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to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
My cousin is home & seems to be safe now. I have to call her daughter still & get some details.
Me, I am anxious & sad about a few things. I have made some somewhat major decisions lately. One: I decided not to fly for my 30th HS class reunion. I can't even go at all because I fear the worst. I know my fears are probably not necessary but I feel that after the last time going down to visit family was an utter disaster on my part. Long story & it is in the past where it belongs. Sometimes I like to torture myself & think about even ponder it. Anyway, I can't but want to still go down there. It is tomorrow night.
The other thing, not as big of a deal. I am not attending my yearly Al anon speaker cruise. I have not missed one since we started. Anyhow, I don't feel even though I shouldn't that I can show up there w/o feeling a bit uneasy & am a bit agoraphobic about the whole thing. I really want to go in a way but it seems that I would only be welcomed w/ open arms & would be very safe there w/ all my recovery friends--including some AA members. My husband doesn't really want to go either. Here is my dilemma: I have to find something to do to fill the voids of not attending these special events. So, if I am able to find the right thing to do for sure it will be w/ my husband for sure. We are planning to take a trip a little ways away & maybe see a movie & catch dinner. The thing is that there might not be a movie to see. We have almost exhausted all our choices. Not much out there that we haven't already seen. My husband even has a free ticket. Really there isn't a problem right? I just need to enjoy myself. I sometimes I think I might even cry about the reunion. I have gotten to know my former classmates better over the last few years or so & would love to see them & give some of them hugs.
So, I just need to take it easy & remember to let some of them know that I hope they have the best time. I have lost a lot of weight since the one 10 years ago. I look much better to because of my BR & lift plus my eye surgery. No glasses & only have to read w/ reading glasses. I think I might knock them dead! I really don't mean that though I am just average. But, I feel that I have come a long way. So, that might make me feel a little better.
Enough out of me. I feel a little better. It sounds better coming out of me than before I typed this up.
So, I will let all of you read this & see what you think, OK?
Oh, Kathleen--it would be neat if you could go to your reunion. I have a feeling you are way above average.
I was in great shape for my 35th, from dancing. I never did go the times I was chunky, so they never saw me when I wasn't slender, but I felt especially good for that one.
Have you seen Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion? It's a very cute chick flick.
Glad to hear your cousin is safe.
Take care of you, however that looks.
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
Glad to hear That she is OK. I agree with Temple on the decisons. Keep an open mind on the reunion and the cruise. You may change your mind.
Thanks for the update.