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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have been asked a few times if someone could have a copy of what I said in the meeting last night. I decided I would post it here, share it with everyone, and from here it can be copied by those who want to keep it for later reading. the topics were expectations, letting go of resentments, and acceptance.
extremely good topics tonight...
expectations.. wow... they always set the stage for me to get upset, lose my balance and focus...
find a point of disappointment...
expectations on others, never leaves me feeling good or empowered...
instead it reflects two things... that I am trying to get the abnormal to act normal, or behave normal... the irresponsible to be responsible, the immature to conduct themselves maturely
how has that worked out for me so far?
not worth a poop!
the other thing it does is reflect on how needy I am...
When I have to put an expectation in place... its because I believe I need something or someone to do something or be something... so I can feel safe, validated, secure....
in short, I am not able to provide myself with a sense of well being and contentment, safety, etc... so I need someone else to do it for me.
I was taught early on in this program... that when I stopped trying to get something or someone outside of me, to fix something inside of me...
I was on my way to recovery... to serenity, to self contentment, to peace.
expectations are not much more than having a nice resentment put on reservation...
so I have something to point at tomorrow, next week, next month... to justify and rationalize the condition of my internal sense of self, and how screwed up it is.
When I can let go of expectations... and just learn how to accept that everyone has their own part to play and I am not the director, the stage manager, or God....
and allow everyone, including myself to be less than perfect...
I am finally taking myself off the baby sitting clock... I am no longer working all the time to make sure, standing guard, making sure that...
everyone is doing what I think they should be, where they should be... acting the way I think they should be...
man... doing that stuff is a lot of work...
when I let go of expectations... I get to take a breath... inhale and exhale...
because in releasing my expectations... I am also turning things over to the CARE of the God of my understanding...
and when I do that... I don't have to live in a frenzy, in a state of worry and fear...
insecurity subsides, and faith steps in...
resentments... comes from a old italian phrase.. to resend.. to relive...
I resend that harm that I precieve was done to me, to my brain and ignite all the anger, the ugly memory of it, the emotional baggage that comes with it...
again and again and again... to fortify and validate the resentment...
so in short... someone hurts me once...
and then I reinflict myself with it over and over and over... and they are no where in sight...
I am now doing it to myself.
Who is harming me now?
I am... I am the one who recreates the event, the situation... all between my ears...
and allows it to play itself out... and throw me back into a place of despair...
mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually...
cuz trust me.. there is nothing attached to my resentments that have a spiritual light with them... LOL
So, I once was told.. .if someone shoots you once.. and you resent... you pull the trigger again and again and again, to keep that event a live and active in your mind...
so, that being the case, who is now holding the gun you are getting shot with over and over?
I am.
If I'm ready to stop being shot... I have to stop resenting.. and I have to visualize myself putting my weapons on the ground...
my weapons might be excuses, justifications, ....
self rightousness...
I have to surrender all of it. Release it.
Otherwise, I am setting the stage for a very unhappy camper that has to live inside my body... and his name is John.
Acceptance, I will only go as far as saying that when I simply become willing to honestly admit that I am not doing very well at accepting a person, situation, or event...
and it is causing me a hardship...
I am starting that journey towards acceptance...
it starts as soon as I open the door of honesty...
and if the best I can do is honestly admit that I have some work to do in that area... the work has begun.
Thanks for letting me share.
" And what did we gain? A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."
Expectations (I never thought I held so many until i started to examine my motives,)Resentments mostly generated my unrealistic expectations did keep me from complete Acceptance.
The wonderful 4th through 12th Step released me from these negative tools and replaced them with the new constructive program tools . Living one day at a time, trusting Higher Power through prayer and meditation without judgment, blame or criticizing others.
These work and give me the serenity, courage and wisdom to live life on life's terms
Thanks for the topic
-- Edited by hotrod on Thursday 19th of December 2013 08:15:47 PM
hey John, yea, for the most part I agree however i do have "realistic" expectations on SOME things..
Like I *expect* that if I turn something over, my HP will either allow it to disolve, solve it or show me what to do...
I *expect* to make progress not perfection....
I *expect" the folks who have proven themselves to me to be there for me most of the time, to be honest and open w/me and to be my good friends, etc...
I *expect" life renews itself so if i am not happy now, things will change either within or my external problem will have been solved, disolved, otherwise taken care of
to have totally zero expectations of anything, I think would leave me bitter and hopeless and "whats the use" mentality
i think the operative word for me is *reasonable* vs *unreasonable* expectations, I first examine them, modify them, or lower them or let them stay the same, depending on the realisticness of them and the patterns of the other if it is human, what is their track record in the past with me and if i cannot have any expectations on another person, i must an do re-eval the relationship and ask me "ok, if i cannot expect ANYthing from this person, why am i wasting my time on them???"
JUST a few thoughts
AND, glad you showed up......i pinged you about my should be ok, i mean does it matter which side we donate from?? us board floaters??? shouldn't so i went ahead and used my pay pal.....cheers
-- Edited by neshema2 on Thursday 19th of December 2013 04:56:50 PM
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
neshema2, all I can speak from is my personal experience. When I turn something over to the CARE of God, I am placing it in His CARE. Handing Him my mental list of "expectations" is not really putting it in His CARE at all. "Here, take care of this, and this is what I would like to see you do with it" is an expectation. It is not the product of faith, that He will do exactly what needs to be done with it without my almighty agenda being attached to it based in my expectations. I don't need to have an expectation regarding what I turned over. I need to have "faith". I also have "faith" that if I stay focused and work this program, I stand a pretty good chance of making progress. "Expecting" that progress indicates that I have an outline of what that progress will look like, feel like and when it will unfold. "Faith" means, I let go of being responsible for results. That's His job. Expectations, indicates that I am still trying to outline and obtain the results I think are appropriate.
Any expectations I have put responsibility for them being met on someone or something else. Healthy ""boundaries" that I create, means I am going to honor them, I am going to cater to them. They are MINE, and therefore I am responsible for them. It is not about the other person or situation at all.
Just take the word "expect" and replace it with "faith". "I have faith that..." Now, does that not have a more solidified ring or tone to it? Expect is about me or them. Faith is about Him. Humans will erre and situations will always go off course. Faith in a power greater than myself, them or it is what I can trust. MY expectations leave a lot of room for error and misjudgement.
" And what did we gain? A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."
When I turn something over to the CARE of God, I am placing it in His CARE. Handing Him my mental list of "expectations" is not really putting it in His CARE at all. "Here, take care of this, and this is what I would like to see you do with it" is an expectation. It is not the product of faith, that He will do exactly what needs to be done with it without my almighty agenda being attached to it based in my expectations.
*************************** John, I think we are on same page, just different verbage, different scenarios.....i am the master of my own ship, but i cannot control the sea, the winds, the things outside of my own skin
so...when i have done ALL i can do...I usuallly say to creator...."Do what U gotta do, I know U will do what is best for me" and I dump it....leave it.....distract me if i have to to make me detach
but i do NEVER tell the creator what to do with a problem.....In fact i don't really pray about my needs....becuz creator knows ea. hair on my head, he knows my thoughts, etc., I dont HAVE to tell him my basic way of praying is the Serenity prayer, the Lords prayer and Psalm 23 and also psalm 91 when in trouble.....most of my "prayer" is just talking w/creator and saying "thank you" for stuff...
so we are not far faith is not strong becuz of my history.....i asked creator to help me w/that defect that i wasn't born with but became.....then i do the "thank you what you gotta do...I am willing to do my me the way"
and thats about it..........just my take......please use what u want and throw away the rest.......PEACE
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
i think my first reply was i was thinking of humans, having had a very unpleasent experience w/ A brother, whom I have NO expectations of becuz he can't even help himself......however, i do examine my expectations to make sure they are reasonable....
i have the right to expect truth from honest people.....i have the right to expect folks , say for example on this site or the other site I go to, to behave themselves or to be addressed by i said, its "ok" IMO to have REASONABLE expectations and if a person who is normally honest, dependable, ethical in their approach becomes different in a negative way, then i change my expectations of them and re-eval the relationship
i have a bio sister who abused me from day one of my i ever expect her to treat me like a human??? no....that is why she is not in my life anymore in anyway.......I do not accept abusive treatment so therefore separate myself from it.....
do i expect my responsible and good clients to pay me for my services??? Yes, becuz I have been with them for several years and they are all responsible , same as me...and it is fair to expect to be paid when the job is done
Reasonable expectations.....and reasonable expectations can change in a heartbeat in point
years ago i had a client...nice guy...always paid me on the spot, when i delivered the books...i would write the check and he would day, i brought his books to him and I laid his franchise taxes on the table with a BIG note..."Pay by the 20th" and also told his lady assistant AND told him......he forgot to pay them, paid them late and got fined..........and i had notes all over the desk for him to PAY the taxes...he just messed up.....I did everything but shove the taxes in his face w/a check for him to sign.....
i pick up his books the next month...nothing is said....i come back...books done....i write my check and he refused to sign....he refused to pay me for HIS mistake.....i told him that this changed things......from now on he will be "pay in advance" or please find another bookkeeper....
so i leave the month i am deciding whether or not i even want to do business w/him and he calls me...."R you coming for my books???" I said "is their a signed check for me????" he says "i will pay you when books are done" I said "no you betrayed me once and i cannot afford to work for free, so its advance pay or we end our relationship" he says "ok, check will be in the bag.....i come to get the books..check is there...signed....I do his work.........i kept him on pay in advance for the duration becuz once betrayed i don't give a 2nd chance...especially since he never made amends and never paid me that one check he owed....he stubbornly clung to his decision to not pay me when his wife, his workers EVERYONE said he was WRONG to do that to me.......So..the rules were expectations that i could trust him changed over this one foolish and unfair act he did against me (and his refusal to mitigate the action)
his wife supported me.......come income tax time, SHE came to my office to get their taxes done....she told me he was embarrassed to come over that "deal" and i told her that i got over it...he never paid me for the work i did and if he felt REAL bad he would have the pay in advance rule stood.....she agreed.........
I must be doing ok by me becuz i am not resentful, not mad and bitter at anyone bc i eval on a case to case basis....and that can change if they change......
my bio sister could *expect* to get away w/abusing me until i got into recovery, changed....found some self respect and now abuse is not i changed and i set boundaries, and i stood to those boundaries...."here is the deal with me....." she could not behave her self with me, always trying to slap me down and so i separated from her......i have zero expectation of her being anything but a toxic, repulsive woman who enjoys giving others pain......i can't relate to that...don't want to relate to i have been "done" with her for a long while now and i am happy
OK,,,nuf said on my take on expectations....its just a hell of a good topic and I love really tearing into a good "thought" post......thanks, John......
Live and let live and do it with peace and goodwill to all!!!!
I did a copy and paste of your share last night. I thought it was a very powerful and honest share and it struck a chord with me. I especially liked when you said when I let go of expectations... I get to take a breath... inhale and exhale...relax. I tried it today and so far so good. Thanks again. It was a great topic.
I really like what you shared John, I need to read it over and over again. It makes a lot of sense to me. Thank you. I now have 23 pages of 'Alanon Wisdom' in a word document. Love this forum.x