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One day at a time and being open, honest, willing .. I've been there and out of an 11 year relationship with an xaddict .. it took a long time to piece it all together and I guess I was your typical easy target .. I had no idea for awhile what was 'hidden right under my nose, but today I'm atleast grateful to have the alanon recovery and the answers to at least some of the why's .. after I caught on to his entire situation, I had the hope he wanted to change ,, have learned so much .. i thought we both knew he had a problem, but for him, he had a solution .. the drugs were freeing him from something .. so because he had the solution and not the problem when I would come up and talk to him about getting clean, I would become the problem for messin with his solution. Along with a solution though, he's also got a disease and it's no surprise when they can't kick it by themselves ..
One thing I will say, boundaries are for me to keep me and my kids mentally and emotionally safe; I had to set some .. but they don't need to be rigid in that they can never change .. (depending on how I'm feeling mentally and emotionally and how he is as well) Meaning if it gets to the point of intense pain, there's no reason we aren't able to tell them how hard it is or how we feel; the fact we miss them, etc.. being honest with the situation, etc.. I understand not being able to live with them though, it's emotionally toxic and effects everyone unfortunately.
Gets said all the time in here . Alanon can help in an amazing way if you are able or willing really to get to face to face meetings .. I didn't go at first because I didn't think I had a problem either; I thought I had the solution . just get him clean, etc.. hard for that to be my solution when alcoholism isn't just a drinking disease it's a thinking disease .. my thinking was even more confused than his ..
Aside from Alanon, I also have a friend whose gone through divorce care and seemed to get a lot of support through there .. others understand the divorce process in there as well, but I don't know how much the annonymity is practiced, etc ..
whatever you do, i hope you keep coming, posting, and sharing .. I also hope you give the program a try .. prayers your way .. it does get better little by little ..
-- Edited by MeTwo2 on Thursday 29th of November 2012 09:08:13 AM
-- Edited by MeTwo2 on Thursday 29th of November 2012 09:10:49 AM
My husband and me have been seperated for eight months and he promises to get help everytime we talk but still has not even started to get help. I have three children 16, 17, and 20 and a 15 month old granddaughter who is my heaven. He says he misses us so much and wants to come home but I will not and can not allow that until he gets the help he needs. Before he left he was in a bad drug transaction and he was cut very badly that he could of died from. It was very scary and I worry that what if one of my kids was with him. I expressed this to him and he says he knows and he wants better. But I see no tries to get help. I am so lonely and want him to come home but I will not without help. My daughters were so against him coming home for a long time. My youngest wants him to come home because she sees me lonely and she misses him now but she feels the same as me. He has to get help first. How do you cope on an everyday basis and what if he never gets the help, how will I live day in and day out alone?
I am very new to this, Martha. My heart goes out to you. You are doing the right thing, stay strong. I t must be so hard, but you are doing it for your kids and for the peace. Be Strong.
Alcoholism is a dreadful disease that not only affects the person who is using it affects the entire family. Unfortunately we are powerless over this disease in others . I understand how tired , angry, and unsupported that you feel. After living with this disease we need a program of recovery that will enable us to learn to live useful happy lives once again.
Alanon is a fellowship of people who share their experience strength and hope in order to solve our common problem . . Face to Face meetings can be found in most communities .You can find a meeting in your area by going to the following link:
After checking out a meeting location you can find important information about alanon and alcoholism by placing your cursor over the US in the upper left of the screen, 3 more pull downs open. One of these are information for the newcomer, and the second is Al-Anon for you; both are excellent.
I agree with getting all the above support you can. I would also state that time does heal all wounds and you guys will adapt and/or move on. Sounds harsh, but it's likely true. If he never gets help, then you have a set of choices to make. Many folks here ended their relationships when it became apparent things were not going to change. In the long run, it's healthy for you to find ways to entertain yourself and keep busy without him. I made a whole new support network when I left my ex-A. I constantly went to meetings and that kept me from being as lonely as I would have been otherwise.
Also, "getting help" is not an indicator of sobriety. Until the alchoholic/addict wants it, they can make like they are getting help and still use. If you are concerned about protecting yourself and the kids from his addiction, it's more helpful to watch for if your husband is really embracing recovery through lots of meetings, having a sponsor, calling the sponsor regularly, and working the steps. Those will be indicators of change, not begrudgingly going to a couple meetings or to rehab without wanting to.
Thank you and I do agree. We have went throught the pretending to get better by doing a few meetings and then drinking or using at the same time and saying Im doing better some. I am not fooled by this anymore. I am thankful to have my eyes open to these behaviors because at one point in time they werent. I am more knowledgable and hope I will keep getting more information to make the days better and better. Some days are better and some are rough but I do take one day at a time and we are making it through.
Face to face Al-anon meetings helped me through my seperation and lonliness, I dove in and met some great people who truly understand. I am glad you posted here. Have you read "Getting Them Sober" by Toby Rice Drews? Great book and so enlightening. Sending you muych love and support on your journey!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."