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I just love venting...sometimes it is so much more entertaining than whats on tv or the net. I can vent and vent really well and then now when I do it, its for laughs. Venting is a choice and thank God for Al-Anon cause most times the opposite choice is the slogan "This too will pass" and "Let it begin with me"..."Acceptance is the solution to all of my problems" and the most deadly one of all for me..."Progress not perfection" when I've got the moxie to hitch that last one up to "Live and Let Live" ...I'm toast and I can walk around with that silly relaxed smile on my face like I'm in Paradise....Hey!! I am in paradise...that is what my home is called. A Hui Ho...Aloha (((((hugs)))))
-- Edited by Jerry F on Saturday 13th of October 2012 12:51:00 PM
OK, I'm in one of my moods, LOL! I'm tired of being the one who does everything around here. Now, don't get me wrong; my son and AH will do things but only when I ask and I feel like I've got 2 teenaged boys here instead of ONE!
So, in honor of the title of the thread and in honor of this saying: YOU CAN'T GO TO THE HARDWARE STORE FOR BREAD, I am opening this up to all of you who just need a quick moment to vent. Doesn't even have to be about the As in your life, it could even be about the weather, LOL! Just get it out and then take a deep breath and go do something for you!
Here's my ridiculous vent for this AM: Last night I wanted to go to a meeting. AH kept bugging me and making comments, "Why are you making dinner? Don't you have a meeting? I can cook for myself or take ds(our son) somewhere. What time are you leaving?" UGH, talk about not feeling welcome, geez. So, after dinner he starts putting the pot( I made meatballs for subs) in the sink, putting hot water and soap in the sink, etc so I figure he's going to do the dishes and I then start getting ready for my meeting. I came home and the dishes are still in the sink!!! It's not like there was a ton of dishes and my mind starts thinking, "Now, how hard would it have been for him to finish the dishes? Maybe I'll just leave them all in the sink over the weekend and see if they get done EVER?"
So, that was my very small vent. Don't get me started on how my 13 year old leaves his shoes laying around to trip me up, either, LOL!
I am pissed today that my old medical crew whom I came here to be with them for a medical refresher have taken me off all their boards, I left 3 months ago and took down my certificates, when someone who left a year ago stayed up there for a year. I shouldn't take it persoanlly but I am. I am holding my boundaries and avoising my exAH, while in town and that has me on edge just being back here. I am pissed that my bf last night was found to be being sneaky and hiding fb messages between him and the girl we had already had to discuss due to a weird party photo of them previously. I am just not a happy camper and this rainy day fits my mood!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
I have to admit, though, that my AH leaves more shoes out than my son. My mother threw my shoes out one year when I kept leaving them out and I had to pay to replace them. That was definitely tough love. My problem is that since AH has 4 pairs of various shoes out in the family room and kitchen, it becomes difficult to enforce it with my son. And, my son leaves his shoes in places that aren't half as destructive as AH, LOL. Son leaves them in front of the couch, AH leaves them literally in the middle of the room.
OH, FYI: I did the dishes myself and didn't say anything. I know how to pick my battles and with the tension in my home these days, I don't bother bringing this kind of stuff up.
This was just meant for fun, for people to just complain. Of course, I really don't have any big complaints today. It's going to be 80 degrees here in Phoenix and I'm looking forward to a beautiful weekend!
I have been walking around all day pissed off at my Addict! Then just about an hour ago I was sitting in my rocking chair that I love and watching the squirrels when it hit me! I have been sooooo focused for soooo long on him and what he has been doing, who he has been texting, talking to, who comes over to see him, that I have forgotten who or what I am. I do know that I have become very bitter, resentful, lonely, have no friends. I am so ashamed and embarrassed that I have to lie to my children about how their Mother is living they have no clue, And as soon as my car gets fixed I am going to go to as many F/F meetings as I can. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I ask that maybe you all could say a prayer for me, All I do is cry and feel Bad about myself. I always thought I was a strong woman. And I swore I wouldn't let his addictions win. But they have! I AM POWERLESS!!!
You are powerless over your Addicted partner , but you are not powerless over your own life, get the focus back on you. Don't wait for you car to get fixed phone your AL anon phone # in the phone book & ask to have some one pick you up to take you to a meeting. Sending love & support
"Holding a grudge is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die..."
Following the spirit of the thread, venting about something, anything - I am a school bus driver and I absolutely HATE those people who think they have to drive in the dark with fog lights on but no fog and brights on behind me - don't they realize that I have 5 mirrors reflecting all the ***ing light into my eyes and sometimes no amount of rocking back and forth in my seat will relieve the brightness? I also hate those who tailgate me, not realizing that watching their nose on my tail takes my focus off my students and driving them safely to wherever we are going. In my private car = a small car - I rant to no one that can do anything about it, about fog lights, bright lights, tailgating pickups whose light shine so brightly in my rearview mirror that I can make shadow puppets - I wish the police would ticket those who drive with brights on and fog lights when brights and fog lights aren't called for - I hate the blinding lights, hate the shadow lights I get when they are REALLY bright and gone but the shadow lingers.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France
Oh, I could go on and on forever. And so much crap has happened these last few days....
But I will go small ;)
My daughter makes huge messes!!!! I start cleaning in one room, and by the time I am done with that room, she has destroyed the next room over! Sometimes the messes are cute, like all her plush toys lined up on the couch and she says they are having movie night. I cant even sit anywhere in my living room. But some are just cheerios all over the floor in the dining room.
I cant keep up with all her messes, it is just too much! - END RANT -
Vent used to be my middle my first name, LOL.
What helped me to get out of that rut was to think about the vents that others would have about ME! LOL! Then I can accept the irritating little faults of others a little better. I learned not to sweat the small stuff...and its all small stuff really.
I get annoyed that my daughter doesn't clean up well after herself in the kithcen, she leaves a little trail of coffee stains, and the tops of the splenda packets on the floor near the garbage bag that didn't quite make it in there.
But hey, she vents that I sometimes forget my clothes in the dryer and she has to bring them up for me to do her laundry. Then I like to soak my clothes in the washer by stopping the wash cycle before it spins for a couple of hours, then I forget they are in there until someone else has to do laundry, then they have to restart the wash cycle and wait for the load to finish, rather than just putting my clothes in the dryer so they can do theirs. My whole family hates that I have a little OCD when it comes to my laundry, and it is a major pain for them, (if you detect a hint of total lack of remorse for this issue, you are right) LOL. Remembering their vents on me helps me to be more patient with mine on them, LOL.
They are powerless to change my laundry I accept that I am powerless over my daughter's spenda packets littering the kitchen floor, LOL.