The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
The MIP Sunday Spiritual Meeting today was about Letting Go. It was a great meeting and has kept me thinking all day! It sounds and looks simple... "LET GO", even the words are tiny and uncomplicated, but for me it involves some pretty LARGE complex concepts.
As a sorta newcomer to Al-Anon I find "Letting Go" involves first (for me) my big ole ego. I have to admit and then accept, that I really don't have all the answers. I have to deflate my ego and learn to be humble, admit my powerlessness, I don't have to do this perfectly, just to do it.
It also involves the actual process of letting go of "it", what ever "it" may be at the time, losing MY control--yikes, getting out of the blasted way so that HP can do the work for a change.
Lastly, I must have trust and faith in my HP (I am working hard on this) trusting that HP has this, that I will be okay in the end, that I can surrender and trust that HP will make sure that I survive the outcome of my decision to let go.
So, I am trying to "let go" for just minutes at a time some days, I seem to be getting better at this as my relationship with HP grows.
Nothing has changed but my attitude, everything has changed.
Wow morning glory couldnt have said it better. I am making baby steps at trusting
My HP knows what is best for me and letting go of the outcomes. It is very freeing and
Feels good. Sometimes i feel utter joy for no real reason and it feels great.
Hi MG. When I walked through the doors of Al-Anon, that is the very first slogan I learned. Five little words with such a powerful meaning. For me, let go means, stop fighting a battle that you can't win and let God means move out of the way, move aside and stop interfering with God's work. When I finally got it, a huge burden was lifting from me.
Thank you for sharing this. I'm gonna sit back and just let it percolate.
It works if your work it.
Look for the rainbow after the storm, and I'm sending you a double dose of HOPE. H-hold O-on P-pain E-ends
MG Lovely share and powerful insights. In the beginning of my alanon journey, I was able to use a slogan repeated over and over in my mind to help me" let go" and it worked one moment at a time.