The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Attending face to face meetings, sharing, obtaining a sponsor and working the steps, breaking the isolation I learned to keep the focus on myself, permit others to own their pain, without my interfering and to live one day at a time trusting HP
You will find recovery in alanon
-- Edited by hotrod on Wednesday 3rd of April 2013 02:09:26 PM
Now that my alcoholic ex has moved out and completely disappeared, I have had some quiet time to just sit with myself. Its been pretty uncomfortable, actually. And every time I start thinking something positive about no longer having to deal with him around, I feel guilty. How do you deal with that?
I also have a very hard time dealing with people in general. Its with all my relationships-family, coworkers, friends. I am deeply affected by the moods of other people and take everything so personal, all of the time. If someone else is in a bad mood or going through something, I feel it like it is happening to me and I even have feelings and thoughts like it IS happening too me. Where do I begin to stop this? My entire life I thought this was normal, and now it looks like it's not suppose to be like this. If that's true, I really want to change!! I didn't know there was a different way until now.
It sounds like your a co-dependent person like me. Al-anon helps me in many ways....not just with my AS. Working the steps lets you understand yourself. How and why you do the things you do. I also attend CODA meetings.
I hope this helps......but I can tell you Al-anon does work, if you work it and your worth it....
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.