The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I do understand. My husband died, sober of cancer, when I was 46 years old I had been married for 24 years , worked part time, and was never self supporting. It was very frightening time .Thank God I was attending alanon meetings and was determined to never be in a difficult relationship again.
I upped my meetings, focused on myself,lived one day at a time and trusted HP. My son was 16 and I concentrated on maintaining our home as a family. The full time job evolved, promotions happened, paying bills became easy and I was even making enough money to take a few vacations.
About 3 years after my husband's passing I thought I ws ready to begin a new relationship on my terms. I went to an alanon share a day weekend and met a long time male alanoner and we talked . We both lived in NYC and would connect at meetings and for coffee after. After a year we decided to "date".The relationship evolved from there and we are "still dating" 26 years later.
Trust HP You deserve to be happy. Keep showing up for yourself
-- Edited by hotrod on Saturday 24th of November 2012 08:27:05 PM
No really, I'm asking that question of myself far too much. So...I'm home alone...going over and over this breakup and that date...and wondering why no guys are interested in a relationship with me...
it HAS to be something wrong with ME, right? Honestly, I don't know what it is...I am smart, funny, reasonably successful, reasonably attractive, independent minded, honest, dependable, etc.
so why am I alone? the guys I have dated want to be friends with benefits...and I want be loved and cherished. Too much to expect?
My ex A taught me well, that if things weren't going according to plan, it was all my fault somehow. How can i get out of this headspace, and just be happy without a relationship right now? why do I always think I am deficient, instead of focussing on the positives?
Please, I don't want to hear all the platitudes "it will happen, be patient" etc.. I am really down, and wonder if I will ever have someone to share my life with in a healthy way...any ESH you have to offer is appreciated. I am scared of this single's tough. Especially at nearly 50.
And, mr. Nigerian guy cyber-stalker person...don't bother private messaging me...I'm onto your scams :)
I don't know if this will help or not. Getting them sober vol 4 is a short 66 page read and has a lot of insight as far as separating, divorcing an addict. there is some in it about dating again. I'm not in any hurry for another relationship. I do get what you are saying.
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
A lot of observation and thinking has led me to this conclusion. I think, first, that when we're older, we apply the "social success" of our younger days and blame ourselves if we don't measure up. When we're in college or in our 20s, we socialize within our age group and pretty much everybody is single and available and interested in a relationship. By the time you're in your 40s, much of the population is either in a longterm relationship, or single but recovering from a bad experience and not available, or so dysfunctional that you'd want to steer clear even if they were available. It's not that the available people aren't out there. There are actually thousands of them. But they're a much smaller percentage of the people we meet every day, and so it seems as if the well has dried up.
And then I at least used to buy into that belief that if you're open and sociable, the right one will drift by. But here's what I've seen from observing two friends who took the whole thing very seriously. (And both of them eventually did end up with great partners.) It's a numbers game. Especially because we're choosier now. It used to be that anyone who half-expressed any interest had me won over. I didn't start thinking, "Is this person actually good for me?" until well into the relationship. But now I think the healthier way to do it is actually to meet that ton of people, and to accept that the vast majority of them will not be a good match. Some are dynsfunctional, some are addicts, some are liars, some are incompatible, some are nice enough but just not a good fit, some are great but actually unavailable -- that's just the way of it. But the ones who are a good match for us have to sort through just as many people to find us as we do to find them. One friend told me that one out of every 30 people she went on a date with (not just met, but actually went out with) was a serious possibility. So instead of thinking, "Why are these 29 men so unsuitable??" we could be thinking, "Every one I cross off expands my world, helps me get to know human nature better, and gets me closer to my first prospect."
That's the way I see it. Having the energy is another thing. But I think most people in our situation have the same situation. There's nothing wrong with us except that we're framing the problem in a discouraging way.
My first suggestion is - learn how to be single. Big help eh? But really, I have married friends who envy me my being able to live alone, do what I want when I want to, enjoy the freedom of not being tied to one person. And I am finding myself more and more not wanting to "go there" with anyone because I don't want anyone messing up my peaceful life - which suits me just fine right now because I need as much time as it takes to heal from the wounds and NOT make any man who comes along pay for the sins of my ex.
About the guys looking for "friends with benefits" - yeah, I see it too and it isn't that there is something wrong with us for not wanting that kind of relationship, but something wrong with them for wanting it and something wrong with all the women out there who are willing to settle for it - maybe hoping that by agreeing to that type of relationship, the guy would eventually come round to love them, eh?
I am over 50 and I try not to let myself get into thinking - what if I never find someone, what if I'm alone forever? I go back and re-read emails, listen to his hurtful words and remember what it was like when I need to re-affirm just why I will never again settle for someone who is not absolutely right for me, remember why I would rather be alone than on that merry-go-round again.
My ex made everything sound like it was all my fault because there is SO much wrong with me when the truth is, there is nothing wrong with me; I am a nice person, I pay my bills, love my jobs, give to people in need, hold the doors open for the guy behind me, etc.
I really like the way Mattie put it.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
Being single when you don't want to be is hard at any age.
I am 28 and it's not any easier. I live on my own, am in shape, not ugly, don't smoke, don't drink excessively, educated, articulate, funny, smart and yet it's Saturday night and here I am, sitting on my own watching television. I ask out girls, get phone #'s, and nothing. Why have I yet to meet someone I click with? Why has the timing never been right? I have had these 'friends with benefits' and dating relationships but I want more now. I am ready and tired of waiting.
Now, I know I am not going to meet someone sitting at home by myself. I was asked to go out and play pool tonight, but like always it's with a bunch of dudes at a watering hole bar where it's karaoke night. I am not going to meet someone there either. I am tired of hanging out with a bunch of guys at bars. I want to do things and have fun with a beautiful woman. I want her to be by my side and me, by hers. I need a break from the guys weekends, bars with dude's, sitting at home alone, I am fed up. I want to meet someone.
It's hard being single at any age, but I don't know how to be patient.
I never had much of a problem with relationships after divorces or before them...what I did end up having was lots of affairs. I had many of them and those are not meaningful relationships. That is dysfunction short term over and over and over. I wasn't taking the time to work the steps especially the 4th step so that I could learn about myself...who and what I was. No matter how I thought about myself I was missing stuff...important stuff. Those affairs I thought might turn into something turned into one more mess after the one before it. One of the things I learned was that I was compulsed (subconscious) toward having relationships with fantasy and not reality and therefore the failures. Additionally I forgot or didn't know that the partners I chose within the program were there for the same reason as I...because they needed to fix themselves rather that to find a fixer for themselves. I'm married again and tho this marriage has lasted longer than the two before it altogehter and longer than the affairs I've had I still have to work in it with my program. It doesn't work by perpetual motion. Both my wife and I share the bitter with the better and continue to add 1+1+1 = our relationship... HP+she+me is the equation. If my present spouse didn't have a relationship with her Higher Power when we met I don't think this would still be going.
Sometimes what's wrong with me needs patience without disturbance from others. ((((hugs)))
After reading your posts, and thinking alot about this, two issues come to mind:
1. Fear -- I am afraid of being alone. I have caved to the cultural expectation that a woman needs a man / relationship. I have to face up to the fact that in real life, princesses rescue THEMSELVES. I gotta work on this, rather than wait for someone else to rescue me.
2. Control -- I can't control what the future holds for me (with relationships, or anything for that matter), and it's really hard for me to let go and let HP bc of all the bad stuff that has gone down...If I perceive I have control, it reduces my fear. Gotta find a way to trust and let go.
My experience (post break up of a long relationship) has been that I had a few relationships that lasted a few months and many hook-ups (those are all too common in the gay community). I thought those relationships were going places (even the hook ups which is really sad). I even thought my 1 night stands were attempts at starting relationships. In retrospect, none of those relationships worked or got off the ground because the other person did not have what I was looking for. I thought it was me at the time but it wasn't. Like other's stated, it was in how I was looking at it. I wanted to find someone that didn't drink, or rarely drank, someone hardworking with a job, someone educated, honest, smart, spiritual, sensitive, romantic, and affectionate. Those were some of the main things missing in my past relationships. Hence, I had 1 relationship of a few months end because the person wasn't affectionate and another because the person wasn't honest. It was not me after all. I always thought the problem was that I couldn't make people what I wanted them to be. I am glad this time I followed my gut and didn't settle for what I didn't want.
So perhaps your standards are rightly higher now. That is not a bad thing. Perhaps your HP is steering you away from people not meant for you now because he doesn't want you to suffer down the same road as in past relationships. Perhaps your HP wants you to be in a certain frame of mind or to have enough of those "not for me" type dating experiences this time to know when the right one comes along.
My current partner has all the qualities I wanted. He's not perfect but this is the most compatible relationship I have ever had. I coincides with me feeling better about myself and being more grounded as an individual than I ever have been.
When single, I never stopped wanting to be in a relationship. Some can call that codependent or afraid to be alone. I think when taken to a bad extreme it was those things. On a positive note, I define it as relationship oriented and romantic....I didn't want to give up those traits so that I could get permanently used to being single. I wanted a relationship so I just kept trying. The rooms are full of scared people that justify their going to a bazillion meetings and still being alone for a number of reasons. Whatever. Many of them are wounded and have issues with trust. I didn't want to change so much that I fooled myself into thinking that it was better to be single. Being single is fine. Being single is great for some people (and necessary). Being single for certain periods of time was necessary for me.
Anyhow, my main point was that you should be rejecting a lot of men now as you are learning red flags and heeding them. You will just wade through a bunch more and do a better search this time. It's not what is wrong with you in all's what is wrong with them and then you feeling discouraged that you met another one that wasn't right for you.
I understand because I have a long list of failed relationships including a failed marriage to an addict. I would have never left him if he hadn't left me. I loved him desperately. Loving "desperately" should have been my first clue but I was so steeped in denial with no self worth, I couldn't see he was doing me a favor to leave me. Rejection is God's protection. I was penniless (long story), but one of the best things that ever happened to me.
I had lots of work to do on myself. Each relationship I got myself into was evidence of that. The pattern of choosing unavailable men and even unavailable friends continued to repeat itself until i worked my 4th and 5th steps in this program and chose to spend a few years finding out who I was on my own. Yeah... it was a little lonely to not have a special someone but I remembered what my "special someone" had looked like up until that point. I surrendered for real and invited my higher power to be the special someone. It was clear to me I couldn't go on the way I had because the pain was greater than my desperation to have a man to patch the big open wound left from my divorce. As I worked the program I was able to put my energy into doing service in this program and in my community and let go of the mission to find someone. I turned that quest over to the god of my understanding.
Maybe I was healed some and ready because hp brought someone was into my life. I met an alcoholic in recovery. It wasn't one of those feeling like you're going to jump out of your skin, magnetic attractions. We were attracted to one another but with recovery I just listened to him and was present in the moment and not projecting into the future concerning the two of us.
He was surprisingly emotionally available with just a four months sober. He told me he was in AA and wanted to be up front about that and if it was a problem for me that he is an alcoholic he would understand but that he's someone who goes to these meetings and will have to always and it could interfere at times with dating someone. He said "my sobriety will always come first." So I told him I understood because I was in Alanon and finding it saved my life.
I told him I was open to seeing how things would go - we could see if we enjoyed one another's company. I had 10 years in Alanon when we met. He showed interest in Alanon because he wanted to grow his relationship with his children as a a newly sober alcoholic. He came to a few meetings with me. He likes this program and reads our lit daily and even calls me on my shit once in awhile but in a nice way. We have our programs and our sponsors and our own higher powers. We've been together almost two and a half years now one day at a time.
We have friends of our own friends and we have mutual friends our own interests and mutual interests. He trusts me with other men, I trust him with other women. I was hoping for someone who would be a part of the life not be my life, my happiness. There no more preoccupation, obession and trying to force outcomes. That was the old me. As long as it's working with him, I'm glad to be in it and he feels the same. We both accept ourselves as people in program - works in progress. Just like everybody else in the world, we've got today and that's enough.
Trust yourself, rehprof. You might be getting too healthy for some of the people you are meeting lately. Take that as a compliment to your personal growth. Hugs. TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
"Trust yourself, rehprof. You might be getting too healthy for some of the people you are meeting lately. Take that as a compliment to your personal growth."
I love this statement because it's oh so true. Finding out what is ok and what is not ok is a HUGE step.
Thanks for this share Rehprof because so much of this I needed to read for my own selfish reasons. I really appreciate it when someone puts themself out there to find out what is going on inside them.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
I don't know how long you have been alone. I know for me, I always want to get to where i don't need anyone. Where i am ok single.
Then whatever I am into I do it. Fishing, parks and rec. have things to do, classes at a community college. So you sound like you are being asked out, so keep going out!
Hey no one is touching me unless we are married. If he does not like it then bye. You have morals and you have very good smarts. jumping into a physical thing becomes that a physical thing. boring.
I used to take groups of singles from our food co op and we took off to the beach and mountains, where ever. Groups are fun too. Plus we never know who might say hey I have a very cool brother I want you to meet. Then just do a groupthing with them and feel it out.
Tell others you are dating, they may come up with someone. I will meet a neat guy and ask hey do you have kids? no hmm oh are you married? Then say ok there is this sweet gal.....I am talking like a checker you have known forever or the plumber...
Put yourself out there.
I had NO plan of ever dating I hate dating. I met guys by walking my dog! HEY there ya go! borrow a dog if you know of one. go volunteer at the shelter or where ever! If I wanted to meet someone I would get out and volunteer, seriously walk my dog, etc.
I know the benefit bolony. I used to call it part time. NO thank you. if they can get it they will. Especially married guys. yuck.
Wow I just realized I met both my husbands playing
Now out of nowhere my best friend wants to meet me face to face and says he loves me. He knows EVERYTHING about me, blush. Who'da thunk it?
So you are fifty, so go out with forty year olds. Nothing says at this age we cannot go out with younger men.
Sure i had lonely times but maybe i woulda been lonely where ever I was. In a way I think it is a matter of us getting out there and doing what we love, take ourselves to amovie or with a friend, I have gone to the beach over night with my dogs, to dinner alone. camping alone. oh that is a perfect way to meet guys, You just ask them to come sit by the fire.
Creativity is a good way.
I know you hurt, I just let it hurt. then it slowly turns into something else. Be true to you! love,debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Just a note on denial and thinking there Must be something wrong with me ? For what it's worth, I'm coming out of a place where I thought denial Always had to be something in me I didn't want to see. For the first time, nearly Several years into my recovery, I'm recognising Part of my denial has been truly to look at me and say there Has to be something wrong with Me because It hurts too much to see what's wrong in them .. those I loved so much .. Very painful to see some situations as they are .. I have done my 4th and 5th twice .. gone over my part and over it again to check me and my part, possible patterns, etc.. I shared this at a meeting tonight and felt the serenity and yet I also felt some of the Guilt for saying it outloud, which I felt after my share and therefore will expand on it in the next meeting .. I'm so Grateful to see it though today .. just my experience and just a twist in perception .. It's not always me .. It's nice to begin to see the balance ..
I love this post and all the ESH from our awesome family here! I am far from perfect, but so far I have met the most compatible man and I found him on pof online. I really think it was more about how I screened men I was wanting to meet and how slowly I went about it. I screened out serial daters and players by taking things so slowly. I emailed for awhile then talked on the phone for a few months with each one and got a really good feel if their words met what they wrote. I was direct on my profile and put out there exactly what kind of man I was looking for and what kind of woman I was, let those men know if they were looking for someone for a one nighter to move along,. I took my time and made it almost painful for the few guys that went through my screening process, not on purpose, but had to protect myself from being used and acting on my impulsive neediness, out of the 3 men I talked with over several month that made it to a date, I am dating one for the last almost 5 months and the other is a great friend, the third guy was a great pretender. Al-anon has helped me to know what I want and to go for it. Same thing with going back to school and making friends in a new town, I am very serious minded, but a fun and funny person. I am over weight, but I did not let that hold me back. I was divorced and ready for a relationship, although I talked with them while going through the divorce process I felt I kept it all on the up and up. I was not in a rush, I did not let my codependent nature take over me. The guy I am dating doesn't seem to have a drinking/drug issue at all and I don't seem to be addicted to him, so good so far. He teases me about my being on a dating site, but really not wanting to meet anyone in real life all the time. So rather than wait for one to cross my path I went to a site that was free and had lots of men in one spot. It wasn't easy sifting out all the frogs, I can be naive, but there really were a few princes to choose from. Sending you love and support on your journey!
-- Edited by Breakingfree on Monday 26th of November 2012 03:01:58 PM
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
My self-esteem was so low that I didn't even say "what's wrong with me?" I would already be saying "It's because I am ugly, fat, I smoke, I am a big baby, I'm crazy." It took years of program work to undo all those awful self perceptions and to actually change some of things (lose weight, quit smoking, grow up) so that I didn't present myself as sick in relationships and then I could attract a better caliber of partner. I didn't do all that to attract a better partner per say....I did it for me, but attracting a better caliber of partner was a nice byproduct LOL. It sounds like you are feeling pretty good about yourself but it needs more practice and work so that your self-concept isn't shaken when someone else is not on board for whatever reason.
Like others have stated, you don't want to attract losers any more (sounds harsh and judgmental because all people are children of your HP but you get my drift).
I am 60 years old, got out of a 30 year marriage 2 1/2 years ago. I decided that it was time to focus on really get to know myself again, because I had lost alot of the essence of me along the way. I also figured out that the longest relationship we have in our lives is with ourselves and it's probably the one we put the least amount of effort into. I am in no hurry to start another relationship, however I am trying to keep myself open minded. My kids seems to think I should date, but I am loving being responsible only to least for now. Plus, I am not going to compromise a whole lot..been there, done that!!
I think too many people want someone else to "complete them" but I think that being a complete person in your right is worth the effort.
We are wounded after our past relationships and need time to heal, and to become whole again. Then, and only then, will you attract another person who is complete and whole...and then there is the possibility for a healthy relationship.