The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I am glad that you found us and are willing to share this priceless journey. I found getting a sponsor and working the Steps did indeed kick my recovery into a very different gear.
We have a Step Work Board here as well.The ACOA, AA and Alanon Board shares individually on a Step every 2 weeks. We are up to Step 4. Here is the link for you to review and if you would like share
I have just discovered this fabulous site. I have been a grateful Al-Anon member for around 8 months and although I have a lot to learn I have already learned so much. I know I am on a journey although I have recently resorted to my default mode which is being controlling and obsessive. I have hope though because through Al Anon I am aware of these character defects so I am gradually getting better. I am not yet fully aware of how to work the steps in a deep way. I have only tried once. I work steps 1-3 and then stop. I read my ODAT and thought for today but my goal is to use the steps to take my recovery to the next level. Thanks for reading and look forward to getting to know you better.