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This is simply my opinion. It appears that HP has given you many opportunites to become employed. I believe that my HP does not speak in code and that His Will is usually acccomplished with ease. I would take the Job that has given me as tart date and if the other comes thru at a later ate I would reconsider.
Good Luck
-- Edited by hotrod on Wednesday 26th of September 2012 06:59:01 AM
Wow, you are my kind of girl, getting to those extra meetings when I start doing the free-fall fear thing, lol! We are exactly alike, girl!
I am with Betty, I see abundance all over your post, the opportunity to CHOOSE, some of us don't get that.
Fear vs. Faith. I either have faith in fear, or faith in HP/Love. We can change that easy, do a gratitude list and then pray, "thank you God, I trust you." We can absolutely trust that wherever we end up, and whatever we decide for ourselves is exactly where we need to be. See yourself in your next job. feeling completely protected and cared for by your Higher power (step three.) Like Betty said, we can make decisions and then change our minds, we have free-will and my HP supports every decision I make. The frantic frenzied fear is part of my disease, not God. God is not fear and does not sabotage me, not ever, my Higher power is Love. But sometimes I forget, lol! that's why we need each other and this fellowship.
I am job-seeking as well. Today I know, this spiritual journey is not about career and making money, it's about spiritual lessons and soul growth. I'll pass along this part in the BB which is helping me immensely, please take what you like.
"On awakening, let us think about the twenty-four hours ahead, we consider our plans for the day. Before we begin, we ask God to direct our thinking, especially asking that it be divorced from self-pity, dishonest or self-seeking motives....
In thinking about our day, we may face indecision. We may not be able to determine which course to take. Here we ask God for inspiration, an intuitive thought or a decision. We relax andtake it easy.We don't struggle. We are often surprised how the right answers come after we have tried this for a while. What used to be the hunch or the occasional inspiration gradually becomes a working part of the mind... we find that our thinking will, as time passes, be more and more on the place of inspiration. We come to rely upon it."
-- Edited by glad lee on Tuesday 25th of September 2012 08:42:39 AM
The prayer isn't for Higher Power to change our lives, but rather to change us.
When I got together with my A I started to loose confidence and I ended up neglecting and somewhat abandoning my career. I so can't wait to get up early again, driving to work and do something productive.
Things are so chaotic right now. I thought God sent me the perfect job opportunity. I found it where I had not expected it, because I kept on searching and believing that things would fall into place. I had a long conversation with my potential supervisor and an interview, I also got an informal 'yes'. But there is still an internal document missing and a decision maker is in hospital!
By now I have two other offers, but this perfect maybe-HP-sent opportunity keeps me waiting.
The start date for one of those two very attractice offers would be Monday next week and they want my answer. I have kept them waiting, because I am waiting for my favourite opportunity, which is probably delayed by a few weeks...
I don't know what to do.... I know the Al-Anon suggestion to do nothing as long as things are not clear. I feel like a coward though. Where is my HP? What is the point of all this?
I am going to some extra meetings this week hoping to find clarity. Any ESH?
Hi, I think I would ask myself some questions to make a good decision.
Is it safe for me to wait financially until I know for sure about number one job? If I don't get it will I be ok financially until I find another?
What are the pros and cons of both or all choices?
If I were ok moneywise I would give the one I really wanted a chance.Opportunities for a career you really would enjoy are few. I taught both my kids when you go to work,like it. Don't do a job, then come home hating it. Hating to go again the next day.
Life is too precious, and you will spend so much time where you work. In my experience this is so important.
My son is the top man for a leading remodel co. Daughter is a physical therapist. both are very happy at what they do.
I worked with sp ed kids.It was like going to work to play every day. Loved it.
I hope this helps some. congrats!!! debilyn
Putting HP first, always <(*@*)>
"It's not so much being loved for ourselves, but more for being loved in spite of ourselves."
Thanks for your answers. Things are curious. A year ago nothing worked out and I seem to have lost trust in the world, God and me. Yes, the answer seems quite clear, although my situation is a bit more complicated than I had described. For example I would not be 'fully self-supporting' with any of these opportunities for a few years. The favourite one is rather interesting and good in the sense of doing something for the environment. It feels right and my guts tell me that it is the save way to go. Still, I am scared.
By the way, I am working on the steps 2 and 3 these days and this is a GOOD lesson!
I like Breaking Free's response because it goes to the emotions of the situation and it would be my emotions that would be confused. As for God, again for me, God is...period and you get to make the decision on where you're gonna work and what you're gonna do for how much money and all the rest of that and God is going to abide you. If it doesn't work out who are you going to hold responsible? Can you make the whole situation fit the principles of your program of recovery? Is your choice Fair, Honest and Just? Will the change get you the consequences you need? HP is here with us now...always is...we cannot out run HP. HP loves unconditionally so there won't be any right or wrong as far as HP is it's yours. In support (((((hugs)))))