The material presented
here is not Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature. It is a method
to exchange
information, ideas, feelings, problems and solutions on a personal
I was scared, nervous and about to be sick. But after the emotional roller coaster I've been through these past 2 days, I knew it was the place to be.
I actually made the mistake of going to the wrong side of the building and I was greeted by a very large welcoming group of people that thought I was there for the AA meeting instead. LOL Tell you what though.... the hugs and welcome I received from them wanted me to join in there meeting!
One of the people I met outside helped me find where I needed to be and it turns out she is doing both programs so she stayed in the meeting with me. I lost it before the meeting even started. I had to excuse myself from the table and I burst into tears. Someone came out, consoled me and led me back to the room.
The meeting itself was okay. As irony has it. It was a Step 3 discussion. Now some of you might remember that my AH has AA issues because of step 3. We're Atheists and have a hard time understanding the concept of a higher power.
I sat, I listened and then I spoke to that original lady for a few minutes. Not so sure about that particular group but I can see myself going back.
Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. ~Voltaire
That Kat is what we call (some of us, some of the times) a HP touch. You got touched by AAs in recovery and they showed you empathy and love. You got touched by a "double" who led you into your first meeting and attended with you (HP attends). You got consoled when you needed consolation by a stranger who probably believes different than you (for me its the behaviors of others that have helped me change). Finally it left a mark on your spirit and is drawing you back to us/it. Yay for your courage!! Yay for your persistence and humility to ask for the right room. This is how soooo many of us also did it when we were done...sick and tired of being sick and tired and needing help.
Thanks for your share. It's a reminder and I live on reminders. ((((hugs))))
Like you I am a bit anxious about the first meeting but I am also excitded. This past week I was taken to an AA meeting by a friend who used to adend as and adict/alcoholic. I've also been to one other AA meeting months before with my AH on one of the many occasions he attempted to quit. I didn't find the AA meeting benificial to me in the counseling sort of way, but to hear stories from the people in the room gave me a whole new perspective on the desease. I am planning on attending my first face to face on wednesday of the upcomming week.
Thank you for your share, it's given me a different view of the meeting itself. (My first experiance with AA wasn't very pleasent and has kind of left a image in my head.)
Weather by irony or fate, this Al-anon site came into my life when I needed it the most, hours before I even knew I would need it this much. I thank you ALL for your kind words, inspiring stories, and support!
Good for you! A higher power can be that group of can be a broad concept such as can be the force of nature that keeps things in balance. For many, it is the people in the rooms of AA/Alanon (and other 12 step programs) that function as the higher power.
I know people that are atheists that addend AA and/or alanon and have been doing great with it for decades. Be open minded if you can...if this journey results in you believing differently than you used to, that's not bad right? Lots of folks will be using the word "God" but you can take that to mean whatever you want to. Try not to tune out when you hear "God" and just picture something you have faith in that is larger than you. Believe! It doesn't matter what, but the process of believing and developing faith in something is healing.