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Post Info TOPIC: Are you made of miracles as well...

~*Service Worker*~

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Are you made of miracles as well...

I read my horoscope this morning and somehow it seems appropriate to share it with you all:

"For some reason we seem to imagine that miracles need to be dramatic. They must involve things we weren't expecting, things we can't explain, things that somehow make no sense. But is a flower not a miracle? And what about snowdrops? Does not every atom, every molecule, every tiny building block of this amazing universe represent a miracle in its own way? And what about you? Aren't you made out of miracles? Why then would miracles not happen around you?"

Wishing you all a miraculous day




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Posts: 19

thank you for the lovely thought.

As I drove to work yesterday I was pondering this very subject of miracles in response to an earlier post on this board that I read. It was about some saying not to leave before the miracle. The poster asked what that meant to everyone. I read all the responses with great intrest.

I had only ever heard it once before and it was some years ago when I was meaning to leave my husband and did in fact get away for a whole long month. He kept urging to me that I was leaving five minutes before the miracle. I could never figure out what the heck he meant by that and over the years when ever I felt I wanted to get out It would come to mind. I imagined grand things, a great wildly crazy change like maybe my husband would transform before my eyes into superman with superpowers called empathy, compassion, caring for people beside himself, and sexy too.....

Well I thought about it. Things I need always find its way to me. flowers come in strange ways, books fall off shelves into my hands which hold the specific type of inspiration, direction of thought needed just then, people appear before me who cheer and encourage me even if its just a smile, or right on time words of encouragement. People give me nourishing soup, and things to help my body stay strong which is good because sometimes I forget to eat, or live off of cheese and crackers. They are all miracles.

The funny thing about miracles is that we perceive them when we need them like a candle in the dark is more visible and glorious. In a sunny room a candle flame may not stand out as much.

The big giant miracle is making the grand discovery that the world is your oyster. Faith, hope and love are living flames in the heart, sight unseen, yet undeniably there. It is a unique living flame that is inside us
if we gaurd and protect and fan it regaurdless of the outside drama.

Thanks. Best wishes,
Mary Contrary

be the change you wish to see -gandi

~*Service Worker*~

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I agree Miracles happen all around us every day. This is the reason why I live in the moment, in the day and appreciate each one as I acknowledge it. Love that this Board is named "Miracles in Progress" --- we are all Miracles in Progress.

Thanks for the positive thought




~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 3026

Some people might think this is not a miracle but I woke up this morning and my son was not the first thing I thought about. Now that's a miracle in my books.

Thanks for the post Milkwood


 Lord, put your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth

Speak only when you feel that your words are better than your silence.


~*Service Worker*~

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Mahalo so much for this share.  It is very very appropriate.  I believe that we must also believe that each of us are miracles in progress.  Each one created by God to do 

miraculous things in our lives and the lives of others.   (((((hugs))))) smile


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1152

When I look back on my life and my choices I am reminded of miracles. I never intended to graduate from college when I was a kid. But I was bored when the kids were growing up and I started just taking one class every semester so that I could talk to grown ups. I was happy as a stay at home mom. Suddenly I found I had 4 years worth of college credits and they were urging me to finish up and graduate. I never intended to graduate. But I did when I was 43 yrs. old. Then I got a part time job at school being a substitute teacher. I never intended to teach. I didn't even teach in my major. I took care of kids from pre-school to adult ed. for 15 years. Then the hubby got the DUI and we lost our health insurance. I found out that the job I never intended to have with the college degree that I never intended to have -now got us health insurance which is a blessing because he also had 2 kinds of cancer. The first week of treatment was $100,000. We would be destitute.

I look back and see my HP was there all along....taking care of me.

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