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Post Info TOPIC: How will he know when he has reached the bottom?

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How will he know when he has reached the bottom?

How will he know when he has reached the bottom? Will he figure out what to do next? As I said previously my son is in Phuket Thailand where he just blew away what he considered the very best situation ever. Now he is alone in a room, rent is paid through the end of the month, no money, no friends, no motorbike, computer, everything except his hand held appears to be gone. We get i or 2 word messages on facebook every few hours. The last message was "I am detoxing." 10 hours ago.  I'm sure he is doing it alone because he has done it before. Is this the bottom? I can only think jail could be worse. Everytime I think it's the bottom, it's not, but it's never been this bad because he is alone in another country. 

I am 100% sure that I will not intefer, go there, etc. But i am totally terrified and unable to live my life. I am so afraid that he will die and that I can prevent this by flying there and grabbing him up. I know this is a fantacy, but it is stuck in my head. I did send him the AA info for Phuket. 


~*Service Worker*~

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it is not that simple. Bottom to one is not to another. Some stay there forever and cannot get on a program of recovery.

All we can do is pray for them, talk to our HP, stand firm in our love for them.It's very ok to tell them how much you love them.

I do understand your fantasy, we wish that would work. In reality he has to do it all on his own. He should not detox on his own. that is very dangerous.

I am glad you came here and shared. I will pray for him and you. great on sending him the AA info!!!

please keep sharing, hang on tight to hp and ask that he hang on tight to you. love,debilyn


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Actually ((((laurab))))  you don't know how it will come out for find out later after he does what he needs to do for himself.  As Debilyn mentioned a bottom for one is not the same for another...some are higher and some are lower.  My alcoholic/addict had a bottom I never thought she'd reach and I practiced, practiced and practiced some more at getting out of the way between her and her higher power.  When she did hit her bottom HP allowed her to be my metaphor for humility.  She entered a rehab and for the first two weeks of detox and classes she wore a bag over her head.  When she was first asked why she had the bag over her head she replied "I've come to understand that if I do not allow myself to be blindly led into recovery...I will never make it".  That is true.  It takes complete abandonment and willingness to enter the rooms of recovery.  I will also remember him in my prayers.   It would be good to have another member in recovery out there that they might help others also.   ((((hugs)))) smile


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Today i don't feel love, just anger at all the losses, people, stuff, money, nights and days of worry, eating to stuff down fear,short changing my other children, hiding the truth from my sibling and my late mother with lies, and on and on. I know I will love him, maybe later today, or tomorrow, but not right now.


~*Service Worker*~

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Laura - You can't assume what he is saying is always true...You know this. You don't know how much money he has (or that he really has no means to get money) because he will always tell you he has none when in a tough spot to get you to give him some. Furthermore, he will tell you he has noone and no friends to get you to come to his rescue also. It sounds like he knows he is worrying you and he's milking it.


~*Service Worker*~

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Yes, sending these vague messages. It sounds like he knows what he is doing. Is this a control thing where he is making his family's life all about him. I know this disease craves this kind of limelight. Remember, he has a built in survival instinct like the rest of us and most alcoholics tend to land on their feet better than we do. Take care of you.x


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Today he is in a panic. It's 12 hours later in Phuket. He sent me a message at 5:00 am our time, 5 pm his time. Followed by more messages that he knows I read my mail so why won't I answer. I went on line at 8. He is furious. His girlfriend in NY cut off communication with him. She emailed me Saturday and said he had betrayed her and she was done. I don't know what the story is. He realized that he can't reach her and decided that his dad had told her whatever it is that made her feel betrayed. This is nuts of course, because his dad hasn't spoken to the girl since October. We didn't ask her how she was betrayed and don't have a clue. Nor do we know what he had done to betray her. My DH replied that he had no idea what he was being accused of, had not been in touch with her etc. Son wrote back one word, "liar."
DH wrote back how hurt he is and that's the last we heard. DH is sad. I'm angry, but I was unable to focus at work today. I have to learn something technical tomorrow and I am worried that I won't get it right and be embarrassed in front of the young girls I work with, who are so incredible on the computer. I am looking for a f2f nearby.
I appreciate all these messages and I send (((((hugs))))) and thank you.


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What jumps out at me most is.. Don't give your Power/serenity away to someone so undeserving. I'm a parent also- my 19 yr old daughter is in NY, I'm in Tx. I would help her any way I could if needed & reasonable.... but in this situation he is manipulating you for his own bennefit & its just so wrong. You provided $ against your better judgement, maybe it's time for him to work on resolving the problem HE has gotten himself into. Getting all tangled up In his mess, the same mess HE created is in no way Going to resolve his true problems or make life any better for You or your husband. I would detach from These overdramatic 1-3 word communications via FB. That doesn't mean you won't Worry but you can't allow your life To come to a standstill due to his insanity. You must work & function & live a normal life. Call upon your HP to see you thru this difficult time For your AS... Pray for your son, but keep moving forward in your own life & program. You son is gonna drink/use, lie, steal, ask for money, etc.... What are YOU gonna do?


~*Service Worker*~

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I hope you get to the f2f meeting. It's sad how self-centered addicts can be. They chase away people that care about them and then the few folks that are left get crapped on the worst because they are all that's left to absorb the craziness and mental abuse. Making nutty accusations and calling your own parents "liar" is a loud message to detach. Back off the craziness and let him sit in it. There is nothing you can do and you don't deserve the abuse and awful boundary crossing (1. It's ridiculously self-centered to think you would bother to be involved in his relationship with some girl and 2. Calling you parent a liar while they are worried sick about you is abusive.) It's hard to back off your own son, but when he's ready to talk sanely, then discussion might be more useful.


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Well, he's not hitting the bottom yet. He just made friends with his former wife on facebook.
They have been divorced for 7 years. She is a lunatic, pill popping. promiscuous, lying, nut job. But I think she might have some money. So either he is hitting her up for money so he can stay in Thailand, or seeing if he can come back to the US and stay with her. This morning I was so worried that he had detoxed by himself and was dead, that now I am relieved that he is alive. But I know that hooking up with this girl can give him a few weeks of peace, either in Thailand or here and then the craziness will start again. Or maybe she will tell him to get lost.
BTW he just sent my husband a message that said 'you're bad."

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