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I must agree with Tom. I am reminded that being powerless it is important to look to alanon literature for suggestions. . Examining my motives always revealed the right answer to my issues. I do understand the idea that "Friends do not let friends drive drunk" so that taking someone's car keys so that he cannot drive drunk is suggested as correct action.
Alanon Booklets suggest that we not cause a crisis nor interfere in order to prevent a crisis from happening.
I would put Principles above Personalities and Let go and Let God
-- Edited by hotrod on Friday 9th of November 2012 07:45:33 PM
I know this topic has come up many, many times here, but I'm hoping to re-visit it with your ESH, as I try to examine my own motives.
My AH has three DUIs. Because now, he does most of his drinking at home after work (and he works until 11 p.m.), he is not in the environment he used to be in before we were together (going to bars after work every night, driving home intoxicated every night). However, last Spring he had a bowling tournament on a Saturday. I took our son to the bowling alley to cheer him on and meet some of his co-workers. My AH was drinking, but did not seem drunk or impaired. I left the bowling alley with our son with two frames left to play in the last game, agreeing to meet my AH at a nearby restaurant for dinner in a few minutes. One hour later, he finally showed up, totally wasted. When I called him on it, he totally freaked out on me right there in the restaurant, calling me names, all the usual BS, and then he stormed out to his truck and drove away.
After that happened, I set a boundary for myself that if I ever again knew definitively that he was driving under the influence (and in our state, if you have 3 or more DUIs, the legal limit is 0.02 NOT 0.08--two beers would put him over the legal limit), that I would notify the police. Since that day, it has not come up again.
I have put a few different "Plan B"s in place for dealing with him and his drinking. One of them is that should he get another DUI, I would be in a much better position to file for divorce and get full custody of our son with minimal drama (whereas, if I just leave and file for full custody, I'm sure I would get it in the long run, but my AH would be a total nightmare and the process would be filled with all kinds of drama). There are days/times when I actually want this man to get another DUI, so I will have an easier exit route.
Here is my issue. My AH bowls after work every Wednesday with some of his co-workers. Because they work til 11:00, they are usually bowling until sometime between 1:00 and 1:30 in the morning. They bowl at a bar, and based on what I have seen at bowling tournaments and what I know of everybody involved, OF COURSE there is plenty of drinking going on. The bowling alley is about a mile and a half from our home. I know that is part of how my AH justifies driving home after bowling...because it's so close.
I have wondered recently if I should notify the police that there is a herd of drunk steelworkers leaving that bowling alley every Wednesday around 1:15 a.m., all drunk as skunks. I don't *know* that anyone is driving drunk, though. And the boundary I set for myself has always been very clear--notify the police when I know for a fact he is out there driving under the influence. If I were to notify the police about the weekly bowling issue, well...I'm struggling with how much is me doing this is to protect other people on the roads, versus me trying to manipulate the situation? And our community, while it's a suburb of a good-sized city, our town itself is pretty insular, and it's not very large. I seriously doubt the cops are clueless about late night bowling leagues at bars. Then again...ugh.
I know everyone's ESH on this issue is different, because there are so many different factors involved (for example, part of me wanted to set that boundary in a different place--that I would just give our police department a blanket notice that my AH is out there drinking and driving with 3 DUIs--but it is also hard to keep that kind of thing a secret in a smaller community, and I am trying hard to balance public safety versus my own safety/serenity, should my AH ever find out that I "ratted him out." But I would really love to hear, again, how different people handle this issue, and your reasons for the boundaries that you've established.
I'm afraid I'm not understanding the logic here, nor your motivation....
If your A is driving drunk at the time, calling the police is one thing....
Calling the police with the "schedule" of when they are going to be drinking sounds to me like it's time for you to get to a meeting :)
Examining your motives is always a good habit - to be honest, my friend, this one seems to show that you are enmeshed in HIS disease, and/or trying to control the speed at which he is going to find his rock bottom, either for your personal "gain", or otherwise....
THis is not an example of Stephanie getting herself healthy - wherever possible, try to spend that time/energy on doing positive things for you, and much less of the energy/time/focus on him...
Take care
"He is either gonna drink, or he won't.... what are YOU gonna do?"
"What you think of me is none of my business"
"If you knew the answer to what you are worrying about, would it REALLY change anything?"
Hi steph, your last post and your first are a lil' different. In your last post you mention the children being with him in the car... in that case, I personally would do whatever it takes to protect my kids, absolutely, because they are powerless to to it for themselves. God gave me the maternal instinct for a reason, I believe. I would have no problem whatsoever threatening an alcoholic, if they jeopardize the safety of my children, I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe.............
That wasn't really what I read in your first post though.
the first post looked more about revenge I believe, and I relate to feeling vengeful too. it is a sure sign that we are not in alignment with God's will but while I am in that state, it sure seems right to me, I have cooked up some delicious plans of revenge myself!
but you didn't act on it, that's the important thing, you brought it to the fellowship and I am applauding you for that!!! God gave us the steps, the tools, and this fellowship for this purpose, to help us get with His will. we are powerless over our dis-eased and distorted thinking because we have been affected by alcoholism. but we are responsible for our behavior, so we examine our motives, and you did that, Yeaaaa for YOU!
-- Edited by glad lee on Friday 9th of November 2012 12:19:48 PM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
I soooo get where you are coming from and agree completely with the ESH you have received .. when I force my will in a situation I never come out looking good. I would really really really suggest you talk to some face to face recovery friends/sponsor.
LOL .. believe me it's soooo ok to have that dark fantasy and a few of them have come to pass on their own without any meddling or plotting from me. Leave it in the dark fantasy file and figure out how you can heal with dignity and grace.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Oh, I could totally relate to this, wanting to force his bottom or force something(anything) to happen to him so that maybe he'll wake up and realize what the heck he's doing to us.
I do have to agree with everyone here, though, and ask what your motives are. I have always told my AH that I would report him for another DUI, IF(only, IF) I know he's drinking and driving for sure. I know it's the right thing to do because there are innocent people out there driving on the roads with him. But, the plotting and planning and as Pushka said, the dark fantasy stuff, I don't think I'd go that far. But, man, there are times that I wish I could, LOL!
I have had a fantasy of calling the rental car companies that AH rents from while on work travel and telling them that AH is renting illegally and that he drinks while traveling, as well. He puts us, as a family, at risk every time he does that and it really steams me. But, I do what Betty said above, I let go and let God. And, I check my motivation for that thought. Am I retaliating, where is my heart, can I really be at peace if I did something subversive like that? Probably not. Hugs, girl, you've had a tough few weeks. Keep coming back, do some Al Anon reading, call a sponsor or friend, get to a meeting. I know I need one badly this week, LOL!
Alcohol is still part of our culture and you are powerless over that. Stationing police outside of establishments where heavy drinking is going on and waiting for drunk drivers is like entrapment and it's wrong. I understand how much you hate alcoholism and alcohol at this point. It has wrecked your husband and messed up your life. Hence, I am not judging your thought process. I also think you are giving your husband more credit about divorce and what he would do because he is such a bully and makes threats and also because your 1st husband has been successful at manipulating the legal system to his favor. I doubt your current husband would be as successful. When I left my ex-A, I really felt like if I stayed 1 day longer, I was going to die a spiritual death and I no longer cared what the fallout would be. I couldn't live like that any more.
Thanks so much, as always, for the ESH everyone. One thing I am learning as I progress in my recovery is that more and more, when I have to really sit back and examine my motives very carefully, it almost always means my motives aren't in line with my recovery. Early in my recovery, there were plenty of times when deep introspection about my motives validated the action I was considering. Now...when I'm unsure, or usually means I'm off track. One gift recovery has given me is that my instincts and gut feelings are much more reliable. The fact that I was so conflicted about this should have been my first sign that I was engaging in toxic thinking and unhealthy obsessing.
The thing about the legal system is less that I am worried about my AH actually prevailing in a divorce regarding custody. It's more that in our country, anybody can pretty much sue anyone for anything, and make whatever claim they want. It doesn't make the claims true, or warranted, and we have to hope that eventually the system will resolve everything the way it is supposed to be resolved. But you still have to go through the gut-wrenching process of the fight itself. And when you're talking about money, or stuff, it's not such a big deal. But when you're talking about children...I think my anxiety about that (the process, not the outcome), is very legitimate. I absolutely understand and agree that it is unhealthy to sit around and obsess about what may or may not happen in the future when I DO file for divorce. But it is also important for me to be aware of the kinds of behavior I can likely expect, because it doesn't just affect me, but my three children. I am trying very hard to turn all of this over to my HP, but it is hard, and I am struggling with it. It has gotten easier for me to turn my AH over to his HP, and to turn my own life over to my HP, but it is much harder for me to do that with respect to my children.
I'm hearing you on the if your child is in the car I know for me BIG deal breaker and YES I would be the first on the phone regardless of the consequences as a family unit that is soooo NOT ok.
I love dark fantasies and I love to joke about them .. LOL .. I'm going to write a book about my twisted mind and all of the delightful things I would LOVE to do. It's a fantasy and while I may talk about it from time to time it's my way of getting it out so I don't act on them .. when I can see them in print I can step back and go hmmm .. maybe not so much a good reality!! (then I laugh in an evil way and think ohhh yeah .. it would be nice .. sigh my will not HP's)
As far as the courts, it really sounds like you got hammered the last go around and fear is driving some of this stuff for you. That is ok, it's a feeling not a fact and now you know and you will be better prepared what you said about his history and it being recent .. trust me no court in the land is going to say ooohhh this sounds like a good idea, it would be a matter of time before it would come to a head. You are living in the land of what if's at the moment my friend. You don't know what will happen because just like I run around with my cracked crystal ball it might be everything you say .. and it might be ohhh sooo much better. Either way it will be ok. I'm dealing with that scenerio at the moment as well and this is where my program meets the road. Sometimes I need to kick it out a 2nd story window and go down and investigate what I keep and what I don't and then other times it's ok. No it doesn't always go my way however it does ok.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo