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Post Info TOPIC: Pending choices.....

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Pending choices.....

This passed summer, my AH and I were separated for the fourth time (due to cheating, lying, stealing, drug use). I was working 2,000 miles away and even though I was not looking for another relationship, I ended up falling head over heals for someone. I didn't let that relationship evolve due to the fact that I was still technically married and was ashamed to meet my new beaus's family due to that. We ended breaking up mutually because of the circumstances and that I had to move back  but there was a strong loving bond there........My AH does not know about this romance..............

I came back home and for some reason it seems my AH has really changed for the best and I'm very proud of him...........

I love him, but Problem is, I'm not not in love with him like I was. The kids love him, he's a good dad......and I'm trying to love him but I'm heartbroken over this passed relationship and feel like a coward for not coming forward about it. 

In the meantime, I'm still very proud of my AH. The kids are very happy.....I'm pretty sad since I do not feel I'm following my heart, but in the end I just want what is best for my kids. 

Instead of focusing on relationships, maybe i need to focus on my own well being.......that's what is going to help me get by.


Healthy boundaries


~*Service Worker*~

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The more I come to Alanon, the more I realize that, for me, things generally go better if I focus on myself.

I can share that I have learned that my heart harbors many feelings, including those from many deep hurts. Years ago, I remember wondering about how love evolves and what it becomes. There have been times that I felt I didn't love my A, that I loved him but was not in love with him, and, now, a renewed love of a very different nature. I have found that I can't rush things when I truly am not ready, but given time, and as I can forgive myself and others, I realize my heart is (very) slowly healing.

I have recently read somewhere that love is a series of deaths and rebirths; I find that this is something I can relate to on many levels and provides me with a sense of comfort and serenity... arguably, because it may be another form of not letting go. However, this is where I am for today and I hope this helps.


~*Service Worker*~

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Aloha Rose...After a time you came back and found that things have changed.  The original changes you were wanting have come about and the one you were not looking for had happened and you're left dealing with and event that use to floor you when you were the recipient of it.  I learned to put this kinda of stuff in the "God works in mysterious ways" file.  I get to let go and let God and that works however I don't do that "in all my affairs".   I use to tell the rooms of Al-Anon that when I started to honestly work this program I stopped having affairs...I also was given a new definition of love.  Lots of people in the rooms where saying what you have said here...I love so and so but I'm not "in" love with so and so.  I didn't know what that mean't, it was confusing to me...kinda like someone was holding a reservation behind their back; and then one night I met a member who spoke about loving her active alcoholic husband and I was confuse at how she could under the circumstances do that and I wanted her definition of love.   It is still with me today.  She told me that, "Love is the complete and total acceptance of every other human being for exactly who their were".  There was no special person named..."every other human being" and then I got it...She was talking about a personal characteristic and ability used without condition...that is what I try to do to day.  I don't love my wife any more or less than I do anyone else.  she has special privileges that other don't have and she gets loved the same.  Others might have a nervous reaction to this unconditional love and thats okay.  When I run it thru the filter of all of the examples I have of this kind of love I find my HP at the top of the leader board..."Love" is my HP's name and my HP doesn't show favorites.   Pending Choices...I love the title; it has all kinds of meaning for me.   Keep coming back (((((hugs))))) smile


~*Service Worker*~

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Posts: 1744


I agree with your conclusion, its a smart choice, focusing on yourself and your well being.....

People come and go in our lives and sometimes they come in to let us see things about ourselves and
help us thru. In the final analysis its all about our choices we make. We dont have to act on everything
that enters into our lives and we dont have explain ourselves to anybody or feel guilty, not when there is
a strong self. I figure life is a journey and its mine and mine alone.

Keep on doing the journey
hugs, Bettina

-- Edited by Bettina on Saturday 13th of October 2012 04:51:05 PM

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