The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I got in an accident tonight. Well, incident really since there aren't really accidents, they are incidents - things that could have been avoided if someone had been paying closer attention. But, I digress (ha, digress tickles me for some reason, it means to stray from the point), Let me assure you that no one got hurt, just the vehicles damaged. Nothing I could do about it, I was stopped, waiting for traffic to clear and he turned left onto the road I was stopped on and didn't turn correctly, was hauling a horse trailer and the horse trailer was gonna hit me and nothing I could do to change the course of events. IF he had stopped mid-turn and given me time, I could have backed up out of his way, but we don't get to rewind eh?
I sat watching him gonna hit me; assured my riders were ok, they were excited about the whole ordeal, boss came, that felt really good, having him on scene having my back; deputies came and took statements and pictures, I knew one, or sorta knew one cause he knows my brother who useta work with him; we determined vehicle was fit to drive back home, boss followed me home; coulda had to take a drug/alcohol test, not sure why not but eh, that woulda been ok either way...
Thing is, throughout the whole thing, I was just rolling with it. As he hit me, i knew there was NOTHING i could do to change what was gonna happen. I have no worries about doing anything wrong and now, sitting at home relaxing before sleep, I'm not stressing about any part of it because I understand that there isn't anything to stress over. I sat there accepting that he was gonna hit me, afterwards I was happy that no one got hurt and seeing that I was indeed in the right spot (and not in his lane).
Since coming to this board I have embraced the concept of accepting what cannot be changed. Last summer I took out a mirror in the vehicle I was piloting and after assessing the damage just went on with the job because there wasn't anything that could have been done but go on and complete the job. Thats the point of acceptance for me, assessing the situation and accepting what you can and can't do; DOING the things you can and accepting the things you can't - I cannot change that he hit me, I cannot change that he bent my bumper and destroyed my mirror; I assured my riders they were ok, handled the conversations with deputies and boss man, drove broken vehicle home and will shake my head about it tomorrow. Acceptance of what is NOT in your power to change is INCREDIBLY liberating, I don't have to sit here and fret about the what if's.
I am strong in the broken places. ~ Unknown
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another! ~ Anatole France