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I do understand The opening welcome to the Alanon meetings states :We become irritable and unreasonable without even knowing it". You feel that your REaction to his behavior is unacceptable and causes stress which contributes to the pain he feels. Ok that is how you feel .
Alanon tools will support your recovery so that you will respond in a more constructive manner in all your interactions in life.
I urge you to keep coming back and if you are not doing so please attend face to face meetings.
You are not alone
-- Edited by hotrod on Thursday 24th of October 2013 06:52:53 PM
I've been a member long enough to know that my husbands drinking is not my fault so I don't need anyone here to point this out to me when I ask this question. I do feel as though the stress of my relationship and the way I've treated him since we've been together (yeah, I'm not an easy person to get a long with) adds to the stress in his life hence adding fuel to the alcoholism fire. He drinks as a coping mechanism to deal with stress. I have and continue to add to that stress hence my partial "responsibility" for his problem. No, I do not think I'm the reason he drinks. No, I do not think I deserve to be smacked around or verbally abused. But I do understand the role I play in this vicious cycle. Is there anyone out there that understands and can relate?
I honestly don't think I can understand. My husband drinks to relieve stress and handle the daily problems of just living. He drinks so he can feel manly and fit in with the other guys. My son does the same. They are both high energy, get at it guys and have little time for any quiet or reflective pursuits such as reading. I suspect they both have some form of ADD. So they think they can drink along with their friends but most of their friends do not need to drink on a daily basis. I don't think that I add to their fuel- they would and will drink whether I am here or not. Yes, life is easier when I ignore the drinking and just go along. And, should either of them ever raise a hand to me, they would be at the police station very quickly. They drink because they want/have to and I find myself detaching more and more as time goes on. But I guess my point is that they are going to drink regardless of whether I am here or not and so I refuse to be responsible for their choices.
Aloha Liz drinking isn't the only solution to stress. Want to listen to the story as it comes from the mouths of alcoholics?...go to some open AA meetings and sit down and just listen. I had lots of stress in my life -and- I drank. I drank because I could and because I wanted to and I drank when I was happy and celebrating and angry and just about all other emotions and nerve conditions. Today sometimes my wife stresses me and that is an excuse for what? I use it as an excuse to be compassionate and empathetic and open minded and understanding and a bunch of other positive things...drinking isn't on the list anymore...for any reason. There is nothing she can do that can cause me to drink alcoholically...not a thing. ((((hugs))))
I guess I can only do what I can do to work our program and let it help me make the changes I'm ready to make. Making changes that are right for me can also be a contributing factor in a family member's life and to their stress level. I guess that's on them. I tend more to look at what I'm doing to increase or to reduce the stress within me for me. I really don't have control over somebody else's stress level and tend to apply the 3cs to that, too. Being irritable and unreasonable, as Betty refers to, generally occurs in me when I'm missing one or all of the HALT suggestions. Much support being sent to you from here.
I remember wondering the same thing, but for me it was my lifestyle. I had a thriving animal sanctuary, worked full time and went to college full time. Was in my forties.
Then I learned right here, its simple. He drinks becuz he is an addict. period. If he was living at his mothers, all bills paid, no stress, he would still drink.
NOTHING we do has anything to do with them using NOTHING. Just like dairy and me are enemies. But I love really in a way I am addicted to it..nothing anyone else does makes me blow it and eat cheese cake...
you are doing just fine. Live your life! hugz, debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I understood the role I played in the vicious circle and I didn't want to do it anymore - the only thing I could change was me and once I stopped playing "my" part in the circle, our relationship was over. For me, the insanity had to stop, whatever means necessary I could not live like that anymore.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
Alcoholics , don't even know why they drink. They don't have anymore stress then a non alcoholic.
I never felt like I added to the stress of the alcoholic. His downward spiral was his choice.
I don't make him drink, thats his and his alone. Our part is that we see the writing on the wall..we try to warn
but they do not take heed. The alcoholic passed away , due to his own self destruction.
I am very sad to see a life wasted, Nobody makes them drink and nobody can make them stop, only them.
It makes sense in a way, but I dont think you make him drink Cause more stress. Maybe..I defiantly play a role in that part MY actions and reactions! Actions and words are so powerful, I knew this but never knew how much until I fell in love with an A.
I deal with a DRY Drunk (I dont like that word, but I use it).. I can make that DRY jerk come out so fast it isnt even funny and before I even know what happened. When I step back and take a look, I can clearly see when it is me awaking the beast. Not all the time, he can do this all o his own LOL BUT I without a doubt can do it too!!!! Make sense? I try to stop and think of my actions and wrong choice of words I am about to use, taking that extra min to think helps you feel better and everyone around you. And it works well.
Example: My A has been doing really well, in a great mood, lovable everything I was wanting back. Not sure why, but I am mad at him for being happy.. ARG I think it is because I am learning how to detach, a new to the program, stressed, resenting things he has done etc. And focusing on my recovering I have changed a little (temporarily). Starting this program has made me resentful towards him and awareness is not easy for me. And I am just mentally exhausted! I have been on an emotional roller coaster for 2 yrs as many of us have been.. and this new recovering thing has taken the rest of my brain cells LOL Because of all this I have not been treating him good and he would still stay calm and nice even though I was cold. Last night he had enough, said he was tired of trying and I continue to be cold no matter what he does and he shut down on me again. He wasnt mean just frustrated. Ya know what, I would too! He was trying and I didnt accept it.
I know I have to pull it together and stop this behavior, it isn't good for me, him or our relationship. And I am so mad at myself because had I done the right things and not let my bitterness rule me we would probably still be on a good streak. So today is another day. I am going to take a break from my reading and thoughts, go home and just try and fake it until I learn it is how is I put it. I am not sure what mood he will be in but I am going to make myself do better. Learning curves!!. We dont make anyone do anything but I feel our actions and words can make a difference.
Good luck and hang in there and dont be too hard on yourself
Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
Liszabell thank you for your honesty:) I can understand.. and relate... cause for me I know I play a part in being part of the ....solution or part of the ...problem.....often because of my hurt feelings and my own unskilled... ... reactions...I sometimes (later) I can see that my reactions we like putting gas on an open flame. (if I am really honest with myself I can see other areas of my life (friends, co workers) I do this same behavior..not just with my "A"
I am not saying I am responsible for her overreactions (which at times is to drink) . I just know that I don't always speak in kind loving ways when Im hurt. And I am responsible for that.
That being said. I am what they call a" double winner".. both programs.. and I know that nothing anyone did or didn't do could make me drink or not drink. It is up to me totally...If I am working my program I choose not to drink (which I have for 24 years) but if I am not working my program I could drink or act out in some unhealthy manner. And i am also responsible for that no one else.
For me... (no advice here) I am responsible for how I respond and act.
And saying that I am responsible to act with my higher self towards others including my "A" even when she is acting out.
Not saying I should ever take abuse...and if there is I need to take steps to avoid that... (others can help me see that at times)
Not sure if that makes any sense... I just know that I am not responsible for whether she drinks or not. But I am totally responsible for how I act towards her and myself.... . Loving kindness to myself is always helpful....
Wish you well on your journey.... and thank you for your share :)
whether anyone agrees or not... that does not matter. How do you feel when you are reacting to him? How do you feel when you participate? How do you feel when you do these things that you say contribute to his stress? If the answer is not good than the solution is to stop. For me, I could not just stop doing these things anymore than the A could just stop doing what he did. That is why this program is amazing.. because miracles occur. I found a Higher Power, of my understanding, who could remove these characteristics that no longer served me, but made me feel horrible, left me with little self esteem. I have learned to accept powerlessness over people, places, things... I accept powerlessness over the removal of the defects... all I can do is be willing and ready and work the steps, my HP removes the defects in His time. My defects were my survival skills... living with alcoholism I acquired these coping mechanisms, like nagging, snooping, trying to control, playing the victim, playing the martyr, yelling, manipulating. I needed these coping skills just to live... but now they are just a hindrance to my happiness and my serenity and so now I ask for them to be removed from me so that I can experience peace and unconditional love of myself and God's children around me. Alcoholism is a family disease... everyone involved is affected... and, in my experience, we play our little roles with each other. Sometimes when we stop playing our part, the A stops playing theirs... and things can change. Prayers for your peace tonight... and hopefully those prayers find their way into my heart bc I need peace too.
No one can take away your peace of mind unless you let them.
I feel the same way. It finally hit me last night that I have not been nice lately to my A. I love him dearly, but I have allowed the anger to control me. Today I thought about it while working and did not like what I came up with. I am going to be a better person - mainly for myself, but also for my spouse. We all have many defects and none of us are perfect, but if we can take one defect at a time ad work on them it could help. Thanks in advance, Jenny