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here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
So I had to leave last night. I was on computer and his "chat sex live girl" popped on screen.And said welcome back guest360 ... pulled histrory and he had been talkinh and whatever sith her for at least A week He has never been one to cheat. I did the wrong thing. I went to bedroom Nd asked him about it. He went crazy saying it wasn't him and then babbling all kind of things that make know sense. He through my work computer . Talking crazy verbal abuse and cussing deluxe. Slamming and throwing ***t. I got out running to car in nightgown and slippers. Slept on my daughters couch. Don't know if I can sit thru church without bawling. But I don't think I have strengh for this life anymore. He doesn't want help. And I want it for me. I did ck tx law and police have been out many times. But they even when he said he pushes me won't put it on record so he's never been convicted. I will speak to attorney. His history with xlive in gf had a lot of violence and drugs and she killed herself him finding her after she called him for help and be said he was busy. Now I think if finding her dead didn't make up hit rock bottom nothing will
-- Edited by hotrod on Sunday 9th of December 2012 09:13:22 AM
..."expecting the world to treat you fairly because your a good person, is like expecting a bull to not attack you because your a vegetarian "
Please take care of you, I hope you can find a meeting in your area because that whole "I need a meeting" is screaming through your last two posts.
Sending love and support, hugs P
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Sweeetr, In my last few weeks with my ex-A, things progressed to a level of craziness in my life that I NEVER NEVER thought could possibly happen in my world. This is not all because of you. You have your own set of problems and his are greatly exacerbating and taking away the ability for you to work on your own issues (taking his massive issues out of the equation). I just wanted to let you know that I have been at the point where I was ready to "quit" not just on the relationship, but on me and on life.
For me, that was when I was owning too much of his BS. His BS was making my world crazy. Once I got some distance, I could work on me and the world was not a huge mess like it seemed. You are stuck inside his tornado right now. If you can step out to whatever degree, you will see the world is not so bad. HIS WORLD is crazy and he is making that your world.
dear one, when I was in the position if I really kicked him out or he left I would be unable to make it, I chose to anyway.
Was not and is not easy, but options are found. Hp makes sure of that.
I invite you to call The American Cancer Society. Tell them a bit about your story and ask who to talk to. Call the dept of human resources where you live. Also Yahoo support groups have groups for people who have cancer and those who love them. they also will have resources for you to look into.
Most church groups ralley together to help one of their sisters or brothers in need. Its very ok to allow people to give to you. That is how HP works. He works thru other people to get you what you need.
You are so right, the A's poison is the last thing you need. Sweet even if you had to live in a little room with all your needs met and some wants, to be able to get the help you need, its sooo much nicer than living in evil. I would rather live in a comfy camper with mydogs, park where ever I want, than live in such a horrible atmosphere.
Our own Marisie on here was in an awful situation, she pulled out of it and got her pets. Now she does struggle but she is living and not in that poison.
I hope you went to church and what better place is there to cry? We need to know when others need us! Think how good it feels to give, when we allow others to give, it is a gift to them too.
Keep coming please, share, pm. I hope you will reach out for support with your face to face people around you.
much love,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Thanks for all the kind words.. as of now.. I dont know if I have cancer.. more test being run, and results waiting on . I did make it to church, didnt cry, felt good to be there singing loud !! Went to eat with parents and daughter and her fiance was wonderful... just what I needed.. but my HP knew that !
when I came home to get ready for church, my AH came in from hunting and was "sorry" ... though he still hasnt asked or cared where I stayed leaving in my gown (I find that interesting)
I did tell him not to be shocked.. I would be filing with a lawyer.. I want to make changes in my life... for my heart, soul and well being and i understand that he doesnt want to make changes in his and thats ok cuase its not my business what he does with his life. But his insanity doesnt allow me to be happy and peaceful.
I did church, lunch, took care of my animals and he is still laying in bed all depressed ... I think Im fixin to head to church to help pack gifts for needy kids and then hit the mall or whatever I feel like
Thanks to all you awesome ppl for always supporting me.. I have all intention of getting my ducks lined up ... trading in my awesome auto fpr practical affordable one etc.,, already got it in the works
Thanks again my friends
..."expecting the world to treat you fairly because your a good person, is like expecting a bull to not attack you because your a vegetarian "