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Post Info TOPIC: A week of the "I suck voices"

~*Service Worker*~

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A week of the "I suck voices"

Thank you all, and, yes, I go to meetings and read these posts daily, as there is ALWAYS something I need to hear.  ...and, I had not even considered the "holiday" influence...see, I am so glad I shared!  Thanks, Betty for the ANTS!

-- Edited by PP on Monday 1st of April 2013 11:10:46 AM




~*Service Worker*~

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It is time for a face to face meeting...I missed my meeting last week and chose to do some volunteer work instead, so now I have the "I suck" voices popping up.  A testimony as to how quickly I can fall back into old patterns.  Since I know better, I cannot blame anyone else.  I was even telling myself that I have nothing of relevance to say to anyone on this board....oh yuck, gag me Paula......I will replace my suckie thoughts with loving ones RIGHT NOW!  Have a grand day...



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i think these voices sneak into our minds around holidays. for me they did without me even noticing it.
hope you have a better week!


With love in recovery, 


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Many times, I have absolutely nothing to say/share at a meeting but I have to remind myself that there is always something in the room that I need to hear.


~*Service Worker*~

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Hi Paula

Glad that you shared.  Youruplifting responses to the mIP family are a grat aasset tothis Board. 

I do know those thoughts and  call them my ants   A utomatic Negative Thoughts.

  I use the slogans and serenity prayer as ant spraysmile

Thanks for sharing the journey




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RE: A week of the

I know those voices, "I suck", "I hate you"...they used to be daily visitors, now getting less frequent, thanks to MIP. Love the ants idea. THANKS!


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RE: A week of the "I suck voices"

Much like Path, I too made myself go to meetings and I had nothing to share; but always came away with a nugget of wisdom to put into practice. Love the ANTS!!

Paula, hope you have a much better week!


If God is your Co Pilot, change seats.

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Investigate that Paula and you might find you're carrying on stuff that was handed to you from the past.  That is what happened to me and when I found out I quickly went from angry to sad to elated that I knew...they were wrong...I could give me the right messages.   Saying "you're wrong" to the voices of the people I gave power to...How absolutely courageous is that!!??.  You're great.  ((((hugs)))) smile


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I call my negative thoughts "ralph" -- and when they descend, I say "oh, there's ralph, stopping by for a visit" and then I ask him to leave. HIs company does me no good. biggrin


~*Service Worker*~

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You all are so awesome......I appreciate the feedback and I really will ponder the posts...hugs to all



~*Service Worker*~

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RE: A week of the

I hadn't considered the holidays, it's in the air. I like ANTS I hadn't heard that one before lol!!!


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo


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RE: A week of the "I suck voices"

Someone once said to me that when you have the 'I suck' thoughts you should think about if you'd ever say those things to one of your friends. No? Of course not. It helps me to fight back at them, imagining if I said those things to a dear friend, I wouldn't have them as a friend for much longer, so I should extend the same respect to myself.


~*Service Worker*~

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I like what Maurice shared here. I get the poor me's and the I sucks in my head a lot too. What I try to remember is: This, too, shall pass. It's all temporary, and that particular thought keeps me going! Hope your week will be better than last, PP!

Struggling to find me......
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