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I seem to be in the darkest, most despair filled place I've been in recent memory.
My ex-husband (who is not my qualifier) has been piling on the crap, and I'm having a really hard time coping. He and his attorney pulled a fast one in court earlier this month and had an order entered against me, the result of which is that he now gets about 70% of my income. Now he is forwarding me medical bills from our daughter's appendectomy, and demanding that I pay them within 7 days (pursuant to another court order). There is no way I can come up with $600 in 7 days. As it is, the order he had entered leaves me with no money to buy my children Christmas gifts, much less leave my AH.
I am feeling very despodent, very hopeless, and I REALLY hate my ex-husband's guts.
Any ESH, or just prayers, to lift me up and reclaim my serenity, would be much appreciated.
Sounds like a "go back to court" thingy and take a financial audit with you. I worked with "Fair Honest and Just" as a guideline for my divorce and that worked out good mostly. It took awhile and I stayed with it. If you don't have money to pay the bill I don't know a court in the land that will tell you to print some. You really cannot get blood out of a turnip....sorry that is an old metaphor what what you are saying. I remember a time when a man didn't and couldn't get a woman's income at all. Times have really changed.
It's amazing how, in times of crisis, the very first thing I forget to do is pray, when it is obviously the first thing I should be doing. What can I say...I'm a work in progress!
I guess I could swap ex husband stories with you but that would just be piling more negativity onto an already negative situation.
Sometimes though, I find that my own anger can really be a catalyst for taking further action on my own behalf. Sometimes I change my mind about accepting the unacceptable after I have a good cry then take a breath, get my thoughts together and ask for help from my hp. I usually ask a person or two who aren't emotionally invested in the outcome for their thoughts too. Other people can sometimes see what I can't because I'm just to deep in for my own good.
I had a money situation recently. I posted about it. It's money I owe and honestly stephanie, it feels like downright extortion. I would have expected more ethics from people in authority to make such decisions that govern fairness. Now I know from this hard lesson that the only one who will ultimately take care of me is the god of my understanding and me (when I do the footwork).
In my naive idealisim, I thought honesty would be enough. In this case it didn't mean squat. With that said, I still wouldn't have done things differently at the expense of my integrity, my recovery. After the dust settled, I went in for another round. I expected nothing this time, I went forward thinking they have told me no once, what's the worse that can happen being told no twice. I'm ready. I still don't have the decision but I have no intention of treating their decision as if my very life depends on it. That would make them my higher power and I've already got one and a good one. What I do need to wrap my mind around is what my sponsor mentioned to me last week. She said she and I had something in common. We both need to let go of insisting that life should be fair because sometimes it just isn't.
When I know I've done what I can, I turn it over to my higher power. Stephanie...even if you get stuck with this bill, you can still choose to have a good Christmas. Hugs! TT
Surround yourself with people and elements that support your destiny, not just your history.
Oh TT, ANOTHER MIP angel for me tonight. Thank you so very much! And I absolutely DO choose to have a good Christmas. I can literally feel the negativity starting to leave me bit by bit.
I wonder how much you would get if you were on assistance with some food allowance? I mean why work anymore if he is just going to take that much. I don't understand what would make a judge do that I mean when you get some one garnished when you sue them you can only get like 25%.
Do you have an attorney? Can you claim bankruptsy. see if you have lawyer referral in your state. You pay a very low fee the first time you go.
I am not telling you what to do. trying not to. just sharing options.
If you don't have the money, you don't. What is he using all that income for? should he not use it to pay the hospital? Is the bill in your name? Have you called the hospital and asked them about financial assistance since you cannot pay it?
take a breath, rest for a day. let it all go. when you are fresher, do what you can. that is all we can do right?
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
I, too, was devastated by an unjust court system. My ex was unemployed for nearly 2 years -- yet was going to push for alimony from me. After all he had put me through...I was flabbergasted. I had to take out a loan to hire a GOOD lawyer in order to protect myself from his irrational thinking. Sometimes judges support men in these orders because they don't want to be accused of being "biased towards the woman" -- at least that is what my lawyer told me.
I don't understand it. Life aint fair, and sometimes it is maddening. The things my ex proposed during mediation reallly blew my mind...but the important thing is....they never came to pass.
You will get through this. There will be days, though, where you will wonder how. One step at a minute at a the waves keep hitting you...soon you will learn to surf.
Most hospitals have some kind of a pay by installment program. Otherwise I am sure they would never collect on any bills. Is that possible with the bill you are looking at.
I have certainly been there and back with having all my stuff ripped off by the now ex A. He took it all, truck (which I paid for entirely) furniture, my good will and my health. I really disliked him for a long long time. For a long long time people had cautioned me that I was going to lose big time when I left him and indeed I did. Every single one of their warnings came true. Eventually there was a time when I got to the end of the bleeding. I did stop the escalation at a certain point. I have defintiely been around the block with someone demanding things from me. I have had to learn to say no and mean no and not remonstrate. There isn't any point in discussing things with someone who is demanding everything. I no longer try to explain, cajole, plead or wish someone is different than they are. I do know that when someone gets demanding with me on so many levels I am going to put them at a great distance in my life.
I am so glad you have al anon to turn to at this time. There is no question you are not alone in this dealing with financial devastation at this difficult time. There is also strength in knowing other people found some kind of a solution to their issues. Years ago my now ex husband demanded I pay him back huge credit card bills that he had run up because he decided to date several women when we still married. Through an attorney I managed to find a way out of incurring that debt but it took letting go of some of the demands I had to get there. I felt outraged that he would ask but the attorney was pretty clear that everything is negotiable. I had to pay money I didn't have for that attorney but it was worth it to not be pulled apart by the kind of demands that some people make in a divorce.
Please talk to the hospitals as Maresia suggested .. they will work with you especially if you are honest and straight forward. It is better to get some money than have to have the additional expense of court, time and so on.
Talk to a good atty and find out what your options are, I would start networking in big ways.
I'm sure my STBAX would tell you I'm the she-devil in the situation and the courts are horribly unfair and so on. You are not without power in the situation it just feels that way and feelings aren't facts.
Hugs P :)
Stepping onto a brand-new path is difficult, but not more difficult than remaining in a situation, which is not nurturing to the whole woman.- Maya Angelo
Thank you everyone for your ESH and kind words. I am no closer to a solution today, but I feel so much better. The very first thing I did was call the medical provider, but because my ex put the bill in his name (which he shouldn't have done, because the insurance is through my AH), I cannot set up a payment plan on a bill in his name.
And I wish I could afford an attorney. I, myself, am an attorney (although I am not practicing law right now...not by choice), but I do not work in courtrooms at all and have no clue how the system works. The sad thing is that if I try to go back to court to fix all of this, I have to miss a bunch of work. And when I miss work, I am the one who suffers. My ex gets his money from my paycheck off the top. So if I miss work, and make less money in any given week, it affects only me--not him.
Anyway, at the end of the day the most important thing is that I am feeling much better.
When it rains it pours. Recently things have been a massive roller coaster. What I have done to help me is to pray and accept that my higher power is letting me know just all the things He can help me through! I honestly believe He is showing me how complicated and painful life can be so that when he delivers me (as I struggle with step 4) from all this crap I will have a better understanding of how good my life is. You cannot have light without dark, nor can we understand serenity without first haveing experianced pain, suffering and chaos. Right now we are in the pain, suffering and chaos stage of our program and the path our HP has laid out for us. I relate so much with what your going through right now. Have faith friend their will be a rainbow after the rain