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information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
Hello Family... Hope all are Finding your way to Peace this Holiday Season! I Know for Me the Holidays are always tough but I think Thanksgiving/Christmas for me is Usually the Toughest of them all... Most Know I Lost my Afather on Thanksgiving a Couple years back, and With Christmas Being my Birthday its tough for me to not have the ones I Love here with me on that day as well!
I know i'm Not Alone in my Sorrow, and I know that I Can Always Keep them in my Heart thru these times but as we know it just isn't the same! I have been Struggling for years tryin to get back into the "Spirit" of Christmas and this year I made the Decision to make it about the Children! Not the Adults! My Family Always Bought for EVERYONE! And I Have decided to Tell everyone my Plans! I told them all that I was only gettin for the Children, and thats it! I have heard Snarl remarks and got mean responses from a few, but I Also told them that meant NO B-day gift for me either! I told them if the Children wanted to "Make" me a card fine, but I didn't want them Spending Money they didn't need to on Me & My Husband, when Already we have more then we can manage in our lives!
SO... I Tryin to get my "Spirit" back I Decided that I was goin to get my Neices & Nephews & Grandchildren ALL under the Same roof, and Make some Lasting Memory's..& Hopeful NEW Traditions.... So... This Saturday I will Have 10 Children spending the night with me, and they range in age from 1yr to 15! (1,18mths,5,6,8,8,10,12,15,15) I had to laugh tho because when I Ran this by the Husband he said! "I'm Goin to Camp & Hunt!" Which I am Good with...I'm Probably More Excited then the Kids, & Truly Can't wait to watch it all unfold... ;)
But I have to say! I'm so Excited I Just can't wait! The Husband is goin to Pick me Up a Tree, and I'm going to have them Help me decorate, ordering some Pizza & Baking Cookies! Lord only knows where everyone will sleep, but I Truly dont' care! I Just want the Smiles, Laughs, Giggles, and Love of them all to be Within my home! And Help Shake the "Spirit" in me! To get the Focus back on The Happy & Away from the Sad! I'm Just Over the Moon! :)
My Life has been Totally Changed in the eyes of this disease, and there is a TON of Changes yet to come! I have some Great things Coming my way, and Tho they are going to take ALOT of Work on my End, they are Much needed! And I Can't wait to get started! I have Stepped up my "Reaching Out" and I am Ready to get the Ball rolling! I have made great Family connections within my Home Groups & have found some Wonderful Support & Love from them all! And you All!
The Challenges ahead are Going to take me many places but I have Faith in my HP that I Will Conquer & Over come as I have many big things in my Life, and with the support surrounding me! I Guess Gratefulness is Really All I Need! This Disease Can & Will knock the Wind Right out of your Sails More then Not! But I am Grateful I have the Tools of this Program to help me in all walks of Life, Not just in addictions! HP is Great, & I'm So Blessed to Have him as My Guide!
My Prayers have Changed So Much since I Started to take my Program Seriously, I Never thought His Will would be the Only Prayer I Really Needed! I Do Everyday Pray: "God... Give me FAITH to Face each Hour thoughtout the Day & Not Worry over things I Can't Change in ANYway!" And with that, My Day & My Faith Carries Me Thru!
Thanks for Being here! Thanks for Allowing Me & Helping Me FIND ME! I had been in the dark so Long, It is So Great to Finally find the Light at the end of the Tunnel, and the Overwelming amount of Love & Support I Found within that Light! But... I"m Getting By... One Beautiful, Crazy, Hopeful, Insane, Fun Loving Day at a Time!
As always a very inspiring message of love, acceptance, and constructive action. I admire your ideas for regaining the Holiday Spirit by making new lasting memories for the children . It sounds wonderful and I know it will be a success.
For Me the Holidays will always be bitter sweet. I do make an effort to participate in the season by attending Holiday Music concerts, buying gifts for the orphans and showing up for a time at family functions.
Without meetings during this time I know I would not be able to show up.
I would like to wish you an Early Happiest BirthdayYet and a wonderful Memory Making Day with the children
Love your share and your plans with the kiddos! Sounds amazingly fun and full of laughing to come, which is always a great idea. I am too trying to add fun and laughs this Christmas without some people who used to be a part of my tradition and start new ones and well it is bittersweet. Sending you much love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."