The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Son is in the hospital in Phuket Thailand. Our friends visit, speak to the doctors, and to our son. Son doesn't like the third world hospital. Big ward, shared bathroom, change your own sheets if you can get some. No food unless someone brings it in. Too bad. He is bleeding internally. We don't know the results of the ultra sound or endoscope thing.
We were looking at an alcohol rehab in Phuket, at a monastery. The doctor said absolutely not. It won't help because the doctor thinks he is bi-polar and the drinking is to self medicate. His mood changes. He drinks. The more he drinks, the more depressed he get and on and on. We have heard this before at 2 rehabs. Both times he started meds and then stopped because he felt fine and therefore he doesn't need them. So on we go. Maybe they are right because he has long periods without alcohol. Then something happens. He doesn't get to work. He has no money. He fights with his girl friend and the drinking starts. It has been over a year since the last bad time. I think
We have not had any communication with him at all. DH is much worse than I am. I am trying not to figure things out and find solutions. DH is making himself nuts by going over all the possibilities, almost all bad, and repeating them to me over and over. I feel bad when I tell him to stop.
I never finished this yesterday, so here is today.
He started Lithium yesterday. He will be in the hospital in Phuket until Monday. He can't renew his visa which is up on the 16th. He has been told to leave the country. He cannot fly out unless accompanied. We can't leave him there. That means indefinate jail in Thailand. We can't do that. So off I go to Phuket next week. We will stay together in a small hotel for 6 days with enough Lithium to get him home. Then he will come home so we can evaluate the next step. As soon as we get home we will go to the ER for blood work regardiing Lithium. Then we will assess the situation, make a plan that he agrees to, and see what happens.
Is almost dying alone, 11 days in a third world charity hospital, leaving the best situation you ever had, having a really nice woman not able to take it, losing all your possessions enough? Might this be as bad as it can get for him? Who knows.
The doctor told him if he drinks he will surely die. Is that enough?
I am incredibly inconvenienced by going off. I am going to lose 6 days pay, plus all the travel expenses. My airfare is paid for with miles we might have used for a vacation someday.
I will not be won over by him. He can cry. He can be sweet and loving. He can be nasty. He will be told, in Thailand, what the conditions are in our house. At that point, if he is not ameanable or thinks he has a better plan that's fine too.
I am not thinking about all the possibilities, just what i said I would do-accompany him back to the US, offer help to get him going with meds and AA, offer him a place until he has a new plan.
The good thing is that the sea there is so warm, the sun will be warm, no snow and ice, the food is my favorite, and maybe, by some lucky chance, my child will be starting a whole new journey, sobriety, temperate moods, and self respect.
Thanks for reading my rambling.
-- Edited by laurab on Friday 1st of March 2013 07:49:51 AM
My heart and all my prayers go out to you at this time. As Betty said, take this ODAT, one hour at a time if you need to. As a parent with a A child, I understand where you are coming from, and where you have been with him. You sound strong and clear. Keep turing it all over to your HP. We are all pulling for you.
((Laura))- My daughter has bipolar and although its been a rocky ride most of the time, her pregnancy and subsequent baby girl is what made it real enough for her to stop. She just finished her 5th step a week ago. Im very proud of her progress, yet I honestly accept that this a journey and not a destination, and things can change. A day at a time is all we get. I relish in each day because as someone said once- it is the very life of life. Your son can recover. Being bipolar doesnt mean a death sentence from this disease. It does complicate it, but since we are all individuals, we have to approach our recovery as an individual and not compare progress to someone else. We have to live the experience ourselves and pass on the facts to someone else who needs it. God bless you on your own journey.
I have a shirt from Thailand but I have never been there. It is actually from Phuket also. My ex went there when he was in the Navy. Otherwise I would have nothing to say!
Oh, mama. Huge, huge hugs. I don't really know what to say except hang in there, ODAT, like the others said before me. Many blessings. Enjoy what you are able to, about the trip and the beach and the food. Hugs.
Laura you are very brave. I invite you to maybe forget anything about enabling or anything. I invite you to think of only the fact he is your son that you love, when he gets back stateside, comes home, grant him the integrity to make his own decisions,even after all you did for him.
He is NOT his disease, he is your son with an illness. Maybe you can focus on him, just how he is and accept that/. Anything else is his to decide. for me the goal looks like, just getting him to USA where he is safer.
I also invite you to say stop to those useless, negative thoughts and put in, everything will be ok. they will. I used to put in also, stop the negative then say, above all I love him. 1st Corinthians, 13: 4-8. Even if you are not into the Bible or religion, it is a beautiful description of love.
Maybe take pictures and look for the good. hugs! safe journey, debilyn who would go thru the jungle to find her son!!! (probably stopping to see every animal and plant too)
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Today I gathered stuff for my trip and made room in the house for our son when we return. The guest room had become a drop zone for anything we didn't know what to do with, so I cleared up a bit. His stuff is still in the basement, in plastic bins. He can figure out how to deal with it. I don't know what will happen when I see him, when we stay together for 6 days so he can get strong enough for a 24 hour return trip, or what we will do when we get home. One day at a time really works. My other son and his wife and 2 of my friends keep asking what will we do and I just keep repeating one day at a time. Thank you all for the understanding and encouragement. I have never traveled 9,000 miles by myself. I know I can do it all. Laura
He is out of the hospital, at a small resort with a woman we hired to be with him till I get there. Our friends fetched him from the hospital. He is started on Lithium and he has a 2 week supply.They said he can hardly walk and his speech is slow. So he went on Facebook immediately. He has over 1000 "friends." He wrote that he had been in intensive care because of a bike accident. An outpouring of sympathy and encouragement engulfed him. Then people invited him to come back to the training center where he was training and teaching. He is only paid with a meal ticket. The hospital has his passport. They reported him to immigration and according to the hospital, he must leave the country within 2 weeks. We are booked for the 14th. We paid for the bike he stole because we cannot face letting him go to a Thai jail. So now he sent me a message "I don't want to come home." He thinks he can go back to how happy he was before he went in his downward spiral. I replied by telling him about immigration, keeping him out of jail, and his commitment to treating his bipolar issue, which needs to be here in the US. I don't know if he has insurance. If not he can start a medicaid application from there on line. My note was factual, no emotions. I am very tense about the 24 hour flight and how I will find him. I am not thinking about what happens when we get home.
I'm so sorry your going through this. That drug he is son has been on and taking it is just like drinking. Slow, falling, sleeping all the time and slurring when talking. I hated it but they use it to control their seizures when detoxing. Valium wasn't as bad but still taking any drugs I think was not good.
He is going through a lot right now in his head because of the loss of alcohol so I pray you can help him.
Take care of you and keep your body and mind as calm as possible. It will help
(((( hugs ))))
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.
Last night we went back and forth on email. He is weak and unsteady and he thinks he is brain damaged. He is on Lithium, Zoloft, and an antacid. He had his stomach pumped with sodium carbonate. He is very worried. I am worried about the 24 hour flight home, but that is too far from now to be an issue. DH has stopped complaining about all the money we spent this week, so that is a relief. He doesn't understand that I can't be bombarded with every thing that is wrong and every awful possibility before I leave. I am trying to get DH to think ODAT but his brain is flying. We leave for JFK in 12 hours. Thank you all for all your kind messages. Laura
I don't think he's brain damaged. His brain is spiking as my son says. He's detoxing and it can be very scary for them. If he stays off alcohol until you leave to come home he should be OK on the flight. I had to fly with my son once while he was still detoxing and he was OK.... sick but OK. We made it home and again right to the ER.
Everything he's telling you is correct but just pray he doesn't start drinking again.
Take care
Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth
Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.