The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I was trying to post & the computer went off-line here at the library in my small town. I had a slew of wonderful things to say but I guess they weren't meant to be. I am grateful that the computer came back on.
So, what I was saying basically was about recovery espcially mine. I have come a long way & intend to stay. I have experienced some level of serenity & have experienced spiritual awakenings that I can't explain in words. It has been quite a ride. I am so grateful that I have a lot of support. What would we all do w/o the support that we find in this program?. It is for people who want it. You don't usually get here on a winning streak. It takes what it takes--sometimes it takes a real bottom to get here. My bottom was the insanity I faced when I first came into this program. I can't stress enough how important it is to be willing to take that first step. Then maybe the 2nd step will work for you instantly. I know that my reality was skewed & when I took the 2nd step, I realized how much I need to be restored to sanity.
I will try to add more tomorrow. I know you all want to hear the rest. LOL
Seriously, I love you all! Take what you liked & leave the rest!
((kathleen))) I will definitely look forward to the rest of it tomorrow. I liked the first part so much I read it twice. Very much needed today so thank you. TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
I'd like to hear more to Kathleen. I've had simular experiences with my computer, I've written paragraphs to my sponsor clicked send and instead of sending I'd get an error message. I never looked at it like it wasn't meant to be I just cursed my e-mail provider (lol) Thank you for pointing out that it maybe my HP didn't want what I had to say to be conveyed in an e-mail.
I to believe that this programme is here for people who want it and I want it big time. I was at a very very dark place when I arrived in Al-Anon. In answer to your question "What would we all do w/o the support that we find in this programme?" The answer doesn't bare thinking about, we are all so truely blessed to have the love and support of this fellowship. I recently heard someone say that even though she is unable to attend meeting regularily and so often meets new people when she can make a meeting she feels they are all friends. She said she believes that no matter where in the world she was, walking into a meeting she would feel the love, friendship and support of the fellowship even if she didn't speak the laugage. To me that said she felt loved and safe within the fellowship.
I had already accepted the first step long before I even walked into Al-Anon, when I heard it read out in my first meeting I thought wow, I've only really got to accept eleven. But it took me months to take step two and you know what, a beautiful thing about this programme is, it doesn't matter how long I take over each step. It's progress not perfection and I'm fully committed to working all the steps and if my HP wanted me to move slowly or quickly that's fine with me. I'm onboard and don't plan on ever getting off.