The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hi everyone, my name is Slogan_Jim and I am a grateful member of the worldwide fellowship of al-anon.
Growing up in an alcoholic home, you see and experience things a certain way. A different way that doesnt promote a lot of hope, happiness or that wonderful things will ever or are meant to happen to you. Because of this you learn not to expect much out of life, which leads to you not expecting much out of yourself and in turn others not expecting much out of you. You presume that because you are raised in a downward spiral of hopelessness, you are simply destined to keep that cycle going. You see and hear stories of others that came from less than ideal situations and keep that cycle going, or people who continue the alcoholism and you think Will that be me?.
Then you see that youre life didnt turn out like that. Youve overcome the effects of the disease and all the negativity that can come with it. Sure, the effects still linger from time to time, but you begin to grow in a different direction. Its something you feel inside happening to you. Youre no longer angry, bitter, youre not the same person you were 5 years ago yet everyone around you still treats you like you are. They remember you as the angry, bitter, sarcastic, down on himself, child of an alcoholic dysfunctional family that you were. Even though youre a big boy now and you have grown up and learned to deal with life in a healthy manner. You are even afraid to be this new you, the true you. Youre afraid that they will wonder whats going on? When you dont give out a sarcastic comment, they look around confused. When you decide to start talking to women, they wonder whats he doing? He never does this. Some people have a hard time handling it. They try and egg you on, they try and bring you back down to their level because part of them sees that you are now above this and you are growing. Maybe they always felt they were above you? Who knows.
We have a tendency to label ourselves as failures instead of conquerors. Slowly we transition from one to the other. Some people have a hard time seeing people change for the better and do better for themselves. Sometimes they get left behind. The important thing about labels is that they are created and you can create a new label. Expect to overcome anything and label yourself as someone worthy of breaking the cycle of alcoholism.
'you are even afraid to be this new you, the true you.' yes I am! It's hard...because the true me gets used and abused, and i feel more and more invisible, because I am 'so kind'...damn I wish I could be the devil from time to time...screw me for being 'so kind, so generous' and so 'full of attention'.... i keep coming back