The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I just want to say how glad I am that I found this site. I'm also so thankful for each and every post on this site. I am very new to that Al Anon world though not new to alcoholism and its effects on the family. I have sought out help now that I have an AD ( it took me a couple of days to know what the letters stand for). Each post shows me I'm not alone. Each post shows me that others feel much the same as me. Each supportive post is also a support to myself and so many can often apply to my situation.
I have attended face to face meetings and plan on going back again tomorrow, but I will be able to visit this site on a daily basis and can even access it in the middle of the night when my gut wrenching fears are at their worst.
Thank you to everyone who shares, who asks questions, and all who reply and respond.
I too am glad that you found us and look forward to sharing the journey. I found that the 24/7 chat room , the daily on line meetings and sharing on the message board has enhanced my growth and spiritual connection.
Aloha AfraidParent...recovery is about the "keep coming works when you work it" as I have found out. The love and support in the program is bottomless and boundary less and all you have to do is come and ask for it. ((((hugs))))