The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
If that isn't the title for a country song, I miss my guess. My souldmate has an "expirey" date. Perfect! There's a girl who posts on here who is a singer/songwriter, I think. It would be lovely if she took that and worked it up. Very, very good! Thanks for the clue!
It's easy to be graceful until someone steals your cornbread. --Gray Charles
I was about to share the same thing Betty stated about people coming into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. It's not up to us which one that is and we open ourselves up to pain by forcing it to be in one category when it just belongs in another. I really hope me and my current partner stay together "forever." We seem to be soulmates for now but I am prepared to function on my own if I have to. I had to learn that the hard way through breakups of multiple relationships that lasted years each. Someone else can only ever really share parts of the journey I am on. We are not on the same journey.
One of the outcomes after 30 years in Alanon is that friendship is possible. Ya just cannot be friends with everyone- that is for sure- being helpful, healthy and friendly, I think is one thing that grows out of step 12.
I have had a soulmate, and it felt like forever, at the time. We are still friends. But also, more and more, peace of mind builds into family as well... it is a well-rounded balance...
Actually PP, the more I think about this the more I can see how some ideas like 'soulmate' can suck you into putting up with crap for years. I mean what does this actually mean? Is there such a thing as a soulmate? It sounds so permanent and can be lethal for people like me with such strong codependant enabling tendancies. There are many terms like this, I mean marriage vows kind of say this type of thing. 'for better or worse' It keeps you trapped for a long time. I remember someone saying 'you made your bed so you can lie in it' I suppose its all about choices. No we dont need to lie in our beds we can decide to get up and never sleep in that bed ever again.