The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I came to this board a month ago seeking help for my alcoholic daughter. I never thought about it until now but I Am An Adult Child of an Alcoholic, my mother was co-dependant and enabled my father so history repeats itself. I've got a lot of work head....
Nothing is more fatiguing than the eternal hanging-on of an unfinished task.
I laughed out loud when I read your post. I thought the same exact thing about me. Then I came into AlAnon and realized that both of my parents where children of alcoholics, thefore explains my growing up with" fractured parents". Their parenting skills left much to be desired, but now I realize, look what they were both brought up with. And although both are long deceased, my husband is a child of alcoholics. I will never forget some of the stories he told me growing up in his household. I also remember very early in our marriage visiting his mother and not knowing what condition she would be in when we came in the door.
Welcome to the board. We also have an adult A daughter. You are not alone and we understand completely.
Before I found this board I felt like I was the ONLY person in the world that had an A daughter, I was so heart broken and ashamed. I felt like I had done something wrong raising her.... now I know better.
My Daddy drank at night but he worked and provided for the family, Mother was a Saint and made sure we walked on eggshells so Daddy wouldn't get upset. I never got to have any sleepovers at my house =(
Nothing is more fatiguing than the eternal hanging-on of an unfinished task.
I too am an ACOA - my dad was dysfunctional for the most part and my Grandmother raised my Sis & I while enabling him in his disease.(Mom died when I was a baby) I never had a sleep over either, never got to join any school clubs and was too ashamed of being the daughter of the town drunk to even go to church.
My son is an active A --- my, my - history does repeat itself but I refuse to be an enabler any longer. I want a life without the presence of alcohol.