The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I have been doing a LOT of thinking about where I was at a year ago especially this week. It was my birthday on Wednesday and then yesterday being thanksgiving I really just had some time to get inside my own head. Which it was a good thing I didn't have to go there alone and I was grateful so very much for this.
Yesterday the morning meeting of AA (I attend usually Tuesdays and Saturdays for the open meeting) is a closed meeting the rest of the week. I really love these folks. Most of them don't have a clue how just going to those two meetings each week for almost the past year has about saved my life on more than one occassion. Combined with the alanon program and working the steps. I have gained so much insight about myself and learned about alcoholism in ways that boggle my mind. I will never really "get it" however this helps me a great deal. AA is my compassion fuel .. I actually can feel a healthy compassion for others who struggle with the disease of addiction. Alanon is my detachment fuel, reminding me don't have to be part of the insanity as it whirls by. In this particular group I hear the struggles and I can share the other side to this dance we all do when it comes to the affect of alcoholism. They are sooo patient with me .. lol .. we have the normal preamble however the way the "visitors" share is not what many other AA meetings would tolerate which is another reason I value this meeting. We do talk about how not the alcohol affects us .. the disease affects us and the other people in the family. These are very moving meetings and very open meetings. I have been blessed in ways that boggle the mind during these intimate conversations of 15 - 30 people each week. It's a beautiful way to start the day.
Anyway, .. lol .. there I go again .. my point .. my point was I had been invited to attend the Thanksgiving closed meeting and I literally drug a very good friend along with me and I had warned them I would so it had all been approved. What an amazing meeting and it was humbling to be a part of something like this when it didn't have to be that way. Walking in that door and the first words out of two or three people thank you for coming today .. we are all so glad you are here. I am so grateful that these wonderful people opened their arms and allowed me to be a part of something that really isn't a daily ritual for me. I didn't realize how much I would need that love, support and acceptance yesterday until today.
It was a rough day today .. the kids being at their dad's and then them coming back to their (other) grandma's house. I got to hear a bunch of stuff I would rather not know. It hurts and it's hard. I'm still sorting it out. I was thinking when I picked up the phone and called a very good friend about what I had to be grateful about and I started thinking about that meeting. I'm not a big crier however I did start crying while speaking with them about what being a part of that meeting meant to me. In relief, in gratitude, probably a little sadness and fear mixed in there too from todays garbage. She was a little shocked and even said WOW! You usually aren't as emotional as this. I think some of where I was coming from is that whole relief I mentioned in just having the support of both alanon and aa. The friends and family I have in both groups and how much I have come to rely on these meetings. This time last year my STBAX was already sleeping with another woman during the holiday and I was clueless. This time last year there were big changes that I was unaware of coming to pass soon. This time last year I was getting ready to go and visit my mom who I hadn't seen in 3 years. This time last year I hadn't found the full support of both programs. This time last year I had only scratched suface a very little of the person I am meant to be. I still have a long ways to go on that one now I am further down the path. It's not to say that things aren't hard on some days like today. It's not to say it's all hard either, because I have had wonderful weeks and even months. I had a wonderful birthday, a great thanksgiving, and tonight got to take the kids to the movies. I did get to do a little shopping for the holidays and that felt really good too. I treated myself to new shoes, new sweats (seriously sounds not like a big deal .. lol .. the sweat pants I have need to be retired by being burnt!). The kids have some new clothes which they will get before Christmas. Nothing like their father NOT following through on things .. absolutely nothing new there. I really didn't have the expectation he would do it however it just is what it is at this point. It would have been nice and of course it would have helped them a great deal. I am starting to get that he just can't, won't .. I don't know and it is starting to matter less why he does or doesn't do something.
The best part is I don't have to worry or concern myself with anything that is not happening today. Today I can do first thing first and know it is the next right thing. I have felt a new sense of peace in looking at that part of the program and trusting that God really has my back. Although my inner squirrel tends to come out from time to time when I get frustrated, it's only for a moment not a lifestyle. I have some big things coming down the pipe some of which will workout well and some not so much. That is so ok and I really believe that everything is going to workout the way it needs to. It's a complete hurry up and wait kind of deal.
Thanks for letting me share, hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Thanks, P, for your 'from the heart' share. Isn't it wonderful how we find joy in the unexpected and the support from those in program, whether they are AA or Al Anon? I, too, find support on both sides of the fence and I feel that I need it to help me cope and find a new perspective. I am laughing at your sweatpants story because I have been shopping for stuff too much lately, and need to cut back but one thing I keep neglecting to buy is some new sweats, LOL! Honestly, we don't wear them much here in AZ but there are days like when I'm sick or it's very cold and I feel the need to curl up with my sweats, read a book, and zone out for a bit.
You're doing great, and it's wonderful to hear how far you've come in a year. Think about the wonderful plans that God has for you for this next year, where will you be this time next year? Isn't it exciting to think about how much more growth you will achieve and to know that you are turning this next year over to God so the plans that unfold will all be His will unfolding for you. Enjoy your weekend, friend!
So many positive "progress" paths in that share, I love it. The more we learn to find peace, the more we realize it was hard for us to give up crazy as it felt familiar. Like I said before sometimes this journey feels like the hallway in a thriller. We see the door we want to go through but it just keeps moving a little out of reach. Then we start to ask, do we want to open the door or enjoy the scenery in the hallway? I'm pretty sure I'll never "get there" but I'm starting to enjoy the journey and all it has to teach me.
I took the kids to see The Rise of the Guardians and OMGosh .. I don't know why that movie was so incredibly moving and just what I needed last night. It is their dad's weekend with the kids however their grandma wanted them last night and I'm ok with that .. however .. I absolutely DO NOT want to be in the middle of their arrangements. It's not my weekend and it's not about me it's about what do the kids want to do. With me, with their grandma or with their dad .. that's the bottom line.
I'm going to admit it was a little selfish on my part to hear both kids come flying in her door asking where is MOMMY!! Yes they still will call me Mommy from time to time and usually during times of great anxiety for them both. I find I do that with my own mom from time to time, usually for the same reason. It's nice to know I'm missed and they are looking for me.
We had such an amazing time in the movies last night. We all laughed, smiled and just had this really terrific time. The movie itself though while probably not that deep really resonated with me for some reason. A young boy trying to figure out what his life purpose is and why the man in the moon only has ever spoken to him once. Then there is the boogie man who is all about fear and exploiting that side of things. Then there is the little boy who just truly believes in what others can't see, feel, touch or taste even. Of course you gotta have Santa, the Tooth Fairy, Sandman, and the Easter Bunny (who apparently is from Austrialia .. LOL). It just brought so much to my plate after that whole conversation I had and it was really neat. It was the bitter sweet that got me the most. A life lost and while it wasn't the same life got different and then it got better. That's what I want.
I feel badly for the kids I'm afraid they are going to have a big let down about what they are doing today. He was suppose to take them to the movies and decided since they went last night he wasn't going to. I was just like wow .. moron much. A sick one however I'm still in the he's a moron mode. I will get past it. I'm just glad their grandma and I took them to that movie last night it was so neat and honestly I had wanted to see it on my birthday .. so it was a win win for me .. LOL!
The journey is never over until it's over .. I love the line in a movie .. and it's a Indian saying .. it's not the end until it's the end and it's not the end yet. It's something like that however I love it!!!
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
I love this share and I had a total crying moment around Thanksgiving and I am not emotional much either. Your whole share about a year ago where I was and where I am now hits me hard. I love that I share this walk with you. My kids went with my exAH for Thanksgiving and it was a bittersweet day for me, missing the kids and my Mom in Cali, but being with the new bf and his family that took me in was great. It is amazing how reilient we are. I wanted to have it out with my ex over a decision with my oldest, but I let it go and figured whats the point. I haven't talked to him by phone in a couple weeks and I feel better than ever not trying to keep up with him at all. I don't ask the kids anymore about the goings on and figure when something needs to be dealt with they tell me and so far they have. I am so glad to be done and through the divorce, it was such an emotional pull and I am glad you work such a great program while dealing with the process. I am feeling serene again lately and I love it and know all the work was well worth it. Sending you much love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I absolutely find that the less I have to interact with him the better off I am. That is absolutely the goal at hand .. see him at drop offs as little as possible, only discuss what is pressing and would have to do with the kids safety and so on. I don't ask the kids tell me. I do ask if they had a good time and I hate to stop asking that question because I never want my kids to feel that it's a taboo subject. All of their report cards go to his house, if they don't tell him about things that are going on I don't interfere in that, he had every opportunity to speak with them about school, their lives and so on .. he doesn't remember I guess, .. i hate to say he doesn't care .. I don't think he can at this point and that's between him and the kids. They know what they want to bring up wtih him and I just don't get involved outside of that all of the information goes home during his weekends sooo it is what it is.
Both my kids are good with both their dad and I about what they will talk about and what they won't I try and respect those boundaries with them as long as I know there is no safety or well being issue going on.
There's another court date coming and son of a gun it's not for the final divorce .. geeze this is ridiculous and part of it is his lack of follow through which is part of his disease. I do own a part and I need to take care of just MY part.
Anyway, .. LOL .. I need to head back to bed as I will be getting up in a hour anyway .. and the beat goes on! I have had a difficult night sleeping and that's the part I don't enjoy. My mind is spinning and there is a war zone happening in there.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo