The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Each year we try to bring some strong holiday cheer in the MIP recovery homes with holiday decor and cards that can change the spirit of unforgotteness, aloniness, sorrows... Into a time of building new members and embracing a new way of life. To do this we ask ALL Memebers of Miracles in Process to particiapate by being willing to send a few simple christmas cards to the members residing in the MIP recovery homes. I am doing a house shake up and moving a lot of them around and away from each other due to patterns of behavior and atiitude that Could led to isolation from others in the houses and set the stage for negective consciquences if not intervened on by me. So, all cards will be sent directly to me and I will get them to the right people at the right home immediately. We have 14 men at this time and do not anticipate getting any new ones before Chrismas. Their names are. Dillion E. Adam S Todd G Kenny H David M David W Lee H Bradly L James F Marvin S Rodney L Chad W Charlie S Tom O Please adress cards as Resident Name. (From above) C/O john freifed 2302 Boardwalk Ave. Wilmington, NC. 28403 Please sign inside card with "Another Miracle In Progress" First name. Last initial only your city And state or country if outside the US. Your beginng recovery date And short note that you wish the best. Year in life is unfolding every day they focus on the HP of their understanding, the 12 steps of recovery and what they can do to be of service to others. A touch of humor helps too. One guy sent some. Of them scratched off lottery tickets with a line of. 'I.bought this with you in mind hoping it was the big one, I got so ecited I had stcrach it off. Sorry. It wasn't a winner! Have to stop texting now, they don't like at the collections area of the lottery office here. :) One woman wrote "don't misunderstand my intent in sending theses cards. I do wish you great things. I am not hitting on you for a one night stand. I too am living in a nut hut for my pcyhcosis and am not relationship materail. I tend to cOmplusively cut mens jewels off as holiday gift to myself. You deserved a much happier holiday. Hahahaha So, send each of them a card, have fun. With it and visualize the. Smaile. You put on their faces. We do. Allow. Real gift cards to be received but ask they do not exceed 20.00 each. WALMART. TARGET, KMART. BOOKS-A-Million, Applebees resturant, golden coral buffet... These are places the caneastly to get to and would. Enjoy going as a group. Thank all of you who have done this. Year after year and I hope you who haven't might find your self able to this year. John
" And what did we gain? A new life, with purpose, meaning and constant progress, and all the contentment and fulfillment that comes from such growth."