With heavy heart I said,
"I come to you in need of help.
Let me explain." (I proceeded.)
A few days later....
I repeat,
"I really need your help with
this problem." (Again I state
my request.)
A while later and frustrated-
"Please!! I am pleading with you
to help me with this!"
More lapsed time-
Angry I shout,
"You said you'd be there for me!
Any time and any place. Time and
time again, I've come about this
dilemma. I NEED you!!!! I am
begging you...HELP ME!!!!
Do you hear me?"
In a whispered small voice there came-
"Do YOU hear ME?"
I was rendered silent.
At times when we are faced with challenges, problems, and worries, our
minds can become so overwelmed with thoughts, it seems, as if, there are
no solutions. It is when we "silence" the "voices" in our heads, leaving but,
one to be heard, answers that help us come.
Thanks for sharing, it helped me today!