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My AH passed away a few months ago and left me with nothing but his business debt. We lost our home and savings due to his poor business decisions that were made in the cloud of his alcoholism. I had taken out a small life insurance policy through my work, which covered the burial costs and paid a few bills, but there was nothing left. Luckily, I have a good job with good benefits and my daughters are out on their own, so it's just me. There are still lawyer bills to pay, IRS debt, college loans, and one of my daughters is getting married this year. I have been living paycheck to paycheck, somehow getting by. I just decided to put my trust in my HP to take care of me and to let Him reveal his plans to me for the future.
Out of the blue last week, I got a call from a life insurance company claims rep. The rep told me that my AH had paid a life insurance policy in full about 15 years ago (when our finances were in much better shape). The policy named both myself and the university he graduated from as beneficiaries. It was a large policy and I would be getting 80% of the payout. The university had notified the life insurance of my husband's passing. I thought I was being scammed and did a lot of detective work to find out that this whole thing was for real.
Well, today I received the check from the life insurance company and immediately deposited the check at my bank. I am in utter shock. I can now pay for my daughter's wedding, pay off my student loans, pay the lawyer, pay the IRS and still have some money left to use as needed. Wow, my HP really is taking care of me and my family. I'm sooooo grateful!!! God is good!
It's also a comfort for me to know that before my AH got so deep into his disease, he did provide for us and wanted us to be taken care of after he left this world. What a miracle!
Trust in your HP- He does have a plan for us!
-- Edited by Green Eyes on Wednesday 24th of April 2013 12:12:13 AM
-- Edited by Green Eyes on Wednesday 24th of April 2013 12:13:45 AM
HUGS HUGS HUGS .. you soooo deserve all of the good that is coming your way!!
Much love and support sister, hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Thanks for all of your kind posts. I'm trying to keep my good news under wraps, since I don't want my estranged AD to find out and then try to make contact just so that I will give her money right now. It's so hard not to be able to share this news with my family and friends, but I know that I need to protect myself right now. It's so wonderful to have this forum to share my amazing blessing, especially since many of you are familiar with my struggles after making the tough decision to separate from my AH in 2011. Thanks for letting me share : )
-- Edited by Green Eyes on Wednesday 24th of April 2013 01:03:18 PM
Wonderful News Indeed :) So Happy You Put your Trust in HP & He Really Came thru for you & your family! I Do hope you will find Just Enough in there to do something AMAZING For yourself! Knock one of Your Bucket List, and Know You Deserve it :) Congrats again...
Wonderful Share... Of HP's Love, When We Allow him to do his work :)
good news!!! yea!! I have another friend whose hubby is in jail for life because of things he did when under the influence. He left her in a bad way, but when he was in a more productive life he paid into social security. She is now retiring and found out she is entitled to his social security. Yea. She is also not letting her children know about it. Yup.... HP is watching over us.
It's so nice to hear of these kinds of happy endings. I find my self trying to control outcomes and making myself miserable in the process. Trusting God is always the answer, but as a control freak human, I keep trying to be in charge! It never works. Your story is awesome.
~The most beautiful sunsets are made by cloudy skies~