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My ABF Texts me today and tells me he got locked out of his car today after he had his tooth extracted because he blew positive for alcohol? and the reason for that was the novocaine? HUH? I'm not sure I understand but..ahhh okay. Now he has to go to the place that does the breathalizer on his vehicle and have it reset and pay a fine. This is the second time he's blown a false positive. Last time was a week ago and he was so worried, said he had a small bottle of mouth wash in his car. Forgot it had alcohol in it. He never does this.
Turns out he lied about the mouthwash..(surprise) and was actually drinking... imagine that? ??? Anyway, i'm beginning to wonder if this is going to turn out to be a similar story. :(
He wanted me to come to his rescue and help him get his cart him to get his medicine, and whatnot. I didn't. Usually im always there for him, but today, i just didn't feel like I wanted to be there. This past weekend was a bad one for us. He wasn't too nice, and last week i needed him to be with me when i was sick and he wasn't there.
So it's kinda funny that in a lot of ways Karma is coming around now. i don't know if I shared on here that he did damage to my van a year ago and then hopped out of the seat and had me take over the driving so he wouldn't get arrested...made all these promises that if my insurance went up he'd pay the bill...etc and when it did he didn't. Well, let me tell you...two weeks ago, a kid backed into his newer vehicle... Yeah. Like that. Bang.
Aloha L...thats denial in action and a cunning, powerful and baffling disease at work and its his problem...You seem to have that part down pat. Now when what he does and how isn't even worth thinking and talking about on your part is when you're on you way to serenity. Are you attending face to face Al-Anon meetings in your area? ((((hugs))))
I am glad to hear you are learning dettachment. It is hard to see the ones we love have consequences, but I learn best when I get uncomfortable. I am glad you are going to find meetings. Sending you much love and support!
Sending you love and support on your journey always! BreakingFree
Al-Anon/Alateen Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 800-344-2666
" Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional."
"Serenity is when your body and mind are in the same place."
If it wasn't so pain-full & so heartbreaking it would be funny. Sounds like you are getting detachment, keep on taking good care of yourself.
Anyone of you could be married to my alcoholic son, who has broken my heart over & over & has hurt his children over & over & his ex wife. His wife finally left him & divorced him, but she has never gone to AL anon so all the craziness continues, between them over the kids & one trying to out do the other & neither want the responsibility of the children. I am on very good terms with my ex daughter in law, I have to use the program with her also. No she is not alcoholic, but has been greatly affected by it & still feels my sons mistreatment of her is because he just did not love her & thinks he loves the new lady better that drinks with him.I have tried to tell her if my son is capable of loving anyone in his state it his her he loves not the lady he drinks with. At least my oldest grandson walked away from his father & is in counselling, so there is hope there. My granddaughters are still caught up in the mess. My ex daughter in law is living with a guy, but tells me daily she still loves my son. I finally rescued the dog out of my sons house & just in time as it was very sick & it cost me over a thousand dollars in vet bills to save the dog & now the poor little thing will be on med for at least 6 more months. Of course my Alcoholic son tried to turn it on me & tell me I broke his daughters heart by taking the dog. By no means did I allow him to put the blame on me I simply told him that he neglected the dog & he is too blame & hung up.
I though working this program was tough when I was married to my ex alcoholic, and I though once I divorced him worked my program, got my kids into AL-teen, had great talks to them about the disease, We would be safe from the monster. No such luck.
Thank God for Al anon & for this group God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change & the courage to change the things I can. The wisdom to know the difference
"Holding a grudge is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die..."