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Post Info TOPIC: What the stress can do to us

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What the stress can do to us

So I learned the hard way this week that all the stress, anxiety and years of emotional pain from living with an A can have medical consequences to your own body.  Went to see the dr and my blood pressure is so sky high that it i causing some damage to my body.  My dr who has walked through the emotional part of the last few years with me sat me down to talk about the effects of stress on your body.  I wish now I had taken care of myself sooner.  I know you can't go and redo the past but I am going to learn from all of this and hope that my children learn from it as well.  It took me really thinking about what I wanted for my childrens future and how I would never want them to end up in this kind of relationship, for me to see that I had to step away completely.  I do have the down days still but for the most part things are actually good.  I found myself saying a few days ago while in the midst of a horrid migraine that maybe I am not ok with the divorce.  But I think it was the pain speaking more than anything else.  I am so grateful for where I am at right now and could not imagine having him back in my life again.  Especially after I was told my blood pressure was 198/105. HOLY COW!!  Stress really can kill you.  I have a few pounds to loose but I am not unhealthy.  Never have had problems with my blood pressure and all of a sudden my migraines are out of control and my blood pressure is through the roof.  Great. 

I am so looking forward to a new start on life and a new beginning to me.


~*Service Worker*~

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Hi cinders. Here is a post of mine from a year ago:

I had my annual physical last week and just got my lab results back. You know, it's one thing to think you are getting better, but it's even more when you KNOW you are getting better. My blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose, triglycerides and weight are all the best levels they have been in the last three years that I have been tracking them. I haven't taken any anti-anxiety medication in almost six months and my headaches have decreased remarkably.

I really think that I have prolonged and improved the quality of my life since leaving my AH 10 months ago. I read in one of the posts yesterday about how Alanon recommends that you wait at least six months before making any major decisions. I waited three years after starting Alanon and truly never thought that I would end up separating from my AH and moving out of our home.

Now I can see more and more with each passing day that I did the right thing by leaving. He's still drinking, but I know that I did what I needed to do to get better and to work on myself right now. I don't know what tomorrow might bring, but for today, I am in a good place, both mentally and physically!

My hope is that you will be able to post a similiar post a year from now. Sending you lots of ESH!


~*Service Worker*~

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Hugs cinders,

Right with you and Green. My blood pressure is 140/100 and the day of court it was 148/117 .. I was horrified when the dr told me this. It's all about taking care of me now (and the kids). Stress is a bad deal and when it just comes at a constant that is when it's even more important to let go and let God. Easy to say and so hard to do at times.

Hugs P :)


Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo

~*Service Worker*~

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Me too. My bp has been up from chronic stress. I have to find time to take care of myself...any tips on how to take care of oneself when everything is YOUR responsibility?


~*Service Worker*~

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There is a stress hormone called cortisol. It is a necessary hormone but can do bad things in your body if the levels are constantly up. Higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream (like those associated with chronic stress) have been shown to have negative effects, such as:

Impaired cognitive performance
Suppressed thyroid function
Blood sugar imbalances such as hyperglycemia
Decreased bone density
Decrease in muscle tissue
Higher blood pressure
Lowered immunity and inflammatory responses in the body, slowed wound healing, and other health consequences

That's what it does. AlAnon is good for your health.


~*Service Worker*~

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Mine took the form of Lupus, it's absolutely connected to stress and can be fatal. I've been developing it for years but it went full active state last year, I was the sickest I've ever been. Ironically last year was my LEAST stressful year of all.

Stress is so harmful to us. I keep saying I'm going to learn to meditate but of course busy always gets in my way. I just need to set reminders and do it. Hugs.


~*Service Worker*~

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cinders: take good care of you! I know when I take better care of myself, I do so much better.
Just food for thought.

Hoot Nanny

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I have really learned with this that I have to take care of me. Seems like so many years I have been focused on the kids and than the husband. Now I am finally admitting to myself that the kids are older and I don't have a husband so no focus there. While I still do much for my kids and they are important in my life, they don't need me like before. Teens have their own thing going on and don't want the old mom hanging around in the way. I like where I am at and am so happy compared to even a month ago. I need to focus on my health for a while and life can only continue to improve for me. I think what is happening is that I am finally so less stressed that I am feeling my body for the first time and am allowing myself to be sick because I don't have so many demands. Its like it is catching up with me. But, that is ok, I will keep getting better and keep being happy. Life is a good thing.

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