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Post Info TOPIC: Asked ex-AB for money back/ after effects


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Asked ex-AB for money back/ after effects

Hi all. Pretty much new to be posting here and haven't done so for few weeks now, but I keep coming back almost every evening to read your stories for support and encouragment. So much resonates in me, I just cannot stop :)

(careful:  this will be a very long rant)

So, to the topic of this share. 5 days ago I finaly got my courage together and wrote email to my ex AB that i want my money back. Pls hence use of word: want. I tried Need 8 months ago but it got me absolutely nowhere. That was very last time we been in touch.

We have separated 8 months ago after 4 year-long 'on and off' relationship, of which last 1,5 years were on long distance ( he in UK, me in Holland after he left me and the country for the 2nd time). We finally ended our chaotic codependent 'ship' after a last leg of 4 intense weeks in UK when I sacrificed everything in my life to see if I can live in other country with him. I put my job on hold ( caused me tremendous negotiations with my boss who was not willing and I jeopardised my position as whole) , i left my place temporarily ( my sanity, my place of stilness, my place of peace, mi casa) , packed a backpack ( 4 weeks out of backpack!)  and decided to give it ALL I can for the very last try. This was a mutual idea when temporary sparkle of love lit between us again giving us hope. Needless to say it didn't work out. And when I look back, he didn't try at all. From day 1 he didnt even want me there. I felt rejected, unwanted, unloved and I felt he cannot wait to see me leave. He wouldnt even touch me in presence of other people. He wouldn't come home for days. He would avoid me- picking work shifts at work when I was home and vice versa. He started doing that in 2nd week of my visit. That month still leaves much painful taste in my mounth. And now I hear that since then he has a new relationship & he is moving in with her and bla bla bla bla, I can get so easily obsessed about him and facts about his life! A true love addict I am. Everything that you might know about dynamics of love addiction - i am guilty as charged ( and so is he - a perfect example of 'back-walking away addict' ;). I on the other hand am choosing quiet life for the moment, so no man have been allowed to 'stir the calm waters' of my serenity since the breakup.

I used to support him a lot, too much, for a long time. Gave him time, attention, money, place to stay, paid his bills, almost paid his debts, paid his expensive taste presents and quirks, paid his hobby, paid for gear that he claimed to need to make livelyhood with ( hahaha, yeah right like that will help him to finally get his lazy act together). I was blind to my actions until very late in relationship. But this last money, the money I asked about 5 days ago, I never gave him that. It was stored on his bank account as my wages while I lived there for 4 weeks ( I can take such good care of myself - i managed to score a great temorary job while there) and it got eaten by his debts before he could take it out.

Ouch. So you see. I do not intend to support him anymore. And I feel still very bitter about this. And him. And the pain of loss which is still big. I do attend face to face meetings. I am busy with my sponsor. In a different 12 step program, but the wonderful principles are the same. Yet I find very difficult to Let go and let God in this case.

Oh my, this is turning into a veeeery long share. When do i stop complaining about him and start sharing some recovery and facts?

My email to him was short. I said 'hope this isnt coming out of blue for you.... but it has been 8 months... i dont want this cord between us any longer... please pay me back. I even went to preach him :$ I said: 'I know that you never are in good financial situation and that debt is just another part of your reality that you bear but i truly hope that you can find a way to do this.' Oh god please forgive me, i couldn't help myself!! hahaha.

He replied about 12 hours later with a long email. very very long. i could have told you what it will say before he put it down in email, it was exactly the same guy like 8 months ago.

First he spend 5 minutes explaining why he has no money ( the story of 'Oh the world and city council are so bad and ugly and i am such unfortunate guy'. Nothing about him missing dealines for benefits cos he couldnt be bothered to get out of bed after binge weekend - I was there when it happened, and it made me sick to stomach).  Then he explains that he hopes to have some money in near future ( all those millions of plans  if this if that, empty words where no action will be taken) and then he proceeds to inform me about his girlfriend ( yak!).  And then he tells me that in 6 weeks he will be visiting Holland. Soooo no cash for debt but yes cash for flighs?! It got me thinking that he will never change.  Neither his priorities. Or way of thinking about others.

I haven't replied back. This short exchange left my mind spinning with thoughts about him day in day out. Old emotions floating back on top. old compulsive thoughts in my doorway. Old pains. sadness. lots of sadness actually. Thou my life is so much better now! with recovery and program and all that! I have new hobbies. I spend time with my friends! I got a pet!! I spend money and time on my dreams and adventures and dont waste them on people that don't care! but when it comes to this GUY, my biggest obsession of all times, i just can't get that mental focus from him back to me. For last few days I cannot get him out of my head and its not a pretty feeling cos usually i think he acts like an uncaring a**hole.

And this post should have been about ME. yet, as i read it, its all about HIM.  I am glad to see that. So clearly. As my sponsor said, this relationship was big one is a sense that it uncovered for me a very deep and probably very old childhood trauma. I read few days ago a post someone placed on facebook - something about other people giving us pain but later on we will find out that too was a gift. I am starting to discover this gift from this particular person. I try to see him not only as useless lazy alcoholic addict ( very handsome thou! so confusing! )  in total denial of his actions, blindly hurdling through life doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.... ( i can go on with this rant for 3 pages) but see that he too is a spiritual person in his own way, he has love inside, he cares in his own way, he means the best, he truly believes when he says something and it is the disease that he is so powerless about.. .

thanks for letting me share.




~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3972

I hear a lot of awareness and I am glad you came here and posted. I too loved an alcoholic and this is a great place to visit in times of need. I am so happy to hear you have a sponsor and are trying to focus more on yourself. After I left my exAH I read the book "Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drews and it was so very helpful. I am sending you much love and support!


Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree

Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666

" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."

"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."

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Loving an addict is never easy, mine would run at the sign of discomfort (healthy or unhealthy) and being uncomfortable (healthy or unhealthy) became a norm for me. Dealing with a situation regarding money and it is amazing what they come up with in terms of excuses, reasons, minimizing and so on. You are so much better off not responding and hopefully he will have some kind of awakening that he will do what is right in terms of paying off his debt. Without the courts involved in my case I wouldn't have seen a dime, it has been painful, expensive and emotionally exhausting.

You sound you are right where you need to be and that is way ok. You have some great awareness going on, it all just takes time and time is never in a hurry in terms of healing.

Keep coming back, hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

~*Service Worker*~

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I too ama LONG So I didn't Mind at All! I'm Grateful that you Found us Here at MIP, cause I Believe we are were HP Wants us most times, we just don't know it yet :)

I have Grown up with Alcoholics all my Life, Only Remember ONE Relationship with a Man that Was NOT An Alcoholic or Addict, and I told him we would Never Work, because he was just to Kind! I Broke his Heart, because I didn't feel Worth enough for someone that accually WAS a Good Person! I have since went on to Marry a Binge Drinker, and Have been with him for 17yrs now! almost 1/2 My Life!

I didn't Find Recovery till i Lost my Afather to this Disease in 2008... I Came to MIP 1st! I Came here Broken, & Pissed! but What I Found HERE was Way More then I Ever Dreamed! I Came here WILLING! And For Me My Will is Strong & Once Put into Action, I Can Make things Happen! For Me! NOT For Others! When I FINALLY Learned "My Way" of Connecting with HP, or a Level that Works for me! I was then & only then able to have My "Spiritual Awakening" but Boy was that a Great Moment in time!

MIP Has Brought to Me LIFE! Brought to Me COURAGE... And When I Made My 1st Al-Anon F2F Meeting, it was Also MIP that helped get me thru that Door... And i have Never Looked back! For me it was ALWAYS about the "Other A"s" in my life, and NOW, I Can look at how far I have come, and Realize, I may have been Focusing on "Them" but I was HEALING ME! I am Far from having it ALL figured out, but Thank God I am Closer to Understanding WHY I do the things I Do, and I now know I am Worth Taking Care of! As Are You!

Sounds to me like you are Working a Good Program by taking care of yourself! You told him what you Need/Want, and said it how you wanted it heard! You are trying New things, Got a New Pet :) all things that Bring you Joy! You may not Feel Like you are Making Progress... But From where I sit, Your Doing Just Fine! So Keep Coming back... Keep Ranting, and Later Down the Road, when you Come back to see your Old Post! your Old Thoughts! You will see Just How Much You have Grown, and are Still Growing!

Thanks for Your Honesty, and Your Share! This Disease is Never Pretty, but I do Believe that "Together" we can ALL Find the Balance we need to Live the LIfe we Deserve!

Thanks for being here! Please take what you like & Leave the Rest!
Friends in Recovery!!! One Day at a Time



Thee Only Journey I Control Is MY Own :)

Gratitude.... Is a God Honoring Attitude! :D


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Posts: 13

Nice to hear some positive thoughts coming my way dear ones.

I have read 'Getting Them Sober 'just few months ago after I heard about it on this board. I couldn't put the book down. It was perfect in describing my feelings and my 'crazyness' -> that is, looking at this alcoholic that I love, really really trying to believe all the lies that are coming from his mounth because he is my Earth, Moon and more cos i am so obsessed about him, while my intuition and body scream inside that the opposite is the truth.

This states would make me feel crazy, i literally believed that I am the crazy one, not him. Cos I felt crazy. I was being led to believe a lot of bull*** that I desperately needed to turn into truth. But his promises were not to be taken seriously, ever.

He is like that. Ever since I know him he has been like that. Chances that he will change overnight are really small. yet, this shall not worry me anymore, right? it will be someone else's trouble soon, right? Cos its over, right? But i still go there and pick in it and roll it in my silly head. As if by giving it more thought I could fix the feelings I was dealing with and am left with now.

Hopefully not for long!! :)
Really, scrabbing that focus off him and placing it on me and my life ( whatever he is or isn't doing) is all I should be doing. And by some miracle, HP will send me some debt collecting angels to do the work for me. So lets practise!:)


~*Service Worker*~

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Some people are put into our lives for a reason, for a season. They are there to teach us a lesson about ourselves. Trust your HP who puts the feelings in your gut. The more you think about him the bigger he will be. Detachment is the key to a healthy life.

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