doesn't come as far out of the kitchen it used to...last night I had my big stuff bear on my small fouton/couch and she evicted the bear, got up and crashed on the couch, like lady muck!!! I had to explain to her that they have their rugs on the floors, so shorter leash...she is not real pleased, but she can get in the LR far enough to share with her older sisters and me when we are in parlor watching TV
you take care of you and your fur baby...He is lucky he has you....thanks for stopping in the "critter corner" as Temple said somewhere on this thread, LOL
Junior has been MIA for 4 days now...Can't find him, noone has seen him...I know hes "just a kitty" to a lot of folks and I don't "own" him per se, but I am his only human friend and I am the one who leaves him food, water and a "hello" when I see him (hes feral) and I am SO wanting to catch him so the pound will neuter him and I cna bring him back to our turf and he won't be "a courtin" anymore....
Missus puppy has grown in just over a week, shes bigger, heavier, and more sassy...
It makes me happy to picture you and the Fur Kids all cozy in your pretty pastel house. I think I remember your describing it that way.
And I love all the critter stories.
Good thoughts for Junior and fingers crossed he comes back and you can carry out your plan. Bless his heart. 'And yours. I know that anxious feeling.
Animals are a great source of joy and solace. We are so blessed to be able to hang out with some of them. Petting fur and listening to purring--bliss. Or a dog snuffling in his dreams. I think I just talked myself into a nap.
Horses are enchanting. I've ridden--if you could call it that--and/or touched a horse maybe 10 times, tops, in my whole life, and I remember and can feel exactly how the planes and hollows and curves on the head and neck feel and I can hear the neighs and the little snuffly sounds they make and feel the texture of their coats? hair? That would be a good centering exercise when I am feeling jangled, I think. The way they smell. And when on one and feeling him move beneath you. You've probably ridden bareback. What a feeling that must be. And how beautiful they are to look at. If I hadn't already decided a bear was my pretend totem, a long time ago, what would be more wonderful than a horse?
Are the puppies just not allowed on the furniture? Not even with a doggy pad? I laugh--we could have had all kinds of rules for Higgins Kitty--and he could have known that this particular place is the one chair or sofa he was allowed on and he'd have done exactly as he pleased anyway. His favorite place was burrowed into the clean laundry. I called him our Officer Pulver, in charge of "laundries" and morale.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
((((((((((((((((Temple))))))))))))))))))) oh , I could read you all day and feel the love adn warmth on this now getting cold weather
Junior is still MIA and I am praying that he is courting and not harmed...I do relent and let the fur kids up on the foutons, but my furniture is mostly vintage, old stuff i fixed up by sanding down and putting polish on them to let them retain their age...I am into old, vintage furniture..yea, it doesn't get on with pets, but I "compromise" with the foutons, where I have 2 in bedrooms, non in office but another in living room...I put throws on them as they are folded into chairs and not stretched out as beds, and yea, missus puppy gets on the LR one and the older puppy kicks the giant bear off the bedroom one and crashes out on that one....I wish they would use the beds of towels and thick rugs I put on teh floor for them, but they like those foutons and I am not strict about enforcing my "on the floor rule" so its a compromise of sorts, LOL
my house looks like a day care center with all the stuff toys, frisbees, chewy toys, things that you squeez and it squeals, LOL...but its THEIR all over the place but I don't care...the "kids" have to have their play...ropes to play tug o war with....
I have to have structure and discipline, firm pressure and release as they are labs with pit bull in is nearly all pitbull , the others have a good portion of the pitbull in them and pitties need firm loving structure...they have to know I am the alpha because they are strong dogs and hard headed at times and can really run a "pushover" owner I use (I NEVER hit them) I make them "go to bed" for a time out when they are not behaving....I make them "sit" or "down" when I need their has to be that way with your , people call them "bully breeds" and I don't like that...they are protectors, and great pets, but they can "test you" to see if you are gonna let them run you....anyway, speaking of foutons, I see the LR one, the bear is not off the fouton, but hes getting ready to fall, so little missus puppy had been napping at some time....
When you were talking about your experiences with the horses, awww what lovely memories came back to me...I swear, the horse is my connection to the source of all things good in the spirit animal has always been the horse...I miss them...My finances would never be able to maintain one now.....If I got rich somehow, I would support ALL places that help the critters...horses, dogs, oh yea, I would be financially "fostering" a bunch of them....get a nice big place with acreage and rescue some nice appies and quarter horses...nice pleasure pets, also paints are nice........I still have my tack (horse equip. ) and my grooming equipment in this BIG canvass bag in my front hall closet...I wont' give it up...its like if I hang onto it, MAYBE my life would change for the more abundant and I could have another one???? I guess with universe anything is possible...
I think doggy toys all around sounds just lovely. I used to love seeing English country houses in Architectural Digest back in the 70s. There'd be a big bowl with doggy leashes on a table near the entry and riding boots and Wellies underneath.
Was in a Barbara Sher audience once. She taught a 6 degrees of separation exercise to help people fulfill their dreams. One invites 30 people over for drinks, etc. Takes one's leave for a "phone call" and lets them mingle and help themselves. Then states what one wants and somebody will know somebody who knows somebody. She says with 30 people in a room you can reach anybody in the world with 6 or fewer phone calls, etc. It's kind of an organic, miraculous seeming thing. Well, there were 300 people in the room and she asked if anybody wanted to be it. And a young woman had a dream of working with horses. And within 15 minutes she was connected with a place where she could go and live and have a job working with horses. I can't remember if it was basic scut work, but the feeling I have it was exercising at least, perhaps helping train. And of course no matter what--she'd have the opportunity to work her way up.
I thought of that when you said you still have your bag of tack. I hope there is at least some place around there where you can go and ride or at least go and watch them. And that you keep your dream alive. And even informally somebody might know somebody who knows somebody who has a horse or horses and would be happy to have an experienced rider come over and exercise them. And who knows what might lead to what.
I love the Horse Whisperer. It's about time, I think I don't remember if it was that person or another but there was a video of a mare disciplining an untrained colt in a small ring. She just kept facing him and looking him in the eyes. And he got it And pretty quickly.
How wonderful that there are places now with therapeutic horseback riding for special needs people or people with physical limitations. '
I was entertaining myself with YouTube last evening and videos of orphan foals being introduced to adult horse came up. The woman had gotten the two from a rescue place. It was adorable and she'd been taught how to take it in very easy stages so as not to traumatize the foals in any way. I've heard that horses are like four year old humans. Do you agree?
I think those must be some very bright children we're talking about. Grins.
Well, I've indulged myself enough. Blessed are the animals who get to live inside your heart because it is as big as all outdoors. I just PMd a friend who is also very into dogs--wouldn't it be nice if people were as easy to get to understand as dogs are?
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Loved your story about the lady inviting those people for separation exercise. Brilliant
I did, sorta have a chance to be around horses when I went to a garage sale at this place down the street. There was this mare tied to a tree. Full tack and where she could not move. I told the lady I would walk her if she wanted me to. I noticed a huge quarter crack on her hoof due to improper shoeing. ( I hate shoes. Always let my equine pets go barefoot. Never any hoof or foot issues). Anyway she was selling out bc she had no help with horses. I offered to care for them in exchange for a gentle stroll on her property. She said no. Ive made up my mind. Dang!! I was too late. There are no more places near me that I could enjoy my equines. I have to work to supplement my SS and for now anyway, there are no more chances like that
If it is meant, something will happen for me
And YES horses are very intelligent animals. They can even understand short sentences like a dog. I always say there is no such thing as a bad horse. Just bad owners
Back years ago, I rescued a quarter horse who was beaten and had a horrible life. It took me a few months and loads of patience to win his trust and love. He turned out to be my best buddy
I absolutely adore these animals. Maybe one day Ill be with them again. When I go to other side, I believe I will have them again
Thanks for listening to me LOL
There's a belief that when we die we are met on the Rainbow Bridge by all the animals we've ever "owned." I have always thought of cats and dogs and bunnies. Now the bridge just got bigger in order to accommodate the horses! Wonderful!
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
(((((((((((((Temple))))))))))))))))) ohhhh that is soo neat...."bridge just got bigger in order to accommodate the horses!" yep, I truly truly believe that the creatures go to the other side, the happy place..All the horses, dogs, kitties and my little skunk, all of them I had to say "so long" to, will be there to walk me home......I do believe this with all my heart........
Junior is not back yet and puppy has a bit of the runs...I mixed in some cheaper dry dog food in with their decent stuff...not much...just to stretch it till the end of the month and of course any changes in a dog's diet can bring on the "green apple quickstep" so it will be a watchful night for me...she will cry to get out, but if I don't hear her as I didn't a couple of hours ago when i was in shower, yea, good thing my house is all tiled...No carpet at all.....
I am having so much fun chatting with you in the "critter corner" as you named this thread
I'll share some pics of her real soon..She has GROWN...shes been here 2 weeks and shes bigger...I swear and shes coming into herself..still a bit fearful of stuff, but I just expose her to pretty near everything and shes coming out of her shell.....AND she is already barking at strangers!!!! Good girl!!!!!
She has grown in the 2 weeks Ive had her shes gonna be a nice size. When I scraped her wound on her tail and applied peroxide on it, its healing over nicely. Can hardly tell. Will get some this week pics to share.
Checked in to see if there was any new Sophie news. Looked back to see if I could tell she's grown and found the first two videos of her playing with the black dogs. So sweet!
How old are they? Is she helping them get more exercise than they might without her? She's so happy. What a blessing that she isn't an only dog.
Are the black dogs twins? All three of them look very healthy and fit.
Will Sophie stay the same color, or will the darker fur on her back "spread?"
I just noticed that Sophie's thread has gotten lots of hits, so I hope you keep all of her pictures and videos on this one. People know where to find her.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Black dogs are not twins. One is much older and loves the younger one as her puppy
Little Sofie is loved by both. I see a lot more play. I doubt her fur will get darker or lighter. She is very well treated by the others
One is 9. One is 2. And baby , I figure is 4 months almost. Thanks for stopping in. Booster shot # 2. Tomorrow. And nails will be clipped for all. Maybe a bath for all.
Shes already barking at strangers. Right now I am on the couch watching TV. She is crashed out on her towel near me. Spoiled rotten. I even got them their favorite cresaunts for T/Giving.
Well everyone, as usual, T/Giving was waaaay too much food for one person, so dogs had a ball sharing my stuff
I got croussants, apple turnovers, and i made the best garlic toast dressing, but way too much, so I shared with the fur kids....
puppy had to take a nap after she devoured her share...her little puppy , bald belly was bulging...she went on her towel, snuggled up to her favorite stuffed toy and crashed out for 3 hours ....
hope everyone had a great T/Giving..Mine was gym in the am, and stuffing myself later with the 4 legged "kids"...quiet, peaceful day
Rose, thank you for sharing the Youtube video of your three furbabies playing!!!
Your two labs are gorgeous...such healthy, shiny coats!
Sofie's face as she runs to you and jumps on one of the lab's backs is adorable!!! It just exudes love!!!
She is one lucky girl!! Although it reminds me of the car sticker I always see... "Who saved who?"
Since my Boxer babe can't run and play anymore, this video really brightened my day!! Thanks again!
"The wolf that thrives, is the one you feed." - Cherokee legend
"Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields... Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness." Mary Oliver
She is really turning out to be a wonderful little pet and friend. My other girls love her to death. I have a sinus headache today and the girls were all good girls to let me sleep in today LOL. Glad you liked the videos I thought of you when I posted it. ((((((Temple))))))))
I will put up some more stuff soon
Ohhh NOW its time for missus puppy to show her bravado..she is barking and growling at anything, with fur standing up, that even LOOKS "not belonging here", LOL...she had her biscuit and older puppy decided that she was gonna "rob the little gal" well the little gal , talk about setting boundary, I had to break up them as they got into a fight over that biscuit...and little one was not backing yea, shes asserting herself now.....