The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hello everybody, well, I thought today would be a good day as any to take the first step, but I don't even know how to begin. I've posted a few times on this forum, always hoping of course, that my ABF would somehow wake up and smell the coffee. The last few days however, I've come to realize that I can't depend on him for anything. I have said of course that the 18 months I've been with him have made me a much stronger person, and this is true. But I can't seem to get rid of the anger and resentment that many of you here have mentioned. I have to acknowledge that I'm angry. I'm angry at him and myself. Some days (like today) I don't understand why I keep wasting my time with him. He's completely oblivious to anything other than his own interests which are alcohol, marijuana, online gaming and cigarettes. I don't get acknowleged for anything, unless he wants to tell me about his gaming experiences of the day. How can I feign interest when I come home and see the house such a mess, just waiting for me to clean up after him? The beer cans and bottles, the full ashtrays, the stinky socks....I'm just tired of it all. Of course, in his eyes, I'm the one with the problem, because I'm the one who gets upset that he's doing what he loves.
Do I even love this man anymore? Sometimes, I just don't know. I would take myself out for a day away from it all, but of course the car isn't running dependably, because he hasn't worked on it as he's promised, and I can't afford a mechanic at this point.
I guess I just needed to vent. I've gone to a f2f meeting, but it didn't seem to be for me. The people at the only meeting in this area all seem to know each other and it doesn't seem to follow the steps. It's more like a reunion of old friends and sharing is not encouraged or even possible. At this point, I'm looking into counseling for "my problem." I don't understand how to work the steps as an Al-Anon participant. Any advice or direction would be very appreciated. Thank you.
I'm sorry you haven't found a meeting that has helped you. Mines is so valuable to me. There is a step board on this site. Also there is helpful books and pamphlets. I use the steps booklet, courage to change and the odat. All available online at the alanon website. At the back of these books there is each step and you can look at the readings that relate to each step. I recommend persevering as they hold the key to a new way to think ans see life. Good luck on your journey.x
I am so sorry that the face to face meetings in your community are not up to the standards and the format outlined by alanon World Service.
We do have excellent on line meetings here 2xs a day and I urge you to connect. This is a we program. Which means that "We" cannot do this alone. Together, with the help of each other and a higher power we learn and support each other on this spiritual journey
I hope we will see you at tonight's 9PM (eastern time) meeting.
Also, for those who are computer software savvy you can also download mIRC, an IRC chat client program and set it up to enter the room. Upon downloading and opening mIRC, Just add to your server list and #alanonchat to your channels list.
Aloha Raven...I remember first getting into the program and coming to the meetins with "My" idea of what "they" should do and I had no idea the problem was alcoholism...I didn't know and didn't know that I didn't know. I knew I was POed and I knew it was the world fault...not I left and as I learned later they knew that when I left it would get worse for me while I still didn't know and didn't know that I didn't know. I had no experience or awareness to comment on them and I wouldn't talk to them about what was going on with me. Months later I got back into the rooms still alive...with a breath and a heartbeat and thats all while I had plans to stop that also. When I really got in I heard the words "give the program a chance" which I did and I heard do "90 meetings in 90 days" which was very doable in the area I got into Al-Anon and so I did 102 in 90 days and they told me don't make any major decisions about my life and marriage and other important things for 2 years and I followed that also. I became a follower and the fellowship led me into a life I would not surrender for anything today. The suggestions of meetings, literature, Steps, Tradiitons, slogans, sponsors and other powers greater than yourself are the keys to peace of mind and is MIP. Keep coming back ((((Hugs))))