The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I just recently was blessed by finding this site. Although I am currently in a program, I feel all the extra understanding is huge in my ability to "live and let live". At this stage of my life I am unable to live one day at a time, so I'm living hour by hour and sometimes minute by minute. I guess anything helps at this point. Again a big thanks to all of you for being on here, I no longer feel so alone in my struggles.
I truly appreciate all the kind words and welcoming. I know I was meant to find all of you. I feel all of you will be an amazing addition to my program.
I made it through another rough day with my AH. He is newly out of rehab and I am learning as I go how to cope and deal with his disease. The hardest part for me at this point is the roller coaster emotions (from him and myself). It seems as though when I'm strong and can keep a level head with boundaries, he is sad and crying about how he wants it to be better. Then when he is argumentative and telling me to back off and stay out of his business, I feel weak and brokenhearted. I just pray that we can get through these tough times. Another reason why I believe I was blessed to find MIP.
Isn't it amazing that the two people can't both feel good at the same time. Either you feel good and he is whiney or he is strong and you feel weak. There is no compromise with a newly recovering person. It was the same thing in my house. I always tell people that AlAnon helped me grow a backbone. And helped me be kind about it.... both to myself and to the AH.