The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I've been feeling very sad, lonely, anxious and depressed for the past few weeks. My Mom passed unexpectedly in May from stomach cancer - diagnosed and ten days later she died, at the age of 58. My AH has not made any progress in his program and has been (unsuccessfully) trying to persuade me that he's been sober for at least a week. I moved out of our apartment in August and am in the process of filling out the divorce papers. He is now trying to say that I'm not trying hard enough to save the marriage, even though I have been trying since the very beginning and have been utilizing so much of my energy trying to be supportive and enforce healthy boundaries. I'm down, really down, and just want to crawl into bed and hide. Work is suffering, my friends are sick of hearing about it and I'm not enjoying the things that are really good around me, like the children my friends and family are having. I am having a HUGE problem with acceptance - I don't want to come home to an empty apartment every evening. I want to be married and I want to be having children. I'm resenting friends and family of mine having babies. Which I know is ridiculous because it's not all candy and ribbons - I know it's hard. I know that my perception of a relationship is hardly the reality of that relationship. I'm jealous and envious though - I feel like I have no purpose and that everyone else's lives are moving along and mine is staying exactly where it has been for the past 3 years since I got married.
I'm trying really hard to stay positive - trying to recognize all the good stuff when it happens. But it's getting harder and harder. I'm sure a big part of it is the New York City winter getting to me. I miss my long walks in the park and my wanderings in neighborhoods I'm not familiar with. I miss companionship, someone to chat with about music, politics, art, literature. I know there are groups and meetings and lectures out there but my self-confidence is so low that I am reluctant to partake in any. I am also loathe to make a commitment to do anything because my mood is so maudlin and unattractive that I don't want to share it.
I know that once the divorce is over, the weather is nicer and I can begin to enjoy myself a bit more this too will pass and life will continue. I miss my mom and my husband and the "ideal" of married life that I had for so long. I miss the children I don't have, I miss the friends I haven't seen since they had children and have been wrapped up in their bundles of joy. I'll keep pushing forward though. Grateful that I was able to get out of bed and get to work today, because yesterday I couldn't. I'm going to keep reminding myself not to beat myself up, to take it one day at a time, to take care of myself, do what makes me feel good (even if that means allowing myself a good 10 minute cry here and there) and to reach out (even if by email or by posting on here) to people who care about and love me so that I can remind myself that I am not alone. And I am going to remind myself that my husband's disease is responsible for his delusional behavior and that I am not.
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.
Grateful member of Al Anon
"Live in and for the day, each and every day, starting right now."
Janet Geringer Woititz, Ed.D., "Marriage on the Rocks: Learning to Live with Yourself and
an Alcoholic."
I'm sorry that you are feeling so low. I understood the sadness of losing your Mom. I lost mine 12 years ago to cancer, and I still miss having her to talk with, especially going through all things related to alcoholism. It gives me comfort to know that she is watching over me, along with my HP. I believe your Mom is doing the same for you. You are doing fine. Be gentle with yourself. It will get better.
Aww, Mare, I am so sorry you are feeling low today. One good thing about coming to these boards is knowing that others have walked in your shoes and have felt the same way. Your life is in transition and please know that there will be brighter days! You mentioned that your self-confidence is low but I encourage you to step out in faith and do something for yourself that you really wanted to do for years but haven't. Join a club, volunteer, find a group somewhere with a common interest. I play on a women's tennis team and it took me 4 years to agree to be on a team but I am so grateful I did it. I love my friends and my team and I found that I am a competitive person(at times, LOL).
And, you are never alone. Your Higher Power is always with you, you just have to reach out and make that connection in your heart and then reach out to others like you're doing here and you will find support and love. Peace to you today and always!
I am so happy that you came back and checked in It is so improtant to our well being to stay connected and break the isolation caused by this disease. I so understand where you are and know that face to face meetings were what helped me when I was sitting in the same place. Alanon is a "Come as you are" place where I did not have to dress perfectly, talk at all if I did not want to and while there I felt at peace. It works
I've been where you're at, with the loss of a parent (with me it was my dad) and now living through slowly losing my mom to Alzheimer's day after day... it is heart breaking. I have days where I dont' want to get out of bed either, and pull the covers over my head and make the world go away. But mom gets up and I have to get up too, I guess maybe that's a good thing. I also find friends have "disappeared" into their own worlds of family and activites. I have also experienced this with family members. I think it is their "fear" of Alzheimer's, the unknown, and their mortality. I guess if you haven't lived it you just don't understand.
The same with alcoholism. Those who have never lived with it, just plain and simple don't understand. That's why it's important to be where there are people that DO understand, like here on this board and in our f2f and on-line Al-anon meetings. Divorce is hard, I don't care who you are, or how many times you've been through it. I personally have been through it four times, all dealing with the disease of alcoholism. It has never gotten any easier. I have now been single 3 and 1/2 years, and am taking the time to focus on me that I should have taken the first 4 times. If I ever get married again, it will be as a whole, recovered person. But Just for Today I will chose to be happy as a single mom and daughter to my own aging mother. Life is short, I chose to live it today.
You are right, This Too Shall Pass, life will move on to it's next chapter; it always does. Good luck and Godspeed.
I can Overcome all things through my HP who strengthens me.